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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of pin modulator, Straight Waveguide and Logic Gate Trainer Kit
Technical Specifications:
Band : X
Frequency (GHz) : 8.2 - 12.4
Waveguide : WR-90
Flange : UG - 39/U
Bias Voltage : 0 - 12 Vpp
Technical Specifications:
Band : X band
Frequency Range : 8.2 - 12.4 GHz
Flange : UG - 39/U
Waveguide : WR - 90
Gain : 10
Waveforms |
: Sine |
RF Generator |
: 750 MHz approximately (output adjustable) |
Tone Generator |
: 1 KHz approximately (output adjustable) |
Directional Coupler |
: Forward & Reverse (selectable) |
Antenna Rotation |
: 0-360 deg. Resolution 1 deg. |
Receiving Antenna |
: Folded dipole with reflector |
Detector Display |
: Level adjustable meter |
Interconnections |
: BNC sockets |
Power Supply |
: 230 V, ±10% 50/60 Hz |
a- Antennas : 22 nos.
1. Simple Dipole l/2 2. Simple Dipole l/4 |
12. l/4 Phase Array 13. Combined Co-linear array |
3. Simple Dipole 3l/2 |
14. Broad Side Array |
4. Folded Dipole l/2 |
15. Log Periodic Antenna |
5. Yagi-UDA Folded Dipole (3E) |
16. Cut Parabolic Antenna |
6. Yagi-UDA Folded Dipole (5E) |
17. Loop Antenna |
7. Yagi-UDA Simple Dipole (5E) |
18. Rhombus Antenna |
8. Yagi-UDA Simple Dipole (7E) |
19. Ground Plane |
9. Hertz Antenna |
20. Slot Antenna l/2 |
10. Zeppelin Antenna |
21. Helix Antenna |
11. l/2 Phase Array |
22. Detector Antenna |
Technical Specifications:
Band : X band
Frequency Range : 8.2 - 12.4 GHz
Waveguide : WR-90
Flange : UG -39/U
Connector : N type (F)
VSWR Max. : 1.12 at 10.5 GHz