Herbal Amla is a small to medium sized deciduous tree, 8-18 m in height with thin light grey bark exfoliating in small thin irregular flakes; leaves simple, very many, subsessile, closely set along....
Herbal Amla is a small to medium sized deciduous tree, 8-18 m in height with thin light grey bark exfoliating in small thin irregular flakes; leaves simple, very many, subsessile, closely set along the branchlets, distichous, light green having the appearance of pinnate leaves. Flowers of Herbal Amla or Indian Gooseberry are greenish yellow, in axillary fascicles, unisexual, males numerous on short slender pedicels, females few, subsessile, ovary 3-celled; Amla fruits globose, fleshy, pale yellow with six obscure vertical furrows enclosing 6 trigonous seeds in 2-seeded 3 crustaceous cocci.
Chemical Constituents
The major amino acids present in herbal amla are; alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, lysine, and proline, analysis of fresh fruit pulp gave moisture, protein, fat carbohydrates fibre, minerals, iron, niacin, and vitamin fruit ash contains; chromium and copper.