Symbol of : ArdhaNareeshwara, Ruling Planet : Moon Origin - Indonesia
Symbol of : ArdhaNareeshwara, Ruling Planet : Moon Origin - Indonesia
Day of wearing : Monday...Way of wearing : Only one bead of two faced Rudraksha and fastening them with red thread and touching it with the idols of Lord Shiva & goddess Parvati (Shakti) and chanting the mantra of two Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn around the neck.
Properties: It is believed that it washes away the sins of cow slaughter (Gau Hatya). Useful for good family life and good relationship for all people and to get married.
Benefits - Peoples experience: Wearing Two mukhi helps to bring unity of all kinds- between friends, husband wife, father, son, or buyer and seller. It is used for material gains as well as moksha.
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