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Prakruti Remedies Pvt Ltd
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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Other Products / Services #2223398

Krush Tablet

Kidney stones and Urinary Tract Infections :A kidney stone refers to a chemical reaction wherein the urine loses its usual liquid form and gets concentrated to form a stone like structure. These stones are generally developed within the kidney or the urinary tract and cause serious urinary tract infections. Kidney stones are also known as Renal Calculi.
Causes :A kidney stone is formed due to the accumulation of salts like calcium oxalate, ammonium phosphate, uric acid, cystine and other substances like calcium carbonate, magnesium. The hard crystallized mineral deposit formed due to the accumulation of these mineral salts is known as kidney stone.
Consequences :Persons having kidney stones suffer from severe abdominal pain, burning sensation during urination, pain in the buttocks and low back pain. Severe pain in the urinary tract area, precisely ureters and urethra

Food Regime :

  • Do’s: Consume lots of fluid to flush out the toxins from the body, coconut water, barley water, fresh ripe apples and grapes.
  • Don’ts: Consuming too much of calcium in the diet can exaggerate the problem of kidney stones, avoid red chilli, spices, milk products,

Medicational Remedies: Krush Tablet
Action Krush Tablet help to crush the stones and make it small enough so that the body can spontaneously remove the fragments. It improves the normal kidney filtration function and has an effective anti-bacterial activity that prevents bacteria from infecting the urinary lining. It alleviates swelling and eases the inflammation of the urinary tracts. Dosage: 1 Tablet T.I.D or as directed by the physician Side effects: No side effects reported



  • Renal Calculi
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Dysuria
  • Diuresis

Each Tablet contains:

  • Trivikrama rasa : 125 mg
  • Pashanabeda : 75 mg
  • Varuna : 50 mg
  • Gokshura : 50 mg
  • Kulatta : 50 mg
  • Punarnava : 50 mg
  • Apamarga : 50 mg
  • Vacha : 25 mg
  • Hingu : 25 mg



  • Shunti ( Zingiber officinalis)
  • Kadali ( Musa paradisiaca)
  • Shigru (Moringa olifera)
  • Yavakshara powder
  • Pashanabeda (Berginia ciliate)
  • Varuna ( Cretaeva nurvala)
  • Gokshura (Tribulus terristris)
  • Kullatha (Dolichos biflorus)
  • Punarnava ( Boerhavia diffusa)
  • Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera)
  • Vacha( Acorus calamus)
  • Hingu(Ferula assa-foetida)
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Flexofen Tablet

ArthritisArthritis is classified as one of the rheumatic diseases. Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. A joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. A joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints. Causes:Arthritis can be caused by injury affecting any of the ligaments or tendons surrounding the joint. Injury can also affect the ligaments, cartilage, and bones within the joint. Pain is also a feature of joint inflammation (arthritis) and infection, and can be a feature of tumors of the joint. Consequences:The joints will start swelling and this will limit or eliminate the mobility in the joints completely. A lot of people suffering from arthritis have deformity in the joints. This may lead to the ineffectiveness of that part like fingers and hands. The deformity may increase with the course of time. Food Regime:

  • Do’s: Fresh vegetables like carrot, grains (millets), lentils, garlic, ginger, wheat, soup of moong (Phaseolus mungo), fresh butter.
  • Don’ts: Avoid dry nuts, curd, jaggery, kidney beans, lady’s finger, tomatoes, potatoes, pepper, red meats, coffee.

Medicational Remedies : Flexofen Tablet & Liniments
Action :Flexofen Tablet are extremely useful in Arthritis. The herbs used in these products and liniment work for the betterment of joint mobility and flexibility. It promotes the repairing of damaged cartilage cells and its regeneration which are essential building units for new fibrous connective tissue. Also effective in curing Spondylitis, Osteoarthritis, Polyarthritis and Sciatica. It also reduces Inflammation of the joints arising from arthritis, joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warmth. Indications:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Spondylitis


Dosage: 1 capsule T.I.D. or as directed by the physician Side effects: No side effects reported


Each capsule contains:

  • Extract of Maharasnadi Kashaya :    250 mg
  • Extract of Guggulu : 150 mg
  • Extract of Shallaki : 100 mg


Constituents of Tablet :       

  • Guggulu (Commifera mukul )
  • Shallaki (Boswellia serrata)
  • Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata)
  • Durlabha( Fagonia cretica)
  • Bala (Sida cordifolia )
  • Erandamoola( Ricinus communis)
  • Devadaru (Cedrus deodara)
  • Shati (Hedychium spicatum)
  • Vacha (Acorus calamus)
  • Vasaka (Adhatoda vasica)
  • Shunti (Zingiber officinalis)
  • Harithaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Chavya (Piper retrofractum)
  • Musta (Cyperus rotundus )
  • Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Vriddhadaru (Argyreia nervosa)
  • Shatapushpa (Anethum sowa)
  • Gokshura( Tribulus terristris)
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • Karanja (Pongamia pinnata)
  • Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
  • Pippali (Piper longum)
  • Sahachara (Barleria prioniti)
  • Dhanyaka (Coriandrum sativum)
  • Brahati (Solanum anguivi )
  • Kantakari (Solanum virginianum)
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Arshopy Capsules

Piles: Explanation - Piles are nothing but masses or clumps ("cushions") of tissue within the anal canal that contain blood vessels and the surrounding, supporting tissue made up of muscle and elastic fibers.
Causes: The straining in order to evacuate the constipated bowels, and the pressure thus caused on the surrounding veins leads to piles. Piles are more common during pregnancy and in conditions affecting the liver and upper bowel.
Symptoms: Chronic constipation: When a person is constipated, they have to exert a lot of pressure to evacuate the bowels. That is the time; the pressure affects the veins in and around the anus, leading to piles.
Bleeding:Fresh blood from the anus is one of the earliest symptoms. Bleeding can happen during, before or after passing stools. People, who have piles, often feel that they have not been able to evacuate their bowels completely – this happens because of the protrusion.
Prevention:It is important to inculcate good bowel habits since childhood.Try to evacuate your bowels as regularly as possible.Make sure that you eat a fiber-rich diet. The diet should also be rich in all kinds of nutrients.Make time for exercise and physical activity.Drink plenty of water, natural juices and buttermilk

Food Regime:

  • Do’s: Consume lots of water, lemon juice, butter milk, vegetables, round gourd, bottle gourd, seasonal fruit juices
  • Don’ts: Avoid consuming chillies, spices, sour items, lots of tea or coffee, chilled drinks.

Medicational Remedies : Arsh Capsules : Action: Reduces pile mass, reduces engorgement of veins, controls bleeding, relieves constipation and pain, excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-infective, releives pain and discomfort. Dosage: One capsule three times a day or as directed by the physician. Side effects: No side effects



  • Haemorrhoides(1st, 2nd, 3rd, degree)
  • Bleeding and non bleeding piles
  • Constipation
  • Fissure in Ano

Each capsule contains : Extracts of

  • Sooranadi vatakam : 250mg
  • Bahushala guda : 150mg
  • Vijaya churna : 75mg
  • Lajjalu : 25mg


  • Soorana (Amorphophallus campanulatus)
  • chitraka (Plumbago zeylanicum)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • vidanga (Emblica ribes)
  • shunti ( Zingiber officinalis)
  • Pippali (Piper longum)
  • Bilva (Aegal marmelos)
  • Pippalimoola (Piper longum)
  • Tejapatra (Cinnamomu zeylanicum)
  • Maricha (Piper nigrum )
  • Shatapushpa (Anethum sowa)
  • Shati (Hedychium spicatum)
  • Trivrith (Operculina turpethum)
  • Chavya (Piper retrofractum)
  • Danti (Baliospermum montanum)
  • Gokshura (Tribulus terristris)
  • Indravaruni (Wrightia tinctotia)
  • Musta (Cyperus roundus)
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica)
  • Harithaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
  • Pata(Cysamples parer)
  • Haridra (Curcuma longa)
  • Daruharidra(Berberis aristata)
  • Kutki (Gentiana kurroo)
  • Indrayava(Wrightia tinctoria)
  • Ajamoda (Carum roxburgianum)
  • Lajjalu (Mimosa pudica)
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Kumari Shampoo

Dry Hair

Hair is one of the most important parts of human body which is vital for a complete and impressive personality. Dry hair is a condition when the hair does not have enough moisture and oil to maintain its normal sheen and texture. Dry hair often looks dull and brittle and it can tangle easily and is difficult to comb and maintain. Dry, damaged hair tends to be coarse and sometimes curly and messy.


