Made from 100% organic and Vegetarian Product Barnyard Millet Noodles pack is preservatives free; no artificial flavors and colors; delicious taste maker included in the pack Helps in absorption....
Barnyard Millet Noodles pack is preservatives free; no artificial flavors and colors; delicious taste maker included in the pack
Helps in absorption and fighting inflammations; has anti-bacterial and anti-toxic properties.
Best for all age groups; with lots of Protein, Calcium and Zinc; Best use before 8 months from manufacture date; Store air tight in cool dry place
Directions for Usage: Boil 180 gm Some More Noodles in 1 Litre of water for 3 minutes, drain water and keep aside. Fry Onion, Capsicum, Carrot, Cabbage and other desired vegetables in a little amount of oil and mix SomeMore Natural Spices Masala (Tastemaker) to it and mix thoroughly. Add the mixed vegetables to the boiled noodles, mix well and serve hot.