Display5-digit LED display, 14 mm high, red colour
Overall dimensions96 x 48 x 64 mm with terminals
Preheating time30 min
Relative humidity≤ 95%
Indication Range19999 to 99999
Destined for measurement of d.c. voltage or d.c. current, temperature through Pt100 resistance thermometers, J, K thermocouples, a.c. voltage and a.c. current.
5 LED digit displays with 14 mm digit high.
Parameters programmable by PD14 programmer:
Precision of displayed results (decimal point),
Measurement averaging time,
Recounting of indications (individual characteristic),
Automatic or manual compensation: cold juncti on temperature for measurement with thermocouples or wire resistance for measurement with Pt100 (N25T).
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