Custom Built DesignPumps with different supply voltage and supply frequency can be offered on request.
MOCGrey Cast Iron, Bronze, Stainless Steel SS 316/304
Sealing ArrangementMechanical Seal / Gland Packing
Design Features :
Horizontal, Centrifugal, Free Shaft Extension pump fitted with single stage closed Impeller in Volute Casing having axial end suction and vertical centerline delivery.
In-corporating Back-Pull-Out facility.
Applications :
Cooling, Heating, Circulating, Boosting, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration And Cold Storage Systems
Agriculture usage such as General Irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation and De-watering systems.
Civil usage such as water supply schemes for Buildings, Hotels & Commercial Complexes.
To handle clean as well as moderately aggressive liquids.
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