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  1. Testing Equipment 11 Products available
  2. Measuring Instruments & Equipment 10 Products available
  3. Industrial Machinery 5 Products available
  4. Electric Cutting Tools 5 Products available
  5. 100% Automatic Precision Measu 3 Products available
  6. Machine And Precision Tools

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  7. Prime Technologies

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  8. R & P Metrology GmbH

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  9. Roll Forming & Bending Machines

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  10. Separators & Strainers

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  11. Others Products 11 Products available

Measuring Instruments & Equipment

Our offered Product range includes Rotor Auto-measuring Machine, T/wheel Indenting and Indentation Height Measuring Machine, CNC Gear Measuring Machine KNM 2X, Bearing Outer Race Measuring Machine and Bearing Run out and Torque Measuring Machine.

Rotor Auto-measuring Machine

We are offering rotor auto-measuring machine. Function exclusively used for car component rotor testinstalled, parallelism, internal diameter & widthmeasuring itemthickness, parallelism, internal diameter & widthaccuracyrepeatability within 0.5 microncycle time8 sec
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T/wheel Indenting And Indentation Height Measuring Machine

We are offering twheel indenting and indentation height measuring machine. functionto measure twheel indentation and indentation height by using servo press. To measure abs sensor indentation and indentation height. Processtwheel indentation process > twheel indentation height measurement process > abs sensor indentation process > abs sensor height measurement processservo press pressure5000kgcm2accuracyrepeatability below 2 microncycle time14 sec
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CNC Gear Measuring Machine KNM 2X

We offer world's most advanced cnc gear measuring machine at very competitive price. 1) cnc gear measuring machine offered from kapp niles group which is over century old group. 2) knm machines are latest designed machine of today. All other gear measuring manufacturers are designed 15 years back or more. 3) first time 5 axis controller used on cnc gear inspection machine. 4) uses linear motors which are fast, precise and rugged in combination with air bearings on all axis. 5) air bearings avoids wear and tear of all axes as there is no physical contact. 6) air spring technology for active damping . Hence no need for special foundation requirements. 7) cnc controlled tailstock (not just motorized), caa active tailstock, automatic software alignment for tailstock, avoids periodic alignment which is required and done in all other gear testers ( for the first time on any cnc gear tester) 8) quick aligning fixtures help aligning jobs in microns in secs. For gears, calibration sphere, centers etc. 9) high speed & cnc flexible controller. 10) customized features of machines can be offered for variety of needs. 11) kapp niles metrology is nr 1, in large size cnc gear testers already & now offers smaller machines from 200 mm to 6000 mm. 12) also only manufacturer of portable cnc gear testers in the world with group I accuracy for large parts that cannot be brought in lab (unlimited max dia.) 13) offers complete range from master gears, spline gauges, gear roll testers, dob tester etc 14) last but not least company headed by most experienced experts in gear metrology industry . 15) installation, service and training by prime technologies who are offering services for gear measuring machines for last 27 years.

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Bearing Outer Race Measuring Machine

As a in line system, this is the machine forchecking the O.D of bearing outer race.The measurement is performed dynamically andthen the part is divide into OK & NA.OK part shall be fed to the next machine and NApart shall be rejected into NA chute.
Ovality < 2
RaceTaper < 3
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Bearing Run Out And Torque Measuring Machine

We are offering bearing run out and torque measuring machine. Functionmeasure process rout of axial plane of assembled bearingmeasure torque of rout measured imported goodsprocessrout test > marking > home position test > torque testaccuracyrepeatability below 2 microncycle time14 sec
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Bearing Inner / Outer Race Measuring Machine

We are offering bearing inner outer race measuring machine. Functionas a in line system, this is the machine forchecking the rack of bearing inner raceouter racethe measurement is performed dynamically andthen the part is divided into ok & na. Ok part will be feed to the next machine and napart will be rejected into na chuteaccuracyi.d < 2ovality < 1tol. Diameter : 15 roughness: 2.5rz cycle time < 12 sec
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Axis Race Measuring Machine

