Front Panel: 1) 16 char. 2 lines LCD display with backlit.2) 5 Key keypad for programming. Sensing: 1) Inbuilt Voltage & current sensing in Power 2) Temperature Sensing by precise temp. sensor.3)....
Front Panel: 1) 16 char. 2 lines LCD display with backlit. 2) 5 Key keypad for programming.
Sensing: 1) Inbuilt Voltage & current sensing in Power 2) Temperature Sensing by precise temp. sensor. 3) Tacho input from Fan 4) High Pressure/Low Pressure sensing for compressor
Terminals : 1) Compressor Output 2) Damper Output. 3) Temperature sensor. 4) AC alarm relay o/p. 5) Room High alarm relay o/p. 6) Fan Supply Output (0-10V DC)
Network Connectivity: 1) RS-485 Modbus RTU 2) LAN
Alarms/ Protections: 1) OV/UV protection set point user Selectable. 2) OL/UL protection set point user Selectable. 3) High/low temperature alarm set point user selectable.
Dimensions: 150 mm x 200 mm x 80(H x W x D)
Fully programmable.
Complete protection for AC from unhealthy condition.
3. All set points programmable from keypad.
4. Password protection for controller
16 char. 2 lines LCD display with back lit on controller front panel.
Simple 5 Key keypad for onsite programming.
. Two Alarm contacts i.e. primary and secondary alarms.
. Automatic display of CP parameters one by one in Run Mode.
. CP Status & Damper Open/Close Status on LCD Display.
. Room temperature & Out Door temperature and ambient humidity sensing by precise sensors.
Separate outputs for fan, compressor & Damper.
Direct display of Line voltage & actual current drawn by compressor.
Direct display of actual room temperature, Out Door temperature & Ambient Humidity.
Automatic Timer mode operation if Room sensor fails.
HP, LP Sensing.
HP Fault manual reset & all other Faults Auto reset.
Automatic Compressor lock after maximum allowable 3 UL, OL and LP faults .
Non Volatile Fault log History. (Last 10 faults).
Compressor, Free cooling, Emergency cooling and blower hour run 5 digit displays.
. Offset Feature for onsite calibration.
Sensor fail mode On-time & Off-Time.
Trip Delay for Under voltage & Unbalance is stable.
Fan feedback sensing i.e. determines the healthy condition of the fan.