na certain lady, who shall remain anonymous to protect the innocent, called the other day to ask about doing a bottle-brush as a bonsai, I told her of an article in the october 2001 issue of bonsai....
a certain lady, who shall remain anonymous to protect the innocent, called the other day to ask about doing a bottle-brush as a bonsai, I told her of an article in the october 2001 issue of bonsai magazine by chih-hao hsu from tawain on his experience with a bottle-brush that may help her, if you have it go read it again. It made me go check on a few I pruned back last year. What about a bottle-brush for a bonsai? their bark has great character with deep grooves running vertically on the trunk and they flower. I think we should start a new trend and give them a try. They can be a little tricky to collect though, success rates are low, so be careful when digging up your neighbor’s tree, best done at night.
there are three species most suitable for bonsai:
callistemon citrinus lemon bottle-brush this species has many cultivars of varying colors and sizes. When you crinkle the leaves, it smells like citrus. Has smaller leaves and flowers than the others and its bark has the deepest grooves.
callistemon viminalis weeping bottle-brush with its horizontal branching and weeping habit makes styling it a little easier. Its leaves and flowers are larger that the citrinus. The trunk is much smoother than the citrinus and slower to develop than the rigidus.