Almonds Good source of dietary fiber as well as protein, which makes it a great food for calorie control. Almonds have monosaturated fats, which can help in reducing the level of LDL....
Good source of dietary fiber as well as protein, which makes it a great food for calorie control.
Almonds have monosaturated fats, which can help in reducing the level of LDL cholesterol.
Almonds are packed with minerals that do a world of good for bone health.
Rich in phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and calcium, these minerals maintain bone density
Almond is a good source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which can reduce the chances of cataract, cardiac diseases and cancers. Vitamin E is also good for building healthy tissues and blood cells.
Almond nutrition includes folic acid or folate, a B-vitamin that can reduce the chances of birth defects in unborn babies and is also good for making red blood cells. Folate also protects the heart from cardiac problems like stroke and heart attacks.
Almonds contain iron, which helps to carry oxygen to the organs and cells.
The zinc in almonds helps to heal wounds and is good for the protein metabolism. It is believed that zinc is beneficial for the development of the reproductive system.
The copper content in almonds can oxygenate the various parts of the body and can keep the nerves, blood vessels and bones healthy.
Magnesium in almonds is good for the bones, muscles and for maintaining the balance of potassium and calcium in the body. They also regulate the body temperature.
Almonds are rich in phosphorous, which is important for building strong teeth and bones. It also helps the body process carbohydrates, fat and protein.
Rich in phytochemicals, almonds can protect the body from cancer, heart diseases and other diseases.
Almond oil for hair also works wonders as it provides best of nutrients required for the growth of hair