Air-Tech’s Ammonia Cracking Unit generates combination of Nitrogen and Hydrogen which is used in Heat Treatment Furnaces. Cracking of Ammonia is most economical way for On-site generation....
Air-Tech’s Ammonia Cracking Unit generates combination of Nitrogen and Hydrogen which is used in Heat Treatment Furnaces. Cracking of Ammonia is most economical way for On-site generation of Hydrogen Gas. For this process, the temperature of 850 Deg. C is maintained in the electrically heated furnace. A centrifugally cast retort is installed in the center of this furnace, which is filled with Nickle Catalyst. At this stage the Ammonia cracking takes place in presence of Nickel Catalyst and separates its vital element i.e. 75 % Hydrogen and 25% Nitrogen Gas at Dew Point of (-)30 Deg. C. As Nitrogen Gas is generally inert gas this mixture is treated as pure Hydrogen Gas. This becomes the most economical, tried , trusted and dependable source of on-site Hydrogen generation. For producing super dry gas, Molecular Sieves Filter is given after Ammonia Cracking Unit which reduces ammonia down to 1-ppm level and dries gas upto (-) 70 Deg. C. to (-) 80 Deg. C.