Dry hair is mostly caused by the sebaceous glands producing too little oil. A low oil secretion reduces the natural protection of the hair and moisture content. Dry hair may also be caused by excessive washing, or using harsh soaps, Excessive blow-drying, Dry air (environmental dryness) and unhealthy diet.


Dry damaged hair can affect the entire personality of individuals; it may also be a reason for depression, anxiety, and psychotic manifestations. Long time suffering from dry hair also causes dry scalp and dandruff which in-turn aggravates acne, pimples.

Food Regime

  • Do’s : Consume lots of water, a good multivitamin diet rich in zinc, vitamin B, Vitamin C, iron and calcium such as green leafy vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, kidney beans, oysters, eggs, dried apricots, yogurt. Protein rich food such as soy, whole grains, cereals, meat.
  • Don’ts : Avoid caffeine, salt, refined sugars, eating spicy foods, fried foods, sweets, cool drinks.



  • The main ingredient Aloe Vera nourishes hair and offers a silky and shiny hair.

  • The Shampoo works with oily, dry and normal hair and all hair types like wavy, straight, fine, thick, medium or curly hair.

  • It strengthens hair and reduces hair loss and gives shiny look to the dry damaged hair.

  • It stimulates the pigments of the hair and prevents grey hair, dandruff, split ends and imparts a healthy glow to the hair.

  • Its pH balance formula is safe on color treated hair.

  • It retains the natural oils and acts as a natural conditioner.



  • Preserves Natural Oil Content
  • Reduces Dandruff
  • Stops Hair fall
  • Keeps Hair Silky and Shiny


Directions for use
Apply to wet hair. Work into a rich lather, leave it for 2 minutes. Allow the stimulators to penetrate to the roots. Wash it with luke warm water.

Side effects : No side effects reported.

Constituents :

  • Aloe vera juice : 35 %.
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Prakruti Hair Oil

Hair loss and Premature Graying

Hair is one of the most important parts of human body which is vital for a complete and impressive personality. The word alopecia refers to any type of hair loss, thinning hair or baldness. Some conditions produce small areas of hair loss, while others affect large areas of the scalp. Baldness is the state of having no hair or lacking hair where it often grows, especially on the head.


Premature graying of hair

The hair has a tendency to lose its natural colour with advancing age and turn grey, but premature graying is a morbid condition and it makes even the young look older.


Causes :

An unbalanced diet like lack of essential nutrients, and vitamins in diet, stress, mental worries, hormonal changes like those in pregnancy, puberty and menopause may be a cause for hair loss and graying of hair in females. In males, imbalance in the hormone causes high concentration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes hair loss. Itchy scalp, dandruff may also cause mild, reversible hair loss. Health issues like thyroid disease, anemia, and low vitamin levels, Unclean conditions of the scalp, washing the hair with very hot water, drying it with an electric dryer, and use of hair dyes also cause hair loss.


Consequences :

Hair is an important determinant of physical attractiveness and a mean of expressing individuality. Hair loss affects the individual’s feelings of attractiveness. It can cause both men and women to look older and can be a serious problem which needs serious and immediate attention. The loss of hair and graying can change a person’s appearance significantly. Results in an aged appearance and can be cause of depression and inferiority complex in most of the individuals.


Food Regime :

  • Do’s : Consume lots of water, a good multivitamin diet rich in zinc, vitamin B, Vitamin C, iron and calcium such as green leafy vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, kidney beans, oysters, eggs, dried apricots, yogurt. Protein rich food such as soy, whole grains, cereals, meat.
  • Don’ts : Avoid caffeine, salt, refined sugars, eating spicy foods, fried foods, sweets, cool drinks.



  • The powerful, natural ingredients in Prakruti Hair Oil stop the root cause of hair loss and help grow strong, healthy hair.

  • It prevents the premature graying of hair and acts as a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation.

  • It strengthens roots and revitalizes the hair.

  • It is a total herbal remedy for hair loss and other hair problems.

  • It is non-greasy, non-sticky and scented in nature and can be used by people of all age group.


Directions for Use : Adequate quantity of the Hair Oil is to be taken and applied to the hair roots. Gently massage the scalp for 5 – 10 minutes. Best if kept overnight.


Side effects : No side effects reported


Each 10 ml contains :

  • Raktachandana(Pterocarpus santalinas) : 147 mg
  • Harithaki(Terminalia chebula ) : 147 mg
  • Bibhithaki(Terminalia belerica) : 147 mg
  • Amalaki(Emblica officinalis) : 147 mg
  • Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia) : 147 mg
  • Sarriva(Hemidesmus indicus) : 147 mg
  • Japa kusuma(Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) : 147 mg
  • Dathura pathra(Datura metel) : 147 mg
  • Jambira phala twak(Citrus lemon) : 147 mg
  • Gunj(Abrus prictorus) : 147 mg
  • Jatamamsi(Nardostachys jatamamsi) : 147 mg
  • Kamala kanda(Nelumbo nucifera) : 147 mg
  • Jyotishmati(Cillastrus paniculata) : 147 mg
  • Gairika(Red Ochre) : 147 mg
  • Karanja(Pongamia pinnata) : 147 mg
  • Yastimadhu(Glyceriza glabra) : 147 mg
  • Bhringaraj(Eclipta alba) : 3.5 gm
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D-Sora Soap


  •  Psoriasis is a long-term (chronic) skin problem that causes skin cells to grow too quickly, resulting in thick, white, silvery, or red patches of skin.
  • Normally, skin cells grow gradually and flake off about every 4 weeks. New skin cells grow to replace the outer layers of the skin as they shed.
  • But in psoriasis, new skin cells move rapidly to the surface of the skin in days rather than weeks. They build up and form thick patches called plaques (say "plax"). The patches range in size from small to large. They most often appear on the knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet, or lower back. Psoriasis is most common in adults. But children and teens can get it too.
  • Having psoriasis can be embarrassing, and many people, especially teens, avoid swimming and other situations where patches can show. But there are many types of treatment that can help keep psoriasis under control.
  • Experts believe that psoriasis occurs when the immune system overreacts, causing inflammation and flaking of skin. In some cases, psoriasis runs in families.
  • People with psoriasis often notice times when their skin gets worse. Things that can cause these flare-ups include a cold and dry climate, infections, stress, dry skin, and taking certain medicines.
  • Psoriasis isn't contagious. It can't be spread by touch from person to person.
  • Symptoms of psoriasis appear in different ways. Psoriasis can be mild, with small areas of rash. When psoriasis is moderate or severe, the skin gets inflamed with raised red areas topped with loose, silvery, scaling skin. If psoriasis is severe, the skin becomes itchy and tender. And sometimes large patches form and may be uncomfortable. The patches can join together and cover large areas of skin, such as the entire back.
  • In some people, psoriasis causes joints to become swollen, tender, and painful. This is called psoriatic arthritis. This arthritis can also affect the fingernails and toenails, causing the nails to pit, change color, and separate from the nail bed. Dead skin may build up under the nails.
  • Symptoms often disappear (go into remission), even without treatment, and then return (flare up).


Do’s and Don’ts in Psoriasis
Psoriasis Do’s : Do talk to a dermatologist, Do moisturize, Do take a soak, Do get some sun. Psoriasis Don'ts : Don't overdo it, Don't stress out, Don't ignore flare-ups, Don't give up.


Action of D-SORA SOAP

  •  It soothes the inflamed skin and reduces the itching sensation
  • It moisturize the skin

  • Keeps the skin free from all types of microorganisms and prevent it from infection

  • Heal the lesions and wounds

  • If used for long time it won’t cause habit forming and it doesn’t have withdrawal symptoms

  • Inhibits the production of dead skin cells and stimulates shedding

  • Not sensitive to normal skin


Indications :

  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema disorder
  • Itching and other skin disorders.

