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Contact Supplierarawali organics’s wood-pressed walnuts oil is produced by best quality walnut kernels
sourced directly from kashmir non-gmo & gluten free, grown & harvested without harmful
chemicals or pesticides, crushed in traditional wood-pressed technique i.e. traditional wooden
ghani which run at very low rpm (rotations per minute)preventing from any heat generation in the
process so as to retain the oil’s nutrients and its superior quality. this organic oil is exceptionally rich
with a delicate sweet flavour thus natural qualities of walnut oil are not spoiled. arawali
organics’s wood-pressed walnut oil is single pressed and oils kept in air tight container for 5-7
days to settle naturally, no filter is applied( sometimes single paper-press filter technique is applied to
store) . in traditional wood-pressed technique 10-15% more quantity of pulp are required than iron
oil extraction machine(expeller). the obtained oil is thick (viscous), opaque and aromatic in nature
which makes it freshness alive throughout.
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