Removes vastu dosha and conceiving problem eased. Also solves court cases, disputes and acts of enemity. Helps in unstable mind and anxiety. Importance of 10 mukhi rudraksha bead-....
Removes vastu dosha and conceiving problem eased. Also solves court cases, disputes and acts of enemity. Helps in unstable mind and anxiety.
Importance of 10 mukhi rudraksha bead - Eliminates sufferings caused by all planets. - Protects from black magic, evil eye, jealousy, untimely death. - Removes fear of ghost, fear like someone is behind you. Removes vastu dosha (directional problems). - Helpful in solving court cases, disputes and acts of enemy. - Represents lord vishnu and brings vaishnavaite. - Worn for conceiving also. - Brings a sense of security.
Diseases cured by 10 mukhi rudraksha bead - Insomnia (unable to sleep), conceiving problem, hearing disease, fearful - 10 mukhi rudraksha controls heart of body.
Who should wear - Those suffering from insomnia(inability to sleep), unstable mind, anxiety. - Those who need direction in profession and life. - Who have court cases and land disputes and need peace.
Astrological view - 10 mukhi rudraksha removes malefic of all planets. - Krishna bhagwan owns this bead. - Provides eternal piece and happiness to the wearer. - It is a real protective shield to the wearer. - Court issues or land disputes - Gives peace. - Pacifying all the planets in one's birth chart.