Advantages of Colourbrix :- Colourbrix protect the fruits from cracking & maintain uniform shape of fruits. It stimulates to increase the natural sweetness in fruits. It stimulates to....
Colourbrix protect the fruits from cracking & maintain uniform shape of fruits.
It stimulates to increase the natural sweetness in fruits.
It stimulates to increase the natural sweetness in fruits.
It increase the natural colour & shining of fruit & due to this farmers can get good market price of Fruits.
It helps to balance the ripening of fruits.
No any phytotoxicity observed.
Colourbrix is Compatible with most of agricultural products (Insecticides, Fungicides etc.)
Recommended crops and it’s stages for application
Colourbrix can use for all type of fruits like Grapes,Pomegranate,Watermelon,Muskmelon,Strawberry,Orange,Lemon,Sapota,Mango, Fig, Custard-apple, Guava etc.
1.Grapes-1st spray-After October cutting grapes having life span of 120 days. So take a first spray Usually after 80-90 days after cutting. 2nd spray- after 100-110 days after cutting. At this stage fruit colour ,shining Brix level are important factor & Colourbrix helps to improve sweetness (Brix level) ,colour and shining In crops.
Pomegranate-Total crop span of pomegranate is 180 to 190 days. In pomegranate crop reducing Colour & sweetness of fruit are the major the problems .Colourbrix helps to improve colour & sweetnes 1st spray- 120daays after cutting 2nd spray- 130 days after cutting. 3rd spray- before 8 to 15 days of harvesting.
Watermelon or Muskmelon- Watermelon & Muskmelon are climbers & their Crop span is 80 to 90 days. Usage of Colourbrix increase the sweetness in fruits. 1st spray- after 10-15 days of fruit setting. 2nd spray- before 7 to 8 days of harvesting. In Straberry,tomato & other vegetables it use before 8 days of harvesting.
Dosage-Mix 1to 2ml Sweetner in 1 litre of water and spray.