FROM MALABAR, WITH LOVE: This exotic wildflower honey is produced by native bees foraging the lush green terrains of Malabar region - home to a diverse variety of spices, herbs and plants that are used across the world to create great tasting food and potent natural remedies.
SUSTAINABLY MADE: Our honey is produced in small quantities by native bees and is responsibly harvested by the beekeepers of Malabar. The beehives are tucked deep in the wilderness, far away from highways, industries and factories.
HONEY YOU CAN TRUST: Every single harvest of Superhive Malabar Wildflower Honey is tested by NABL accredited labs and leading international labs to prove their purity and authenticity. Only the best honey makes it to the bottle and each bottle is traceable back to the source using the unique batch code mentioned on the label.
THE ORIGINAL SUPERFOOD: Honey is one of the oldest and best natural superfoods available. It is a healing elixir rich in compounds considered beneficial to mental and physical wellbeing. Honey is full of enzymes and phytonutrients that are known for boosting immunity, repairing cells, detoxifying the body and revving the metabolism. It is a natural energy source and a smart alternative to refined sugar/ energy gels for nutritionists and athletes.
Storage Instructions: Do Not Refrigerate, as natural honey tends to crystallize at lower temperatures. It can be liquefied by placing in warm water'
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Payment Terms L/CT/T
Port of DispatchCOCHIN
Delivery Time10 DAYS
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