pure natural dog chew bone: boltz dog chew bones are made up of pure natural ingredients. no chemicals:there are no chemicals used at all in manufactirung process.it is healthy and natural treats....
pure natural dog chew bone: boltz dog chew bones are made up of pure natural ingredients.
no chemicals:there are no chemicals used at all in manufactirung process.it is healthy and natural treats for your friend.
high protein with extra calcium : boltz rawhind chew bones contains higher level protein compared to other products with extra calcium added during preparation to satisfy dogs calcium needs.
reduce acidity in dogs mouth & make teeth strong: boltz rawhide bones reduces acidity in dogs mouth and it helps to prevent dogs from tarter & plaque.chewing of bones makes dog teeth strong and fulfills dogs natural habit of chewing too.
make in india : it is manufactured in india and supplied fresh.
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Looking for Boltz Rawhide Pressed Dog Chew Bone, (Medium 5-inch Size) 1 Kg Pack?