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Contact Supplier(Corporate Specification for Oil Field Chemicals)Specification of Corrosion Inhibitor for Oil Line(ONGS / PC / 04 / 2007)
Physical State :
The material shell be a free flowing homogenous liquid at 24±2o C, free from visible impurities
Viscosity of the product at 300 rpm using a fann VG Mater or Equipment at 24 ± 2oC cp - 200 (maximum)
Corrosivity of the Neat Product, mpy -
1.0 (maximum)
Compatibility and Emulstication : The material shall be compatible with the mixture and shall not from emulsion.
Tendency of the Product with a Mixture of Untreated Crude Oil Mix (prepared by mixing 140 ml of Crude Oil with 60 ml of AR Grade Xylene) and Brine Corrodant at 24 ± 2oC :The interface sludge pad thickness shall not be more then 5% after five houre.
Thermal Stability Test :
The material shall be stable up to 80 ± 2oC
Performance Tests :
Performance Evaluation :
Calculate the Efficincy of the Inhibitor by comparing the Weight Loss of the Coupon in inhibited System with that in Uninhibited System(Blank test without inhibotor addition) after tests under both Static And Dynemic Conditions and Visually examine the condition of the Coupons efter each test : Inhibition Efficiency of the corrosion inhibitor should not be less then 80% in each case of static and dynemic Tests. Inhibited Test Coupons shall be free erom pits and scratches on visual inspection, under Static as well as Dynamic test condition.
Note :
The Source of Crude Oil is to be specified for individual requirments of different Assets.
Paking :
New HDPE Barrel containing 190 kg Material of type 2A Class-L quality conforming to IS-6312 / IMDG mark capacity 220 litres
Marking :
Each barrel should have clear legible marking as given below :