Universal herbal tea Anti Cough formula is a unique concoction which not only serves to treat cough but also prevents occurrence of common cold and cough during changing weather. Universal herbal....
Universal herbal tea Anti Cough formula is a unique concoction which not only serves to treat cough but also prevents occurrence of common cold and cough during changing weather.
Universal herbal tea Anti Cough formula contains age old proven herbs like mulethi (glycyrrhiza glabra), tulsi (ocimum sanctum), banafsha (viola odorata), Saunth (zingiber officinalis), Kali Mirch (piper Nigrum), Chhoti papal (piper Longum), cinnamonum, terminalia arjuna. All the herbs present in Universal herbal tea Anti Cough formula have cough suppressant properties.
Besides acting as cough suppressant Universal herbal tea Anti Cough formula also act as astringent, expectorant, and mucolytic. Thus it is not only useful in dry cough but also useful in cough with sputum.
It soothes the pharyngeal walls and reduces inflammation in the oro-respiratory tract. Universal herbal tea Anti Cough formula is an essential food supplement for people who catch cold and cough easily. It has antibacterial properties as well and boosts oral immunity against viruses and bacteria.