Our Products
Herbal Tablets & Capsules
2 Products availableGastrointestinal Drug
1 Products availablePain Relief Drugs
1 Products availableBath Soap
1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of Prostate Capsules, Renal Calculi Capsules, Aphrodisiac & Rejuvenative Capsules, Paralysis & Cns Capsules and Eye Care Capsules
Prostila helps to reduce the size and volume of prostateTherapeutic uses:• Promotes the urine flow rate• Decrease the residual urine in the bladder• Restores appetite & sense of well- being• Relieves obstructive and inflammatory symptoms of urinary bladder
Lithonil helps in disintegration of renal calculi less than 8 mm size Therapeutic uses:• Has natural multi-dimensional lithotriptic properties• Checks the reoccurrence of stone formation• Lithonil works on diseases of genito-urinary track
Tanuja fulfils hopes of healthy parenthood Therapeutic uses:• Improves quality and quantity of sperm• Improves suboptimal sperm motility• Increases aphrodisiac activity in sexual dysfunction and improves depressed libido• Control premature ejaculation and increases semen volume
Nerowin helps in neuro-muscular disorders Therapeutic uses:• Activates neuro-muscular communication in CNS and PNS• Regulates blood supply in affected areas and simulator cerebro-neural activity• Reduces wasting and fasciculation of affected muscles• Control weakness and tones up the paralyzed muscles
Netramrita an ideal remedy for migraine and eye ailment Therapeutic uses:• An ideal eye tonic to control ocular stress and strain• Helps to improve vision and protects the eyes from various diseases• Effective in strengthening eye muscles• Helps to relive all forms of headache• Useful in the treatment of long standing eye related disorders
Janani brings the motherhoodTherapeutic uses:• Helps in improving quality of ovum formation and maturation• Check the proper release of ovum from ovaries• Helps in removing obstruction in the fallopian tube• Janani balances regular ovulation and regulates the reproductive cycle