Autoclavable Bioreactor LAB-A10 is a single vessel type, benchtop laboratory fermentor offering a volume of 0.5 litres. It has been specially designed to serve biotechnological and pharmaceutical....
Autoclavable Bioreactor LAB-A10 is a single vessel type, benchtop laboratory fermentor offering a volume of 0.5 litres. It has been specially designed to serve biotechnological and pharmaceutical research and development.
Suitable for high density, continuous fermentation
Automatic fermentation process from start to end
High resolution, built-in colour touch screen
Displays temperature, pH, DO, motor speed & peristaltic pump status simultaneously
Precise control of pH, DO & dead band value of the peristaltic pump
Easy calibration of pH, DO & foam sensors using graphic calibration mode
Controllable motor speed via DO mode
RS-232C interface and wireless communication protocol
Pt-100 temperature sensor
PID controlled temperature, pH and DO
Applications Series LAB-A is applicable Microbiology, Tissue culturing, Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical industry.
Optional Accessories Name 4 Gas Mixer (on/off type) TG-01 2 Gas Mixer (on/off type) TG-02 4 Gas Mixer (manual) TG-03 2 Gas Mixer (manual) TG-04