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what is styrene
styrene is mainly a synthetic material which is produced in industrial quantities from benzene and ethylene and classified as a toxin, an irritant and a potential caricinogen. To some extent oily colourless liquid form, it easily evaporates and has a sweet smell although this odour often changes once mixed with other components. It can dissolve in some liquids but is not easily dissolved in water. It it also produced naturally at low levels from some fruits and vegetables.
where is it used
styrene is heavily used, mostly in what is termed a linked form as a monomer to produce plastic based products such as polystyrene,abs, sbr rubber, unsaturated polyesters. Which in turn are then used in industry to produce items such as vehicle parts, food containers and general plastic products. In our industry it used a great deal in polyester and vinylester based resin systems, adhesives and some sealant type products in its unlinked liquid form.
what happens when styrene enters the environment.
for the most part, inert products such as plastic part and packaging etc. Bring in styrene into the environment through the manufacture and disposal processes with proof of styrene contamination being found in air, water and ground soils. However, in unlinked liquid form it penetrates the environment quickly and in larger quantities through evaporation and is also further broken down by bacteria found in water and soils allowing further rapid entry. It is not expected to enter the food chain by grazing animals.
how does it affect humanssurprisingly, for a frequently used industrial product, little is known about the effects of styrene on us, what we do know to date is that although exposure may not lead to any symptoms at all, breathing high levels of styrene for short periods can lead to possible respiratory problems and nervous system effects such as depression, tiredness, nausea, muscle weakness, ent irritation. There is presently no test data on the consequences of breathing low levels for a long time, nor are any records available on the consequences of ingestion or absorption although animal studies revealed a range of symptoms such as damage to the brain, kidneys, liver and lung along with some reproductive effects.
the international agency for research on cancer and the environmental protection agency has also now determined that styrene could be a possible carcinogen to humans in airborne form and a number of studies of workers have revealed that breathing styrene may cause leukemia. There is no present evidence to support any cancer or health risks for final finished products containing styrene where skin contact or ingestion has occurred.
to summarize
clearly, styrene is a toxic, dangerous product in its raw form. It finds its way into the market in either solid form e.g. Plastic parts, packing etc. Or in liquid form. It is not damaging to humans in its inert solid form although it is damaging to the environment if not disposed of appropriately. It is harmful to humans in liquid form both as a finished product and during manufacture.
so where do we fit inin the chemical anchor market styrene has always been used in resin systems by most manufactures as it is both a readily available product and is the cheapest method of formulation. Clearly, styrenated chemical anchor products are high risk as they are always in liquid or certainly semi solid format when supplied. They are harmful to both humans and the environment during the installation phase when operators may breath in fumes and semi solid or liquid resins are placed in direct contact with ground and construcion elements (drilled holes etc.), it should be noted however that they are regarded as non hazardous in a cured state.