We are offering axis race measuring machine. Functionthis is the machine for checking the o.d ofbearing axis race. the measurement is performeddynamically and after the part divide into ok &na.Ok part shall be fed to the next machine andna part shall be rejected into na chute.accuracyovality < 2roundness < 3
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CNC Gear Measuring Center For Diameter

  • Model 3002 B
  • Module (0.3) 0.8 ~ 6 mm
  • Max workpiece diameter 200 mm
  • Distance between centers 20 ~ 400 mm
  • Vertical Stylus Setting range 15 ~ 260 mm
  • X Axis Measuring Range 200 mm
  • Y Axis Measuring Range (+/-) 50 mm
  • Helix Angle 0 ~ 45°
  • Max permissible test gear weight 15 kg
  • Net weight of machine 1000 kg
  • Gross weight of machine 1400 kg
  • Overall dimensions of basic unit (L×W×H) 760 × 760 × 1700 mm
  • Dimensions of packing box (L×W×H) 1100 × 1200 × 1900 mm
  • Dimensions of computer packing box (L×W×H) 1460 × 1060 × 957 mm

Applications:Model 3002B gear measuring machine can perform special measuring tasks of small and medium module gears and allows accurate inspections of tooth profile, helix and pitch deviations on the cylindrical gear, as well as radial runout on the gear rings. It is ideal device for workshop or inspection room in the automobiles, motorcars and electric tool industries.

B. Features:High measurement accuracy and compact construction: Applying the 4-axes measuring technology, this machine is provided with high performance AC servo motors (from Japan) as the drive units. In addition, each axis is equipped with a high precision encoder. Thus the measuring accuracy is greatly improved in this full closed-loop control system.
Complete measuring software functions: The measuring items can be selected according to the workpiece to be tested. This user friendly software package provides automatic evaluation of cylindrical gears in accordance with ISO1328 --International Gear Accuracy Standard or DIN standard. The special functions in the measuring software also include evaluations of K charts for profile and lead, profile barreling C, and tooth crowning C.
Automatic measuring cycle with convenient operation: The measuring process is fully automatically in just one set-up. This guarantees high measuring efficiency.
Clear viewing of control panel: Each moving part action of this machine is controlled via joystick or pushbuttons on the control panel. The control panel LED indicators for operating conditions (NORMAL, OVERTRAVEL) in each axis giving clear and convenient operator guidance.
Stylus collision protection: To prevent the stylus transducer from damage in case of collision.
Functions of standard Gear measuring software
Evaluations of tooth profile & multi-section profile deviation (F, ff, fH, C)Helix and multi-section helix deviation (F, ff, fH, C) Pitch deviation (FP, fPt, fp3) and radial runout (Fr) on cylindrical external gears. Calculations of profile modification (fFu, FKo) and helix modification (fu, fo) are supported. Also available are evaluations of tooth data on gear hobs, shaping and shaving cutters and internal gears with top diameter 30 mm.
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CNC Gear Measuring Machines

We are pleased and proud to inform you that prime technologies has partnered with hmct china as business partner for cnc gear measuring machines on all india basis. Under the partnership prime technologies will market and support hmct make cnc gear measuring centers about harbin measuring and cutting tools group. Chinese govt co-owned company65 years old metrology company from china, with over 2000 employees. Purchased kelch gmbh, renowned metrology company from germany.About 100 cnc gear measuring machines from harbin are sold annually.Also manufacture measuring machines, bevel gear production machines, cutting tools, measuring tools & cnc cutting tools. about the tester we have taken extensive trials on harbin cnc gear testing machine on master gear and components for accuracy, repeatability, reproduciability for lead, profile & pitch measurement. Results were found to be extremely good and a pleasant surprise for us also. we are very confident of the accuracy and performance of the cnc gear testing machine . Harbin cnc machines are very rugged in construction and design & use important parts like encoders, sensors & motors from leading european, american and japanese companies.Gear measuring machines model range from diameter 200 mm to 2000 mm.Rugged construction & best inherent mechanical accuracy of machines available in the market. All model are 4 axis with heidenhain renishaw make 0.1 micron encoder
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