The TSTM-DC Advanced Motorized Torque Test Stand offers all the mechanical specifications of the TSTM motorized test stand, including standard 100 lbFin (11.5 Nm) torque capacity, versatile modular....
The TSTM-DC Advanced Motorized Torque Test Stand offers all the mechanical specifications of the TSTM motorized test stand, including standard 100 lbFin (11.5 Nm) torque capacity, versatile modular design, quick engagement and disengagement of samples, fixture mounting plate, stepper motor design that prevents speed variation with load, and more. A 200 lbFin (22 Nm) capacity upgrade is available as an option. The TSTM-DC offers expanded capabilities, including full PC control, programmable angle limits, programmable cycling, auto return, password protection, and other features.
An RS-232 port is provided to interface with a PC. A command set is provided to allow for full control from a PC. The following are required with PC control: - Model 7i or 5i force/torque indicator (more info) - 09-1162 multi-function cable (see below) - 09-1056 serial cable (see below)
Digital Angle Indication
Rotational travel is indicated in degrees or revolutions, with RS-232 output of angle data.
Programmable Angle Limits
The TSTM-DC can stop at or cycle between programmable upper and lower angle limits. Programmable in degrees or revolutions.
Overload Protection
Protects the torque sensor against overload (requires a Model 7i or 5i force/torque indicator and 09-1162 multi-function cable). The user programs the desired percentage of full scale of the sensor.
The torque table rotates to an angle limit or torque set point (requires a Model 7i or 5i force/torque indicator and 09-1162 cable), stops, and reverses direction at full speed to the other angle limit or torque set point.
Cycling / Dwell Time
Same as auto-return, but with the ability to program up to 100,000 cycles. Programmable dwell time for upper and lower limits (set independently) can be set up for up to 10,000 seconds. Independent CW and CCW speeds may be programmed.
Programmable Button Functions
Programmable CW and CCW button functions - momentary motion, maintained motion, or auto.
Independent CW and CCW Speeds
Configurable speeds for CW and CCW directions
Selectable speed units of measurement (RPM and °/s)
Password protection
Prevents unauthorized changes to controller settings.
* Maximum torque decreases proportionately with speed. Examples: - Maximum torque at 60 RPM = 25 lbFin [2.8 Nm] - Maximum torque at 30 RPM = 50 lbFin [5.6 Nm]