ANTI INSECT NET The insects are one of the greatest threats in the modern agriculture, which can seriously damage the crop.The anti-insect nets, typically used on greenhouses, prevent to entering at....
The insects are one of the greatest threats in the modern agriculture, which can seriously damage the crop. The anti-insect nets, typically used on greenhouses, prevent to entering at many insects as whitefly (Bemisia-) trips or aphids, to damage the products. Chemical treatments are so efficient as the nets and sometimes may even damage the health of consumers. USE These nets are generally used to protect cultivations from insects. It is a very thick mesh net. It is the best protection against insects as it avoids the use of insecticides. In white colour it has a low shading factor (9-10%), while in black colour it can also be used as a shading net (60-80% shading factor). Available :