The PREMIER s is a self-contained, 2 brush roll over gantry-type machine giving a full pass wash to the vehicle. In the first pass the vehicle is given a thorough cleaning with shampoo and gentle brushing action and rinsed with water. The ventricle brushes wash the sides of vehicle automatically adjusting to varying vehicle widths.
Additional Details:
Easily Replaceable Brushes: The brushes are made of polyethylene material bristles having X' section profile, mounted on PVC pads of 305 mm (1 Ft.) for easy replaceability.
Outstanding Quality Wash: Excellent brush coverage ensures a thorough wash.
Shampoo Application: A shampoo reservoir is housed within the machine. The shampoo is injected into the water system by a metering pump ensuring an accurate balance of the mix. If required, an additional system can be supplied to apply war or rinse aid materials.
Robust Construction: The machine is rigidly constructed from high-quality materials, all surfaces being fiddly treated for corrosion prevention. The appearance is enhanced by FRP molded coverings finished in soft colors.
Economics The washing operation is quickly and efficiently carried out, the time cycle varying from 3 minutes for a car to approximately 4 minutes for a large commercial vehicle depending on the vehicle.