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Contact Suppliert & stem rot and blights but also controls some species of nematodes. It improves the yield by improving the plant health through controlling the disease causing pathogen and provides some plant growth promoting substances. Pseudomonas fluorescence control the diseases caused by fungal pathogens like Macrophomina, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium,Pythiumetc. It offers a long-lasting control against the pathogens by secreting secondary metabolites which exhibit antibiosis effect on the pathogen. Packing
Powder - 100gm, 250gm, 500gm, 1 kg
Liquid – 250ml, 500ml, 1 lit
Method of application
Soil Application
Mix 1-2 Kg powder or 1 lit liquid Biomonarch in 100 Kg FYM broadcast over 1 acre and mix well with soil and irrigate the soil immediately.
Foliar Spray
1 Kg of powder formulation in 150-200 liters of water/acre or 2 ml liquid biomonarch in 1 lit water/acre and spray preferably early in the morning or in late evening hours.
Seed Treatment
Mix 300 ml of formulation in 300ml water and coat uniformly.
Drip irrigation
Dilute 5 kg/0.5-1liter of Biomonarch in 100 litrs of chemicals free, good quality water. Filter the mixture with a neat cloth; use the filtered solution in drip irrigation for one acre.
Recommended crops:
Paddy, Chilies, Banana, Tomato, Chickpea, Green Gram, Groundnut, Cucumber, Potato, Soybean, Cotton, Wheat, Sunflower, Safflower, Sugarcane, Brinjal, Onion, Garlic, Cabbage, Ginger, Cauliflower, Carrot, Okra, Papaya, Roses, etc.