Direction for use : Wet body and face, apply generously and rinse.
Side effects : No side effects reported.


Each 75gm soap contains :

  • Kutaja beeja (Wrightia tinctoria) Oil : 5%
  • Karanja (Pongamia pinnata) Oil : 3%
  • Neem (Azardicta indica) Oil : 2%
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Dia-P Capsules

Diabetes mellitus (or diabetes) is a chronic, lifelong condition that affects your body's ability to use the energy found in food. There are three major types of diabetes :

  • Type 1 diabetes,
  • Type 2 diabetes, and
  • Gestational diabetes

All types of diabetes mellitus have something in common. Normally, your body breaks down the sugars and carbohydrates you eat into a special sugar called glucose. Glucose fuels the cells in your body. But the cells need insulin, a hormone, in your bloodstream in order to take in the glucose and use it for energy. With diabetes mellitus, either your body doesn't make enough insulin, it can't use the insulin it does produce, or a combination of both.
Since the cells can't take in the glucose, it builds up in your blood.

Causes :

Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas doesn't make enough or any of the hormone insulin, or when the insulin produced doesn't work effectively. In diabetes, this causes the level of glucose in the blood to be too high. The other causes are obesity, physical inactivity, any hereditary factors or any illness that damages the pancreas and affects its ability to produce insulin.

Consequences :

Frequent urination, disproportionate thirst, weight gain or unusual weight loss, increased fatigue are the common symptoms and effects of Diabetes. High levels of blood glucose can damage the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys, heart, eyes, or nervous system. That's why diabetes -- especially if left untreated -- can eventually cause heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, and nerve damage to nerves in the feet.

Food Regime :

  • Do’s : Lots of fruits and vegetables rich in fiber content, garlic, ginger, cucumber, carrot, tomato, bitter gourd.
  • Don’ts : Avoid sweets, ice-creams, chocolates, soft drinks, foods made from white flour, polished rice, bread, pasta, fast foods, ready to eat foods, starchy vegetables such as potatoes.

Action of DIA-P

  • Reduces the blood sugar level by proper utilising the glucose in the cellular level
  • Corrects the damage of pancreas and normalise the production of Insulin
  • Regularise the metabolism of glucose
  • Prevents the complication of diabetes like Diabetes retinopathy, Neuropathy, Nephropathy and nerve damage
  • Check the infection in blood which are common in high blood sugar

Indications : Controls Diabetes

Dosage : 1 capsule T.I.D. or as directed by the physician Side effects : No side effects reported


Each capsule contains :

  • Salacia reticulata : 200 mg
  • Vijayasara : 100 mg
  • Mass extracts of Triphala, Khadirakramukadi Kashaya, Salasarasadi gana Kashaya : 200 mg  



  • Sapthachakra (Salacia reticulata)
  • Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Bibhitaki(Terminalia belerica)
  • Harithaki(Terminalia chebula)
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Nimba(Azadirachta indica)
  • Khadira (Acacia catechu)
  • Kirathikta (Swertia chirata)
  •  Kramuka (Areca catechu)
  • Methi(Trigonella foenum-graecum)
  • Meshashringi(Gymnema sylvestris)
  • Jamboo (Syzygium cumuni)
  • Raktachandana (Pterocarpus santalinas)
  • Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)
  • Agaru(Aqillaria agallocha)
  • Haridra (Curcuma longa)
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Flexofen Liniment


Arthritis is classified as one of the rheumatic diseases. Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. A joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. A joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints.

Causes :

Arthritis can be caused by injury affecting any of the ligaments or tendons surrounding the joint. Injury can also affect the ligaments, cartilage, and bones within the joint. Pain is also a feature of joint inflammation (arthritis) and infection, and can be a feature of tumors of the joint.

Consequences :

The joints will start swelling and this will limit or eliminate the mobility in the joints completely. A lot of people suffering from arthritis have deformity in the joints. This may lead to the ineffectiveness of that part like fingers and hands. The deformity may increase with the course of time.

Food Regime :

  • Do’s : Fresh vegetables like carrot, grains (millets), lentils, garlic, ginger, wheat, soup of moong (Phaseolus mungo), fresh butter.
  • Don’ts : Avoid dry nuts, curd, jaggery, kidney beans, lady’s finger, tomatoes, potatoes, pepper, red meats, coffee.


  • Reduces the joint inflammation, Pain, joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warmth
  • Helps to rebuild the damaged cartilage, ligament and bones of the joint
  • Improves the mobility and flexibility of the joints
  • Effective in curing joint related diseases Spondylitis, Osteoarthritis, Polyarthritis and Sciatica 
  • Rejuvenates the joint and ensures the complete normalcy
  • It has to use along with FLEXOPEN capsule for quick result and faster recovery

Indications :

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Spondylitis

How to Apply :

Apply 1 or 2 times a day. Apply to the affected joint and muscular areas as required and gently rub into the skin. On applying, it gives a warm soothing effect. Side effects : No side effects reported


Each 10ml liniment contains :

  • Maharasnadi kwatha : 30 %
  • Mahanarayana Taila : 30 %
  • Pinda Taila : 35 %
  • Guggulu oil : 1 %
  • Eucalyptus oil :  4 %            


Constituents of Liniment :         

  • Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata)
  • Bala (Sida cordifolia)
  • Eranda(Ricinus communis)
  • Vacha (Acorus calamus)
  • Shunti (Zingiber officinale)
  • Punarnava(Boerhavia diffusa
  • Gokshura(Tribulus terristris)
  • Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera)
  • Shathavari(Asparagus racemosa)
  • Pippali (Piper longum)
  • Bilva (Aegal marmelos)
  • Brihati (Solanum indicum)
  • Shyonaka(Oroxylum indicum)
  • Kantakari(Solanum xanthocarpum)
  • Atibala(Abuliton indicum)
  • Agnimantha(Clerodendrum phlomidis)
  • Prasarini(Paederia foetida)
  • Patala (Pterocarpus marsupium)
  • Kusta(Sauserra lappa)
  • Shalaparni(Desmodium gangeticum)
  • Prasnaparni(Uraria picta)
  • Mudgaparni(Phaseolus trilobus)
  • Mashaparni(Teramnus labialis)
  • Agaru(Aqillaria agallocha)
  • Saindhava lavana(Rock salt)
  • Haridra(Curcuma longa)
  • Daruharidra(Berberis aristata)
  • Raktachandarna(Pterocarpus santalinas)
  • Pushkaramoola(Inula racemosa)
  • Yastimadhu(Glyceriza glabra)
  • Tagara(Valeriana wallichi)
  • Bhringaraj(Eclipta alba)
  • Meda(Listea glutinosa)
  • Mahameda(Polygonatum cirrihifolium)
  • Kakoli(Lilium polyphyllum)
  • Ksirakakoli(Fritillaria roylai)
  • Riddhi(Habenaria intermedia)
  • Hrivera(Coleus forscolin)
  • Palasha(Butea monosperma)
  • Misi(Foeniculum vulgare)
  • Musta(Cyperus rotundus)
  • Shati(Hedychium spicatum)
  • Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus)
  • Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)
  • Tila taila(Sessamum indicum)
  • Guggulu oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
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Flexofen-MR Capsules

Muscular pain and Body ache

The most common causes of muscle pain are tension, stress, overuse and minor injuries. This type of pain is usually localized, affecting just one or more muscles or parts of your body. Systemic muscle pain, which you feel throughout your body, is different. It's more often the result of an infection, an illness or a side effect of a medication. Muscle pain also can involve ligaments, tendons, and fascia, the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs.

Causes :

The cause of muscular pain maybe an injury or trauma including sprains and strains. Overuse or over stretching of a muscle or group of muscles, tension or stress. Other causes are General fatigue, Repetitive motions and Lack of activity (in case of broken arm)

Symptoms :

Pain is the chief symptom of any muscular disorders. The pain may be mild or severe, local or widespread (diffuse).The pain can be made worse with activity or stress.

