dinesh kumar and bros. is among the renowned camphor manufacturer and supplier in india . our brand parvati kapoor forms an essential part of any hindu puja and yagna. kapoor find its uses since 1000 years from our vedas as an element that not only purifies your surroundings but also used as an integral component in various ayurvedic medicines. we in dkb group carefully maintain essence of camphor in parvati kapoor by combination formula of our ancestor with modern technology giving you an experience and devotion of ancient times. parvati kapoor is available in multipacking ranging from 1g to 1kg packaging in various shapes such as slabs, round tablets etc. we also offer customized packaging according to client requirements. usage of camphor :-
in puja and aarti and other rituals.
majorly used in ayurvedic medicine.
to pure air of surroundings and atmosphere.
also in food & beverage industry
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