AIR MOTOR Teryair manufactures a range of air motors in horsepowers ranging from 1.7 Hp to 7 HP. Air Motors have distinctadvantages over electrical motors. Air Motors are self-cooling and....
Teryair manufactures a range of air motors in horsepowers ranging from 1.7 Hp to 7 HP. Air Motors have distinct advantages over electrical motors.
Air Motors are self-cooling and therefore run cool and can be operated continuously
They can be configured for high rotational speeds
They are naturally non-sparking
They can be stalled without damage to components, when stalled there is no consumption of energy. Compact size compared to electrical motors, only 1/5th the size.
Can be easily and rapidly and repeatedly reversed.
Can operate between -30°C to 150 C
Speed and torque can be variable by simple modulation of input air pressure