Food Regime :

  • Do’s : Drink plenty of fluid to flush out toxins, whole grains high in fiber, fruits like cherries , bananas, green leafy vegetables and low fat dairy products.
  • Don’ts : Specially avoid eating Red meats, sweetbread.


  • Acts as a best pain killer without damaging any other organ of the body
  • Strengthen the muscles, Joints, ligaments and cartilages
  • Reduces the inflammation of muscles
  • Soothes the muscles and enhance the healing process of the muscle
  • Rejuvenates the muscles, Joints, Tendons, Ligaments and Cartilages
  • Major benefit is doesn’t cause gastric irritation unlike regular pain killers


Indications :

  • Muscular pain
  • Body ache
  • Fatigue and joint pain

Dosage : 1capsule two times a day after meal or as directed by the physician. Side effects : No side effects reported


Each capsule contains :

  • Langali (Gloria superba) :  2 mg
  • Shunti (Zingiber officinale) : 100 mg
  • Krishna jeeraka (Carum carvi) : 50 mg
  • Shilajithu (Shidh) :  50 mg
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) :   50 mg
  • Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) :  50 mg
  • Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) : 50 mg
  • Yograj guggulu :  50 mg
  • Shudh Kupilu (Strychnos nuxvomica) :  30 mg
  • Abhraka Bhasma : 25 mg
  •  Kasisa Bhasma:  25 mg
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Sidharthaka Snana Choorna

Skin Disorders

The skin is a complex organ, composed of three layers, the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis is the thin, outermost layer of the skin. Under the epidermis is a thicker layer of skin called the dermis. Skin disorders are related to the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. Skin disorders include a wide range of conditions and may be a sign of an underlying illness. The most common skin ailments are eczema, dermatitis, acne, skin blemishes.


  • Eczema is a term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. The most common type of eczema is known as atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema. Atopic refers to a group of diseases with an often inherited tendency to develop other allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever.
  • Most infants who develop the condition outgrow it by their tenth birthday, while some people continue to have symptoms on and off throughout life. With proper treatment, the disease often can be controlled.
  • No matter which part of the skin is affected, eczema is almost always itchy. Sometimes the itching will start before the rash appears, but when it does, the rash most commonly appears on the face, back of the knees, wrists, hands, or feet. It may also affect other areas as well.
  • Affected areas usually appear very dry, thickened, or scaly. In fair-skinned people, these areas may initially appear reddish and then turn brown. Among darker-skinned people, eczema can affect pigmentation, making the affected area lighter or darker.
  • In infants, the itchy rash can produce an oozing, crusting condition that happens mainly on the face and scalp, but patches may appear anywhere.


  • The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but it's thought to be linked to an overactive response by the body's immune system to an irritant. It is this response that causes the symptoms of eczema.
  • In addition, eczema is commonly found in families with a history of other allergies or asthma. Also, defects in the skin barrier could allow moisture out and germs in.
  • Some people may have "flare-ups" of the itchy rash in response to certain substances or conditions. For some, coming into contact with rough or coarse materials may cause the skin to become itchy. For others, feeling too hot or too cold, exposure to certain household products like soap or detergent, or coming into contact with animal dander may cause an outbreak.
  • Upper respiratory infections or colds may also be triggers. Stress may cause the condition to worsen.


Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin. Depending on the type of dermatitis, areas of skin may become red and itchy with some acute attacks causing crusty scales or blisters that ooze fluid.

Acne vulgaris (Pimples)

Acne, or acne vulgaris, is a skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog up your pores. Some people call it blackheads, blemishes, whiteheads, pimples, or zits. When you have just a few red spots, or pimples, you have a mild form of acne. Severe acne can mean hundreds of pimples that can cover the face, neck, chest, and back. Or it can be bigger, solid, red lumps that are painful (cysts).Acne is very common among teens. It usually gets better after the teen years. Some women who never had acne growing up will have it as an adult, often right before their menstrual periods.


Leucoderma is a cutaneous condition, an acquired condition with localized loss of pigmentation of the skin that may occur after any number of inflammatory skin conditions, burns, intralesional steroid injections, postdermabrasion, etc. It is largely a cosmetic problem, and is neither infectious nor contagious.


Skin diseases are usually due to bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. Sunlight contains harmful ultraviolet rays that can damage the skin. Sunburn increases the chance of developing tanned skin. Skin disorders are also caused due to Hormonal imbalance in the body, hectic lifestyle, weak immune system, stress, disturbed sleep, environmental changes and unhealthy diet.


It is impossible to hide skin blemishes when they affect the face and other exposed parts. Any irritation of skin is easily noticed and such skin disorder not only affects physical health, but also affects the emotional well-being. If not treated at the right time, skin disorders often worsen and can even lead to deeper emotional issues such as low self-esteem, depression and anxiety.

Food Regime

  • Do’s : After showering or bathing, pat dry (rather than rub) so you leave a little moisture on your skin. Then apply a moisturizing cream or lotion to trap moisture in the skin. Use a humidifier to add moisture to indoor air during the winter heating season.
  • Don’ts : Avoid skin contact with irritating chemicals, plants, jewellery and substances that trigger skin allergies. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures, dry air, harsh soaps and bubble baths.


  • Acts as Anti-microbial which clear infection from Bacteria, virus and fungus
  • Removes the unwanted and toxic material from the external skin
  • Improve the skin glow and luster, maintains skin moisture
  • Help to heal the skin lesion and wound quickly
  • Protect the skin cells
  • Quickly reduces the itching and acts as anti-inflammatory


  • Skin disorders like Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Dermatitis of hands and feet.

Directions for use : For external application as a Bathing powder or as a Lepa.

Side effects : No side effects reported


Constituents :

  • Musta (Cyperus rotundus) : 20 gm
  • Madanaphala (Catunaregam spinosa) : 20 gm
  • Harithaki (Terminalia chebula) : 20 gm
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) :  20 gm
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) : 20 gm
  • Karanja patra(Pongamia pinnata) : 20 gm
  • Araghwadha patra (Cassia fistula) : 20 gm
  • Indrayava(Wrightia tinctoria) : 20 gm
  • Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) :  20 gm
  • Saptha parna patra (Alstonia scholaris) :  20 gm   
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Freelax Granules


Constipation occurs when bowel movements become difficult or less frequent. The normal length of time between bowel movements ranges widely from person to person. Some people have bowel movements three times a day; others, only one or two times a week. Going longer than three days without a bowel movement is too long. After three days, the stool or feces become harder and more difficult to pass.
You are considered constipated if you have two or more of the following for at least 3 months :

  • Straining during a bowel movement more than 25% of the time
  • Hard stools more than 25% of the time
  • Incomplete evacuation more than 25% of the time
  • Two or fewer bowel movements in a week


Constipation is usually caused by a disorder of bowel function rather than a structural problem. Common causes of constipation include :

  • Inadequate water intake
  • Inadequate fiber in the diet
  • A disruption of regular diet or routine; traveling
  • Inadequate activity or exercise or immobility
  • Eating large amounts of dairy products
  • Stress
  • Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, which is sometimes the result of pain from hemorrhoids
  • Overuse of laxatives (stimulant laxatives such as senna (Senokot)) which, over time, weaken the     bowel muscles
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis
  • Antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum
  • Medicines (especially strong pain medicines, such as narcotics, antidepressants, or iron pills)
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Pregnancy
  • Colon cancer

Consequences :

Straining during bowel movements due to constipation may cause Hemorrhoids , anal fissures, and rectal bleeding. Rectal prolapse, though rare, may occur, a condition where a piece of intestinal lining pushes from the anal opening.

Food Regime :

  • Do’s: The most important aspect of eating to ease constipation is to slowly increase the intake of dietary fiber and to drink lots of water. Fruits like apricots and pineapple, vegetables, legumes, green peas can be eaten.
  • Don’ts : Avoid consuming cheese, instant mashed potatoes, pastries, cakes, fried foods, red meat.

