Exportersindia.com serves 25 Million B2B Buyers worldwide

Exportersindia.com serves 25 Million B2B Buyers worldwide

Exportersindia.com, one of the busiest online B2B marketplaces for small and medium businesses, accomplishes an exemplary spot of serving 25 million B2B buyers all over the globe. This portal is accounted to make the breakthrough whilst serving the businesses covering diverse sectors namely, agriculture, chemical, pharmaceuticals, automotive, handicrafts, and telecom to name a few.


For all micro, small and medium businesses, Exportersindia.com is an immediate messaging platform that has offered a notable performance by engendering for about 1 Lakh leads monthly within online B2B ecology. Therefore, it continues cheering global MSMEs to discover appropriately matched buyers and suppliers benefitting from the admired online B2B souk. Plus, it has a genuine system for verifying the leads that aids business owners to track maximum potential of their workings at a much lesser cost and with utter ease.


Talking about his outlook on setting the landmark, the admirable Founder & CEO of the portal, Mr. S. K. Gupta says, “With plain viewpoint yet a focused approach, we headed our hard work to influence the businesses to acquire benefits from the B2B directory. Moreover, we offered efficient business search tools alongside the means of direct business communications. This led to rapid business exchanges providing different solutions to the businesses ultimately.”


In the online world, Exportsindia.com is a name that has been serving as a synonym of prosperous B2B platform where only the authentic trade takes place for the advantage of the complete community. 

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