lean muscle gainer (lmg) formulated to promote muscle growth.
lmg offers protein in the form of hydrolysed protein (collagen) it skips the process of body breaking down the amino acids and reassembles into collagen and this offers easier and better absorption for muscle growth.
besides providing additional amounts of amino acids, hydrolysed collagen is characterised by the predominance of glycine, proline and hydroxyproline which represents about 50% of the total amino-acid content. Glycine and proline concentration are 10 to 20 times higher than in other proteins. This very specific composition of amino acids provides collagen with nutritional functional properties that cannot be with other protein sources. Hydrolysed collagen found to be working better when taken on an empty stomach.
the carbohydrate blend that provides the calorie support generated by extreme physical exertion and supporting the body from intense workout.
collagen offers important benefits such as lean muscle gain, muscle tone, skin toning & thickening, joint rebuilding, thickening hair and nails, helps promoting weight loss and increased fat oxidation.
consuming hydrolysed collagen has the incredible ability to aid the promotion of a natural source of creatine in the body. Collagen peptides contain two of the three amino acids needed to form a natural, energy-boosting creatine source in the glycine and arginine duo in collagen may aid the production of creatine.
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