UsesThe anabolic and steroidal principles of the aerial part showed a marked influence in the rate of fracture-healing. The drug exerts influence both on the organic and mineral phase of fracture-healing. Stem—alterative in scurvy (the plant is rich in vita
Active IngredientThe plant contains phytogenic steroid, ketosteroids, sitosterol, alphaamyrin, alpha-ampyrone and tetracyclic triterpenoids.
UsesThe anabolic and steroidal principles of the aerial part showed a marked influence in the rate of fracture-healing. The drug exerts influence both on the organic and mineral phase of fracture-healing. Stem—alterative in scurvy (the plant is rich in vita
Active IngredientThe plant contains phytogenic steroid, ketosteroids, sitosterol, alphaamyrin, alpha-ampyrone and tetracyclic triterpenoids.