ACTIVE INGREDIENT : 2 BROMO 2 NITRO-PROPANE- 1,3 DIOL; 95 % w/wMODE OF ACTION AND GROUP : An immuno modulator of plants. Contact bactericide and bacteristaticPRODUCT CATEGORY : powder for sprayTARGET DISEASES : Black Arm, Angular leaf Spot, Bacterial Spot, Bacterial Blight, Black Rot, Stem and Fruit Canker, Brown Rot, Fire Blight Bacterial diseaseTARGET CROPS : All crops Dosage: For foliar spray and drenching: Dissolve 20 g of Bactinash in 40-50 litres of water and spray on both the surface of leaves. Use 0.5 ml per litre of Maxiwet (wetting agent) for effective spray.