Dosage : 3 to 5 gm with luke warm water at bed time or As directed by the physician

Action of FREELAX

  • Swarnapatra Extract : It is a proven medicine in constipation which increases the peristaltic movement of the intestine and helps to expel out the stool. It acts as a stimulant laxative.
  • Tiphala Extract : It is having a special quality of converting undigested material to digested one and then expel it out from the body without causing any strain to the intestines. It removes old stool which is deposited on the inner walls of the intestine.
  • Trivrut : Helps to clear the bowel quickly
  • The added advantage is these doesn’t damage the intestine by forcing out the stool
  • Doesn’t cause cramping of lower abdomen
  • Improve the digestion
  • Provides strength to the intestine


Side effects: No side effects reported


Indications :          

  • Habitual Constipation
  • Gastric Disorders

Each 1 gm contains :

  • Swarnapatra Extract : 125mg
  • Triphala Extract : 100mg
  • Trivrith : 150mg


Constituents :            

  • Swarnapatra (Cassia angustifolia)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica)
  • Harithaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Trivrith (Operculina turpethum)
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Sidhartha Soap

Skin disorders as pimples and dry skin

The skin is the largest organ of our body which covers the entire body. When the outer protective covering of the body is exposed to the environment it gives out acne, rashes, discolorations, cysts, burns etc. Acne is a disorder of the skin caused by inflammation of the skin glands and hair follicles.

Acne vulgaris (Pimples)

Acne, or acne vulgaris, is a skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog up your pores. Some people call it blackheads, blemishes, whiteheads, pimples, or zits. When you have just a few red spots, or pimples, you have a mild form of acne. Severe acne can mean hundreds of pimples that can cover the face, neck, chest, and back. Or it can be bigger, solid, red lumps that are painful (cysts).Acne is very common among teens. It usually gets better after the teen years. Some women who never had acne growing up will have it as an adult, often right before their menstrual periods.

Dry Skin

  • Dry skin is a very common skin condition characterized by a lack of the appropriate amount of water in the most superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis. While dry skin tends to affect males and females equally, older individuals are typically much more prone to dry skin. The skin in elderly individuals tends to have diminished amounts of natural skin oils and lubricants. Areas such as the arms, hands, and particularly lower legs tend to be more affected by dry skin. Dryness of the skin is affected by the amount of water vapor in the surrounding air, the humidity. Dry skin is also known as xeroderma or xerosis.
  • Dry skin may be a mild, temporary condition lasting a few days to weeks. Dry skin may also become a more severe, long-term skin problem for some. Symptoms of dry skin include discomfort from skin tightness and itching. In addition, external factors such as weather can affect the severity of skin dryness. For example, cold or dry air and winter weather can worsen dry skin. Individuals whose occupations require more frequent hand-washing and sanitizing may experience dry skin more often. Dry skin may also be a side effect of some medications or a symptom of an underlying medical disorder.

Consequences :

The short-term consequences of acne are the spots, the redness, the overall feelings of embarrassment and low self-esteem. The common skin disease characterized by pimples on the face, chest, and back. It may lead to whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red lesions (papules, pustules, and cysts) to form. These growths are commonly called pimples or "zits. Severe cases of acne, called cystic or nodular acne, can leave your skin pitted and pockmarked. Because the cysts are so large and the infection so deeply-rooted in the skin.

Food Regime :

  • Do’s : Consume lots of water, have a healthy diet with includes lots of fresh vegetables, rich in fiber content, fresh fruits like apples, berries, , fruit juices like lemon juice.
  • Don’ts : Avoid sugar, candy, fats like cheese, roasted nuts, fried foods, lots of dairy products, beef, alcohol.


  • It has good medicinal values and protects skin from irritations, itching, dryness, Acne and acts as a good antiseptic.
  • The natural herbs in the soap stimulates circulation, helps eliminate toxins imbedded in the skin, and leaves the skin feeling smooth.
  • It moisturizes the skin by penetrating deep into the skin and giving it back its elasticity.
  • It revitalizes, softens and maintains moisture of skin without any greasiness.


Usage : Wash your face twice daily with Siddharta Soap. Work up a lather by rubbing the soap between wet palms. Using your fingertips, massage the lather into your face and throat. Rinse thoroughly with splashes of water. Blot dry with a soft towel. Side effects : No side effects reported


Indications :          

  • Acne and Scars
  • Black Heads and White Heads
  • Oily Skin and Dry Skin
  • Dark Circles          

Each 75gm Soap contains :

  • Siddhartha snana churna Ext : 6.6%
  • Cocum Butter :  0.6%


Constituents :     

  • Musta(Cyperus rotundus)
  • Madanaphala(Randia dumetorum)
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Bibithaki (Terminalia belerica)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Karanja patra (Pongamia pinnata)
  • Araghavadha patra (Cassia fistula)
  • Indrayava ( Wrightia tinctoria)
  • Daruharidra (Berberis aristata)
  • Sapthaparna patra (Alstonia scholaris)
  • Cocum butter(Garcinia indica)
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Proherb Powder

Herbivorous Protein Drink

Action of Proherb :

  • Rejuvenates Body in a Natural Way
  • Improves Resistance to Diseases and Promotes longevity
  • Enhances the Mental and Physical Acumen & Adaptability
  • A Perfect Herbal Energy Booster
  • Antioxident activity

Dosage : Two Table Spoonful Twice Daily with milk OR as directed by the Physician

Side effects : No side effects reported

Proherb Contains : Protein Supplement with Aswagandha and Green Tea ext.

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Proherb -D Protein

Proherb -D - Comforts the Diabetics

Action of Proherb -D

  • Supplements Highest Biological Value Protein
  • It also slows the absorption of carbohydrates, such as Glucose into the Bloodstream
  • Prevents Obesity or weight gain. Thus improving Insulin's effectiveness and contributing to improved Metabolic control
  • Natural Protein for Diabetics

Dosage : Two Table Spoonful Twice Daily with milk OR as directed by the Physician

Side effects : No side effects reported

Proherb Contains : Protein Supplement with Gymnema and Green Tea ext.

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  • Ms. Nazneen Khan (Prakruti Remedies Pvt Ltd)
  • 3rd Floor, Shree Dattaprasad Complex, Near Pikle Nursing Home, Green Street, Karwa, Sivanchetti Gardens, Bangalore, Karnataka - 581301
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Other Products / Services #2223398

Our offered Product range includes Arshopy Capsules, Kumari Shampoo, D-Sora Soap, Dia-P Capsules and Flexofen Liniment.

Krush Tablet

Kidney stones and Urinary Tract Infections :A kidney stone refers to a chemical reaction wherein the urine loses its usual liquid form and gets concentrated to form a stone like structure. These stones are generally developed within the kidney or the urinary tract and cause serious urinary tract infections. Kidney stones are also known as Renal Calculi.
Causes :A kidney stone is formed due to the accumulation of salts like calcium oxalate, ammonium phosphate, uric acid, cystine and other substances like calcium carbonate, magnesium. The hard crystallized mineral deposit formed due to the accumulation of these mineral salts is known as kidney stone.
Consequences :Persons having kidney stones suffer from severe abdominal pain, burning sensation during urination, pain in the buttocks and low back pain. Severe pain in the urinary tract area, precisely ureters and urethra

Food Regime :

  • Do’s: Consume lots of fluid to flush out the toxins from the body, coconut water, barley water, fresh ripe apples and grapes.
  • Don’ts: Consuming too much of calcium in the diet can exaggerate the problem of kidney stones, avoid red chilli, spices, milk products,

Medicational Remedies: Krush Tablet
Action Krush Tablet help to crush the stones and make it small enough so that the body can spontaneously remove the fragments. It improves the normal kidney filtration function and has an effective anti-bacterial activity that prevents bacteria from infecting the urinary lining. It alleviates swelling and eases the inflammation of the urinary tracts. Dosage: 1 Tablet T.I.D or as directed by the physician Side effects: No side effects reported



  • Renal Calculi
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Dysuria
  • Diuresis

Each Tablet contains:

  • Trivikrama rasa : 125 mg
  • Pashanabeda : 75 mg
  • Varuna : 50 mg
  • Gokshura : 50 mg
  • Kulatta : 50 mg
  • Punarnava : 50 mg
  • Apamarga : 50 mg
  • Vacha : 25 mg
  • Hingu : 25 mg



