Our Products
Herbal Tablets & Capsules
2 Products availableGastrointestinal Drug
1 Products availablePain Relief Drugs
1 Products availableBath Soap
1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Skin Care Capsules, Allergic Bronchitis Capsules, Control Nerve Impulse Capsules, Anti-Obesity Capsules and Abnormal Cell Growth Capsules
Melnorm promotes blood purification and detoxification Therapeutic uses:• Promotes melanogenesis• Exhibits anti-inflammatory property and reduces associated inflammation• Having very good anti-bacterial, anti- fungal and anti-allergic properties• Take care of all etiological factors of the skin diseases
Swasankur is effective in upper and lower respiratory tract infectionsTherapeutic uses:• A natural bronchodilator and exerts mucolytic action• Promotes antitussive, decongestant and expectorant• Show protective effect on lungs by reducing fibrotic damage in lung tissue
Epoch exhibits anti- convalescent and anti-psychotic properties Therapeutic uses:• Helps to normalize and disturbed psychological factors and provide mental stability• Helps to reduce frequency, severity and duration of the seizures• Helps to reset and regulate hypothalamus, pituitary gland and vagus nerve
D-Obese controls cholesterol Therapeutic uses:• Normalizes lipid profile levels and accelerates oxidation• Regulates phospholipids and triglycerides levels in blood• Increases HDL levels and prevents further arterial lipid deposit• Reduces risk of diabetes and Ischemic heart disease
Cytonorm check the maturation and proliferation of abdominal cells Therapeutic uses:• Helps in different types of benign and degenerative condition• Promotes the regeneration of cells and reduces the weakness of carcinoma• Slows the process of invading towards other organs and tissues
Pricalm-25 controls high blood pressure and anxiety.Therapeutic uses:• Comprehensive approach for better control of hypertension.• Effective relief from hypertension and associated multiple symptoms like giddiness, loss of concentration etc.• Effectively controls stress, fatigue and restlessness without affecting day today life style