The Boiler Economizer is located immediately downstream of boiler tank. The design is of bare tube construction with inline, counter flow, and drainable arrangement. The Boiler Economizer will be....
The Boiler Economizer is located immediately downstream of boiler tank. The design is of bare tube construction with inline, counter flow, and drainable arrangement. The Boiler Economizer will be arranged such that there is space for future addition of about 10% of installed heating surface area without disturbing existing economizer coils and headers. The coil arrangement takes care of proper calculated end gaps to avert gas bypassing and consequent erosion of element tubes. No gas side or water side bypass arrangement is provided. Boiler Economizer, offered by us, is complete with drains and vents, coil supports, supporting structures for the complete economizer, interconnecting piping for the inlet and the outlet, access, etc. Our Boiler Economizer casing is 5 mm thick, mild steel plate suitably stiffened / reinforced. It has gas path of the pressure tight construction with the proper design of seals at the tube penetrations with casing. The inlet and the outlet headers are adequately supported and anchored to take care of the loading from the connected piping.