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    Black Pepper Oil

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    BLACK PEPPER OIL Botanical name : Poper nigrum Linn. Family : Piperaceae Introduction Pepper (Piper nigrum L. ) is a plant of humid zones requiring adequate rainfall of over 250 cms and warmth....
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    Botanical name : Poper nigrum Linn.
    Family : Piperaceae
    Pepper (Piper nigrum L. ) is a plant of humid zones requiring adequate rainfall of over 250 cms and warmth for its growth. Black pepper is cultivated in the states of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu , Maharashtra ,Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Northern states and Andaman Nicobar islands. The plant flowers in May / june and 6-8 mouths from flowering to fruit ripening in India. It is being grown successfully in a temperature range between 10 0 and 400 C, though optimum range between 25 0 to 40 0 C. Sub mountainous tracts of western Ghats in India are believed to be the center and suitable place for the production of black pepper21 . Peppre grows now Southeast Asia , Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippones, Malaysia , Brazil and Sri Lanka. The black pepper is known for high value for its unique. Piquant flavor in combination of aroma and hot pungent spice note . There ars changes in the chemical composition of oil and quality factors responsible for products like pepper in brine and dry packed green pepper . The green pepper from unripe and fully matured berries have recently become an important product of commerce in Western markets due to enhanxed flavor and is in great demand as a garnishing spice. Curing is an important step in the preparation of bottled green pepper or dehydrated green pepper. The cultivars like Kalluvally and Karimunde are found to be the most suitable for curing of cured green pepper . The process now has become two steps operation. First, the ground dry pepper is steam distilled to get pure oil and then dried residue is extracted with suitable solvent to recover nonvolatile resinous substance that is blended with appropriate amount of pepper oil to make oleoresin that ensures enough oil surplus to be soled as pure black pepper oil. Popular varieties from Kerala, Karnataka and Assam are considered for their composition, there are eight most popler varietie

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