  • Shunti ( Zingiber officinalis)
  • Kadali ( Musa paradisiaca)
  • Shigru (Moringa olifera)
  • Yavakshara powder
  • Pashanabeda (Berginia ciliate)
  • Varuna ( Cretaeva nurvala)
  • Gokshura (Tribulus terristris)
  • Kullatha (Dolichos biflorus)
  • Punarnava ( Boerhavia diffusa)
  • Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera)
  • Vacha( Acorus calamus)
  • Hingu(Ferula assa-foetida)
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Flexofen Tablet

ArthritisArthritis is classified as one of the rheumatic diseases. Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. A joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. A joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints. Causes:Arthritis can be caused by injury affecting any of the ligaments or tendons surrounding the joint. Injury can also affect the ligaments, cartilage, and bones within the joint. Pain is also a feature of joint inflammation (arthritis) and infection, and can be a feature of tumors of the joint. Consequences:The joints will start swelling and this will limit or eliminate the mobility in the joints completely. A lot of people suffering from arthritis have deformity in the joints. This may lead to the ineffectiveness of that part like fingers and hands. The deformity may increase with the course of time. Food Regime:

  • Do’s: Fresh vegetables like carrot, grains (millets), lentils, garlic, ginger, wheat, soup of moong (Phaseolus mungo), fresh butter.
  • Don’ts: Avoid dry nuts, curd, jaggery, kidney beans, lady’s finger, tomatoes, potatoes, pepper, red meats, coffee.

Medicational Remedies : Flexofen Tablet & Liniments
Action :Flexofen Tablet are extremely useful in Arthritis. The herbs used in these products and liniment work for the betterment of joint mobility and flexibility. It promotes the repairing of damaged cartilage cells and its regeneration which are essential building units for new fibrous connective tissue. Also effective in curing Spondylitis, Osteoarthritis, Polyarthritis and Sciatica. It also reduces Inflammation of the joints arising from arthritis, joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warmth. Indications:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Spondylitis


Dosage: 1 capsule T.I.D. or as directed by the physician Side effects: No side effects reported


Each capsule contains:

  • Extract of Maharasnadi Kashaya :    250 mg
  • Extract of Guggulu : 150 mg
  • Extract of Shallaki : 100 mg


Constituents of Tablet :       

  • Guggulu (Commifera mukul )
  • Shallaki (Boswellia serrata)
  • Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata)
  • Durlabha( Fagonia cretica)
  • Bala (Sida cordifolia )
  • Erandamoola( Ricinus communis)
  • Devadaru (Cedrus deodara)
  • Shati (Hedychium spicatum)
  • Vacha (Acorus calamus)
  • Vasaka (Adhatoda vasica)
  • Shunti (Zingiber officinalis)
  • Harithaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Chavya (Piper retrofractum)
  • Musta (Cyperus rotundus )
  • Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Vriddhadaru (Argyreia nervosa)
  • Shatapushpa (Anethum sowa)
  • Gokshura( Tribulus terristris)
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • Karanja (Pongamia pinnata)
  • Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
  • Pippali (Piper longum)
  • Sahachara (Barleria prioniti)
  • Dhanyaka (Coriandrum sativum)
  • Brahati (Solanum anguivi )
  • Kantakari (Solanum virginianum)
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Arshopy Capsules

Piles: Explanation - Piles are nothing but masses or clumps ("cushions") of tissue within the anal canal that contain blood vessels and the surrounding, supporting tissue made up of muscle and elastic fibers.
Causes: The straining in order to evacuate the constipated bowels, and the pressure thus caused on the surrounding veins leads to piles. Piles are more common during pregnancy and in conditions affecting the liver and upper bowel.
Symptoms: Chronic constipation: When a person is constipated, they have to exert a lot of pressure to evacuate the bowels. That is the time; the pressure affects the veins in and around the anus, leading to piles.
Bleeding:Fresh blood from the anus is one of the earliest symptoms. Bleeding can happen during, before or after passing stools. People, who have piles, often feel that they have not been able to evacuate their bowels completely – this happens because of the protrusion.
Prevention:It is important to inculcate good bowel habits since childhood.Try to evacuate your bowels as regularly as possible.Make sure that you eat a fiber-rich diet. The diet should also be rich in all kinds of nutrients.Make time for exercise and physical activity.Drink plenty of water, natural juices and buttermilk

Food Regime:

  • Do’s: Consume lots of water, lemon juice, butter milk, vegetables, round gourd, bottle gourd, seasonal fruit juices
  • Don’ts: Avoid consuming chillies, spices, sour items, lots of tea or coffee, chilled drinks.

Medicational Remedies : Arsh Capsules : Action: Reduces pile mass, reduces engorgement of veins, controls bleeding, relieves constipation and pain, excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-infective, releives pain and discomfort. Dosage: One capsule three times a day or as directed by the physician. Side effects: No side effects



  • Haemorrhoides(1st, 2nd, 3rd, degree)
  • Bleeding and non bleeding piles
  • Constipation
  • Fissure in Ano

Each capsule contains : Extracts of

  • Sooranadi vatakam : 250mg
  • Bahushala guda : 150mg
  • Vijaya churna : 75mg
  • Lajjalu : 25mg


  • Soorana (Amorphophallus campanulatus)
  • chitraka (Plumbago zeylanicum)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • vidanga (Emblica ribes)
  • shunti ( Zingiber officinalis)
  • Pippali (Piper longum)
  • Bilva (Aegal marmelos)
  • Pippalimoola (Piper longum)
  • Tejapatra (Cinnamomu zeylanicum)
  • Maricha (Piper nigrum )
  • Shatapushpa (Anethum sowa)
  • Shati (Hedychium spicatum)
  • Trivrith (Operculina turpethum)
  • Chavya (Piper retrofractum)
  • Danti (Baliospermum montanum)
  • Gokshura (Tribulus terristris)
  • Indravaruni (Wrightia tinctotia)
  • Musta (Cyperus roundus)
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica)
  • Harithaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
  • Pata(Cysamples parer)
  • Haridra (Curcuma longa)
  • Daruharidra(Berberis aristata)
  • Kutki (Gentiana kurroo)
  • Indrayava(Wrightia tinctoria)
  • Ajamoda (Carum roxburgianum)
  • Lajjalu (Mimosa pudica)
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Kumari Shampoo

Dry Hair

Hair is one of the most important parts of human body which is vital for a complete and impressive personality. Dry hair is a condition when the hair does not have enough moisture and oil to maintain its normal sheen and texture. Dry hair often looks dull and brittle and it can tangle easily and is difficult to comb and maintain. Dry, damaged hair tends to be coarse and sometimes curly and messy.


Dry hair is mostly caused by the sebaceous glands producing too little oil. A low oil secretion reduces the natural protection of the hair and moisture content. Dry hair may also be caused by excessive washing, or using harsh soaps, Excessive blow-drying, Dry air (environmental dryness) and unhealthy diet.


Dry damaged hair can affect the entire personality of individuals; it may also be a reason for depression, anxiety, and psychotic manifestations. Long time suffering from dry hair also causes dry scalp and dandruff which in-turn aggravates acne, pimples.

Food Regime

  • Do’s : Consume lots of water, a good multivitamin diet rich in zinc, vitamin B, Vitamin C, iron and calcium such as green leafy vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, kidney beans, oysters, eggs, dried apricots, yogurt. Protein rich food such as soy, whole grains, cereals, meat.
  • Don’ts : Avoid caffeine, salt, refined sugars, eating spicy foods, fried foods, sweets, cool drinks.



  • The main ingredient Aloe Vera nourishes hair and offers a silky and shiny hair.

  • The Shampoo works with oily, dry and normal hair and all hair types like wavy, straight, fine, thick, medium or curly hair.

  • It strengthens hair and reduces hair loss and gives shiny look to the dry damaged hair.

  • It stimulates the pigments of the hair and prevents grey hair, dandruff, split ends and imparts a healthy glow to the hair.

  • Its pH balance formula is safe on color treated hair.

  • It retains the natural oils and acts as a natural conditioner.



  • Preserves Natural Oil Content
  • Reduces Dandruff
  • Stops Hair fall
  • Keeps Hair Silky and Shiny


Directions for use
Apply to wet hair. Work into a rich lather, leave it for 2 minutes. Allow the stimulators to penetrate to the roots. Wash it with luke warm water.

