‘TACKLERS’ Techno Industries make Manual-Hand Chain Pulley Blocks are available in 11 varying capacities ranging from 0.5 Tone to 30 Tones as per IS-3832 specifications. The Rigid Frame is built....
‘TACKLERS’ Techno Industries make Manual-Hand Chain Pulley Blocks are available in 11 varying capacities ranging from 0.5 Tone to 30 Tones as per IS-3832 specifications. The Rigid Frame is built from steel plates with high factor of safety.
The Chain Pulley Block comprises of Load chain Wheels are made of S.G. Iron / Malleable Casting with accurate Chain Sprockets for smooth running.
Steel forged Hooks are confirming as per IS–8610 & fitted in upper arm block made out of heavy duty S.G. Iron / Malleable Casting.
Gears are made from Nickel-Chrome / Alloy steel case hardened.
These Gears are accurately machined and teeth generated on hobbing machine to correct involutes for high bending stress and low wear.
The Block has a Load wheel mounted on Ball Bearings for smooth operation. Hand wheel is manufactured from graded casting as per IS-210 norms. Screw and friction type self-actuating load pressure brakes ensure safety at all positions.
Grade 80 alloy steel chain as per IS-6216 specifications, is uniformly welded electrically. The alloy-steel is duly heat-treated for ductility, toughness and wear resistance.
Compared to the Light Duty Chain Pulley Block, “TACKLERS” are rugged. Moreover, the higher hand-wheel diameter reduces efforts and increases vertical travel.