This flush valve will fit most top push flush button cisterns. It is recognized by the fact the cistern is fitted directly to the top of the toilet pan, and has a push button on top. It is then....
This flush valve will fit most top push flush button cisterns. It is recognized by the fact the cistern is fitted directly to the top of the toilet pan, and has a push button on top.
It is then possible to unscrew the button assembly from the top. Turn the push button anti-clockwise to unscrew it.
The small button operates the central flush unit by opening it a little way via a lever attached to the polystyrene float arm. The water flushes until the polystyrene float is lifted to the top which then closes the flush unit.
This flush valve will fit most lever flush cistern, and with its fleximount cable the flush button can be placed wherever the flush lever used to be. This is also the case with concealed cisterns that may be fitted inside cabinets or stud work with abutton on the fascia our countertop.
the water flows over the centre of the flush unit into the toilet bowl. This is obviously seen as constantly running water in your toilet bowl and should be addressed as soon as possible.