Side effects : No side effects reported.

Constituents :

  • Aloe vera juice : 35 %.
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Prakruti Hair Oil

Hair loss and Premature Graying

Hair is one of the most important parts of human body which is vital for a complete and impressive personality. The word alopecia refers to any type of hair loss, thinning hair or baldness. Some conditions produce small areas of hair loss, while others affect large areas of the scalp. Baldness is the state of having no hair or lacking hair where it often grows, especially on the head.


Premature graying of hair

The hair has a tendency to lose its natural colour with advancing age and turn grey, but premature graying is a morbid condition and it makes even the young look older.


Causes :

An unbalanced diet like lack of essential nutrients, and vitamins in diet, stress, mental worries, hormonal changes like those in pregnancy, puberty and menopause may be a cause for hair loss and graying of hair in females. In males, imbalance in the hormone causes high concentration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes hair loss. Itchy scalp, dandruff may also cause mild, reversible hair loss. Health issues like thyroid disease, anemia, and low vitamin levels, Unclean conditions of the scalp, washing the hair with very hot water, drying it with an electric dryer, and use of hair dyes also cause hair loss.


Consequences :

Hair is an important determinant of physical attractiveness and a mean of expressing individuality. Hair loss affects the individual’s feelings of attractiveness. It can cause both men and women to look older and can be a serious problem which needs serious and immediate attention. The loss of hair and graying can change a person’s appearance significantly. Results in an aged appearance and can be cause of depression and inferiority complex in most of the individuals.


Food Regime :

  • Do’s : Consume lots of water, a good multivitamin diet rich in zinc, vitamin B, Vitamin C, iron and calcium such as green leafy vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, kidney beans, oysters, eggs, dried apricots, yogurt. Protein rich food such as soy, whole grains, cereals, meat.
  • Don’ts : Avoid caffeine, salt, refined sugars, eating spicy foods, fried foods, sweets, cool drinks.



  • The powerful, natural ingredients in Prakruti Hair Oil stop the root cause of hair loss and help grow strong, healthy hair.

  • It prevents the premature graying of hair and acts as a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation.

  • It strengthens roots and revitalizes the hair.

  • It is a total herbal remedy for hair loss and other hair problems.

  • It is non-greasy, non-sticky and scented in nature and can be used by people of all age group.


Directions for Use : Adequate quantity of the Hair Oil is to be taken and applied to the hair roots. Gently massage the scalp for 5 – 10 minutes. Best if kept overnight.


Side effects : No side effects reported


Each 10 ml contains :

  • Raktachandana(Pterocarpus santalinas) : 147 mg
  • Harithaki(Terminalia chebula ) : 147 mg
  • Bibhithaki(Terminalia belerica) : 147 mg
  • Amalaki(Emblica officinalis) : 147 mg
  • Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia) : 147 mg
  • Sarriva(Hemidesmus indicus) : 147 mg
  • Japa kusuma(Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) : 147 mg
  • Dathura pathra(Datura metel) : 147 mg
  • Jambira phala twak(Citrus lemon) : 147 mg
  • Gunj(Abrus prictorus) : 147 mg
  • Jatamamsi(Nardostachys jatamamsi) : 147 mg
  • Kamala kanda(Nelumbo nucifera) : 147 mg
  • Jyotishmati(Cillastrus paniculata) : 147 mg
  • Gairika(Red Ochre) : 147 mg
  • Karanja(Pongamia pinnata) : 147 mg
  • Yastimadhu(Glyceriza glabra) : 147 mg
  • Bhringaraj(Eclipta alba) : 3.5 gm
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D-Sora Soap


  •  Psoriasis is a long-term (chronic) skin problem that causes skin cells to grow too quickly, resulting in thick, white, silvery, or red patches of skin.
  • Normally, skin cells grow gradually and flake off about every 4 weeks. New skin cells grow to replace the outer layers of the skin as they shed.
  • But in psoriasis, new skin cells move rapidly to the surface of the skin in days rather than weeks. They build up and form thick patches called plaques (say "plax"). The patches range in size from small to large. They most often appear on the knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet, or lower back. Psoriasis is most common in adults. But children and teens can get it too.
  • Having psoriasis can be embarrassing, and many people, especially teens, avoid swimming and other situations where patches can show. But there are many types of treatment that can help keep psoriasis under control.
  • Experts believe that psoriasis occurs when the immune system overreacts, causing inflammation and flaking of skin. In some cases, psoriasis runs in families.
  • People with psoriasis often notice times when their skin gets worse. Things that can cause these flare-ups include a cold and dry climate, infections, stress, dry skin, and taking certain medicines.
  • Psoriasis isn't contagious. It can't be spread by touch from person to person.
  • Symptoms of psoriasis appear in different ways. Psoriasis can be mild, with small areas of rash. When psoriasis is moderate or severe, the skin gets inflamed with raised red areas topped with loose, silvery, scaling skin. If psoriasis is severe, the skin becomes itchy and tender. And sometimes large patches form and may be uncomfortable. The patches can join together and cover large areas of skin, such as the entire back.
  • In some people, psoriasis causes joints to become swollen, tender, and painful. This is called psoriatic arthritis. This arthritis can also affect the fingernails and toenails, causing the nails to pit, change color, and separate from the nail bed. Dead skin may build up under the nails.
  • Symptoms often disappear (go into remission), even without treatment, and then return (flare up).


Do’s and Don’ts in Psoriasis
Psoriasis Do’s : Do talk to a dermatologist, Do moisturize, Do take a soak, Do get some sun. Psoriasis Don'ts : Don't overdo it, Don't stress out, Don't ignore flare-ups, Don't give up.


Action of D-SORA SOAP

  •  It soothes the inflamed skin and reduces the itching sensation
  • It moisturize the skin

  • Keeps the skin free from all types of microorganisms and prevent it from infection

  • Heal the lesions and wounds

  • If used for long time it won’t cause habit forming and it doesn’t have withdrawal symptoms

  • Inhibits the production of dead skin cells and stimulates shedding

  • Not sensitive to normal skin


Indications :

  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema disorder
  • Itching and other skin disorders.

Direction for use : Wet body and face, apply generously and rinse.
Side effects : No side effects reported.


Each 75gm soap contains :

  • Kutaja beeja (Wrightia tinctoria) Oil : 5%
  • Karanja (Pongamia pinnata) Oil : 3%
  • Neem (Azardicta indica) Oil : 2%
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Dia-P Capsules

Diabetes mellitus (or diabetes) is a chronic, lifelong condition that affects your body's ability to use the energy found in food. There are three major types of diabetes :

  • Type 1 diabetes,
  • Type 2 diabetes, and
  • Gestational diabetes

All types of diabetes mellitus have something in common. Normally, your body breaks down the sugars and carbohydrates you eat into a special sugar called glucose. Glucose fuels the cells in your body. But the cells need insulin, a hormone, in your bloodstream in order to take in the glucose and use it for energy. With diabetes mellitus, either your body doesn't make enough insulin, it can't use the insulin it does produce, or a combination of both.
Since the cells can't take in the glucose, it builds up in your blood.

Causes :

Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas doesn't make enough or any of the hormone insulin, or when the insulin produced doesn't work effectively. In diabetes, this causes the level of glucose in the blood to be too high. The other causes are obesity, physical inactivity, any hereditary factors or any illness that damages the pancreas and affects its ability to produce insulin.

Consequences :

Frequent urination, disproportionate thirst, weight gain or unusual weight loss, increased fatigue are the common symptoms and effects of Diabetes. High levels of blood glucose can damage the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys, heart, eyes, or nervous system. That's why diabetes -- especially if left untreated -- can eventually cause heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, and nerve damage to nerves in the feet.

Food Regime :

  • Do’s : Lots of fruits and vegetables rich in fiber content, garlic, ginger, cucumber, carrot, tomato, bitter gourd.
  • Don’ts : Avoid sweets, ice-creams, chocolates, soft drinks, foods made from white flour, polished rice, bread, pasta, fast foods, ready to eat foods, starchy vegetables such as potatoes.

