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    PENETROMETER WITH BATH FOR BITUMEN & TAR(Analog Version) Penetrometer with bath for Bitumen &Tar Test : As per IS: 1203/1978Use: Used for the determination of penetration of asphaltic bitumen and....
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    PENETROMETER WITH BATH FOR BITUMEN & TAR(Analog Version) Penetrometer with bath for Bitumen &Tar Test : As per IS: 1203/1978
    Use: Used for the determination of penetration of asphaltic bitumen and fluxed asphalt and blown type bitumen, Petroleum wax & jelly.
    Description: Bath Unit consists of container of 20cm (H) x20cm (W) x35cm (L) Argon welded, needle, SS Cup 55mmdiax35mm (H) 8No. Transfer dish4No., Water bath Inner of SS304 and outer powder coated finish with motorized stirrer cum pump and a flange type hot+cold zone immersion SS304 heater of 1.5 Kw rating to maintain desired temp.
    Temp. Range: 0°C-95°C, having cooling & heating arrangement controlled by a Digital Temperature controller cum indicator with PT-100 Sensor, Continuous duty Kirloskar compressor for cooling, electrically operated DC 230V plunger, penetration indicator between 225&350, Needle with 50 gms. and 100 gms. weights and timing device. Digital penetrometer for direct readout of penetration having Encoder & Decoder arrangement with digital timer 9.9 sec Max. The whole unit is mounted on castor wheels for easy movability.
    Microprocessor based unit provides automatically timed operator programmable penetration measurements 
    • Conforms to all ASTM, IP, ISO 9001 and related specifications Unit tests the consistency of lubricating greases, petroleum waxes, bitumens, pastes, creams and other solid to semisolid products, including a variety of food products. Microprocessor control provides a full range of measurement and reporting options The penetrometer defaults to the standard ASTM interval of 5 seconds, or the operator may program a different interval in the range between 0.1 and 999.9 seconds. All selected parameters are retained in memory and automatically repeated in subsequent tests until changed by the operator. Penetration measurements in the full range of 0-400 in 1/10 mm scale are reported in either 1/10 mm or 1/100 mm increments at the operator’s option. If a test result falls outside of the programmed range, an audible signal and visual error message alert the user of a failed sample. Results can be communicated to a printer or computer via a built in interface. Illumination with magnifying glass is also provided. Fine adjustment of the tip of the needle is also provided. Leveling indicator is also given. Built in DC operated Plunger is also incorporated with UNIT.Power:230V50Hz
    BASIC MANUAL (DIAL TYPE) PENETROMETER(With all standard accessories)(Standard accessories includes Needle, Cone with Needle,50/100gms wts,Plates, Cylindrical Container, Sample Container)
    SS Bath (with Heating/cooling) digital temp. controller PT-100 Sensor for bath, transfer dish(8nos),Pump cum Stirrer-( Only Dig PID Microprocessor Controller with AUTOTuned type for Bath Temp Control, Range +2*C to 98*C )
    BASIC Manual PENETROMETER WITH BATH (heating) digital temp. controllerPT-100 Sensor for bath, transfer dish(8nos),Pump cum Stirrer and Spring loaded needle & std accessories)( Only Dig PID Microprocessor Controller with AUTO Tuned type for Bath Temp Control )
    DIGITAL PENETROMETER WITHOUT BATH but with Electrically Operated DC Plunger& All std accessories ,Illumination, Magnifying glass, Leveling tube DIGITAL PENETROMETER (with Electrically Operated DC Plunger& All std accessories ,Illumination, Magnifying glass, Leveling Tube) WITH BATH (heating/cooling), digital temp. controller PT-100 Sensor for bath, transfer dish(8nos),Pump cum Stirrer.Manual Penetrometer: As per IS: 1448[P 93]:1979 / IS: 1203:1978 / ASTM D 1321-76 / ASTM D 217.

    The Universal Penetrometer is employed for testing a wide variety of materials as measured by penetration of weighted needles or cones. Main applications are for bituminous materials, but waxes, greases, foods, and pharmaceuticals are among other products tested. Penetration is read from a 5" (127mm) diameter indicator dial of 0-400 divisions, each representing 0.1mm of penetration. Global offers heavy-duty units for manual and automatic use and a lighter, portable model for field work or for users with limited work load or limited budget. All meet ASTM and IS standards when fitted with proper needle or cone.
    The unit is ruggedly constructed for accurate, sensitive measurements. The aluminum base has a machined, grooved table with leveling screws for fine adjustments of tips of needles, cones and a spirit level. A robust stainless steel rod act as a support guides for a cast aluminum head with coarse adjustments & a movable table with rotating knob for fine adjustments to level the meniscus of specimen and a calibrated friction-free plunger mechanism. Indicator dial has instant zero reset. Any needle or cone with standard 1/8" (3mm) diameter stem may be mounted to the 47.5g plunger assembly. A standard 2.5g needle and two additional loading weights (50g, 100g) are included. Needles or cones for other tests can be provided separately as needed. Overall dimensions are 10.5x13x22" (267x330x559), (W x D x H) approx.
    The Automatic model is the same as the manual unit, but has a button release mechanism with digital timer & DIGITAL read out for penetration to automatically stop the plunger when the preset time from 0.1 to 9.9 sec. expires with audible buzzer sound.
    The penetration needle for bituminous materials is smooth, hardened, tempered stainless steel with brass ferrule and weighs 2.5g to give 50g total when mounted. Stainless steel wax penetration needle is also 2.5g but has truncated coneshaped tip with approx. 4mm maximum diameter tapered to 0.15mm diameter end. several types of 102.5g grease cones as having polished 90° cone with 30° removable hardened steel tip are available.
    Standard accessories includes: 1no spring loaded Plunger, 1no each wts of 50 & 100gm, 1no of Needle, 1no Sample Container (Manual Unit including all standard accessories) & Calibretion
    Extra for Electrically operated Plunger for release of needle/cone.
    Extra for Digital Timer.
    POWER: 230V,50 Hz(If opted for Electrical Plunger & Dig.Timer with Buzzer Alarm)
    CONES, NEEDLES AND ACCESSORIES: Use with Digital/Manual Pentrometer to determine the consistency of petroleum products, wide range of penetration types are available ( also for non-petroleum samples ,see below). (For Grease) (For Bitumen) (For Grease) (For Wax)
    Optional: (If required additional)
    1. Weights of 50/100 gms, duly chrome plated and slotted for loading. 2. Hardened needle as per IS standard, GC 2131 per needle. For GC 2121 (HOLLOW CONE of BRASS duly Nichal/Chrome Plated weighing 2.5gms) per needle 3. Brass solid cone as per IS standard. (Used only for Wax/Grease penetration GC 2141/2142)) 4. SS container As per IS STD (35 mm Ht. x 56 mm Dia.) for bituminous sample. 5. SS /Brass Chrome Plated Cylindrical Container As per IS STD with inside thread for Wax 6. SS/Brass Base Plate Chrome plated As per IS STD for Wax 6. Provision for Illumination with magnifying glass 7.. SS Standard Block for Calibration Purpose of Penetrometer (5mm,10mm,15mm,20mm) 8... Dimensional Calibration Charges extra for accessories For Cone, For rest

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