Item Code: RXSOL-50-5003-025 Item Code -RXSOL-50-5003-025 A concentrated solution of surface-active polymers which is use as an internal sludge conditioners in boilers. Boiler Coagulant is a colorless, high molecular weight solution used in both medium and low-pressure boilers
Packaging Details5, 10, 25 , 210 Ltrs 8)Boiler Hydrocarbon Oil Sludge Remover.Part No:RXSOL-40-5026-025 9)Descaling Liquid 20 Ltr Scales are very damaging to the boiler because they interfere with the heat transfer and can lead to overheating and eventually, boiler rupture , To increas usable life of cleaned equipment , it is safe and effective way to remove scale deposits from all types of water-cooled and water-heated equipment. This descaler specifically formulated and developed to rapidly clean mineral scale from passages in water-cooled or heated equipment. It improves Plant Efficiency, Lowers Cost, Conserves Energy, Decreases Down-Time.It does not contain toxic cresols or other tar oils that Require SARA Title III, Section 313 spill loss or disposal. Do not use concentrated 1008 on aluminium surfaces.Part No:RXSOL-11-1008-020. 10)Hydrazine Hydrate 25 Kg Hydrazine is used as an oxygen scavenger for high pressure boilers in power plants and other industries to reduce corrosion of metal pipes and fittings. The test for hydrazine can be controlled by in which several solutions have been formulated into a single, stable reagent. The method is both sensitive and easy to perform. It is used mostly for the determination of small amounts of hydrazine in boiler feedwater. There are no common interferences..Part No:RXSOL-19-1541-025.