Action of DIA-P

  • Reduces the blood sugar level by proper utilising the glucose in the cellular level
  • Corrects the damage of pancreas and normalise the production of Insulin
  • Regularise the metabolism of glucose
  • Prevents the complication of diabetes like Diabetes retinopathy, Neuropathy, Nephropathy and nerve damage
  • Check the infection in blood which are common in high blood sugar

Indications : Controls Diabetes

Dosage : 1 capsule T.I.D. or as directed by the physician Side effects : No side effects reported


Each capsule contains :

  • Salacia reticulata : 200 mg
  • Vijayasara : 100 mg
  • Mass extracts of Triphala, Khadirakramukadi Kashaya, Salasarasadi gana Kashaya : 200 mg  



  • Sapthachakra (Salacia reticulata)
  • Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Bibhitaki(Terminalia belerica)
  • Harithaki(Terminalia chebula)
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Nimba(Azadirachta indica)
  • Khadira (Acacia catechu)
  • Kirathikta (Swertia chirata)
  •  Kramuka (Areca catechu)
  • Methi(Trigonella foenum-graecum)
  • Meshashringi(Gymnema sylvestris)
  • Jamboo (Syzygium cumuni)
  • Raktachandana (Pterocarpus santalinas)
  • Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)
  • Agaru(Aqillaria agallocha)
  • Haridra (Curcuma longa)
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Flexofen Liniment


Arthritis is classified as one of the rheumatic diseases. Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. A joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. A joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints.

Causes :

Arthritis can be caused by injury affecting any of the ligaments or tendons surrounding the joint. Injury can also affect the ligaments, cartilage, and bones within the joint. Pain is also a feature of joint inflammation (arthritis) and infection, and can be a feature of tumors of the joint.

Consequences :

The joints will start swelling and this will limit or eliminate the mobility in the joints completely. A lot of people suffering from arthritis have deformity in the joints. This may lead to the ineffectiveness of that part like fingers and hands. The deformity may increase with the course of time.

Food Regime :

  • Do’s : Fresh vegetables like carrot, grains (millets), lentils, garlic, ginger, wheat, soup of moong (Phaseolus mungo), fresh butter.
  • Don’ts : Avoid dry nuts, curd, jaggery, kidney beans, lady’s finger, tomatoes, potatoes, pepper, red meats, coffee.


  • Reduces the joint inflammation, Pain, joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warmth
  • Helps to rebuild the damaged cartilage, ligament and bones of the joint
  • Improves the mobility and flexibility of the joints
  • Effective in curing joint related diseases Spondylitis, Osteoarthritis, Polyarthritis and Sciatica 
  • Rejuvenates the joint and ensures the complete normalcy
  • It has to use along with FLEXOPEN capsule for quick result and faster recovery

Indications :

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Spondylitis

How to Apply :

Apply 1 or 2 times a day. Apply to the affected joint and muscular areas as required and gently rub into the skin. On applying, it gives a warm soothing effect. Side effects : No side effects reported


Each 10ml liniment contains :

  • Maharasnadi kwatha : 30 %
  • Mahanarayana Taila : 30 %
  • Pinda Taila : 35 %
  • Guggulu oil : 1 %
  • Eucalyptus oil :  4 %            


Constituents of Liniment :         

  • Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata)
  • Bala (Sida cordifolia)
  • Eranda(Ricinus communis)
  • Vacha (Acorus calamus)
  • Shunti (Zingiber officinale)
  • Punarnava(Boerhavia diffusa
  • Gokshura(Tribulus terristris)
  • Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera)
  • Shathavari(Asparagus racemosa)
  • Pippali (Piper longum)
  • Bilva (Aegal marmelos)
  • Brihati (Solanum indicum)
  • Shyonaka(Oroxylum indicum)
  • Kantakari(Solanum xanthocarpum)
  • Atibala(Abuliton indicum)
  • Agnimantha(Clerodendrum phlomidis)
  • Prasarini(Paederia foetida)
  • Patala (Pterocarpus marsupium)
  • Kusta(Sauserra lappa)
  • Shalaparni(Desmodium gangeticum)
  • Prasnaparni(Uraria picta)
  • Mudgaparni(Phaseolus trilobus)
  • Mashaparni(Teramnus labialis)
  • Agaru(Aqillaria agallocha)
  • Saindhava lavana(Rock salt)
  • Haridra(Curcuma longa)
  • Daruharidra(Berberis aristata)
  • Raktachandarna(Pterocarpus santalinas)
  • Pushkaramoola(Inula racemosa)
  • Yastimadhu(Glyceriza glabra)
  • Tagara(Valeriana wallichi)
  • Bhringaraj(Eclipta alba)
  • Meda(Listea glutinosa)
  • Mahameda(Polygonatum cirrihifolium)
  • Kakoli(Lilium polyphyllum)
  • Ksirakakoli(Fritillaria roylai)
  • Riddhi(Habenaria intermedia)
  • Hrivera(Coleus forscolin)
  • Palasha(Butea monosperma)
  • Misi(Foeniculum vulgare)
  • Musta(Cyperus rotundus)
  • Shati(Hedychium spicatum)
  • Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus)
  • Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)
  • Tila taila(Sessamum indicum)
  • Guggulu oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
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Flexofen-MR Capsules

Muscular pain and Body ache

The most common causes of muscle pain are tension, stress, overuse and minor injuries. This type of pain is usually localized, affecting just one or more muscles or parts of your body. Systemic muscle pain, which you feel throughout your body, is different. It's more often the result of an infection, an illness or a side effect of a medication. Muscle pain also can involve ligaments, tendons, and fascia, the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs.

Causes :

The cause of muscular pain maybe an injury or trauma including sprains and strains. Overuse or over stretching of a muscle or group of muscles, tension or stress. Other causes are General fatigue, Repetitive motions and Lack of activity (in case of broken arm)

Symptoms :

Pain is the chief symptom of any muscular disorders. The pain may be mild or severe, local or widespread (diffuse).The pain can be made worse with activity or stress.

Food Regime :

  • Do’s : Drink plenty of fluid to flush out toxins, whole grains high in fiber, fruits like cherries , bananas, green leafy vegetables and low fat dairy products.
  • Don’ts : Specially avoid eating Red meats, sweetbread.


  • Acts as a best pain killer without damaging any other organ of the body
  • Strengthen the muscles, Joints, ligaments and cartilages
  • Reduces the inflammation of muscles
  • Soothes the muscles and enhance the healing process of the muscle
  • Rejuvenates the muscles, Joints, Tendons, Ligaments and Cartilages
  • Major benefit is doesn’t cause gastric irritation unlike regular pain killers


Indications :

  • Muscular pain
  • Body ache
  • Fatigue and joint pain

Dosage : 1capsule two times a day after meal or as directed by the physician. Side effects : No side effects reported


Each capsule contains :

  • Langali (Gloria superba) :  2 mg
  • Shunti (Zingiber officinale) : 100 mg
  • Krishna jeeraka (Carum carvi) : 50 mg
  • Shilajithu (Shidh) :  50 mg
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) :   50 mg
  • Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) :  50 mg
  • Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) : 50 mg
  • Yograj guggulu :  50 mg
  • Shudh Kupilu (Strychnos nuxvomica) :  30 mg
  • Abhraka Bhasma : 25 mg
  •  Kasisa Bhasma:  25 mg
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Sidharthaka Snana Choorna

Skin Disorders

The skin is a complex organ, composed of three layers, the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis is the thin, outermost layer of the skin. Under the epidermis is a thicker layer of skin called the dermis. Skin disorders are related to the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. Skin disorders include a wide range of conditions and may be a sign of an underlying illness. The most common skin ailments are eczema, dermatitis, acne, skin blemishes.


  • Eczema is a term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. The most common type of eczema is known as atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema. Atopic refers to a group of diseases with an often inherited tendency to develop other allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever.
  • Most infants who develop the condition outgrow it by their tenth birthday, while some people continue to have symptoms on and off throughout life. With proper treatment, the disease often can be controlled.
  • No matter which part of the skin is affected, eczema is almost always itchy. Sometimes the itching will start before the rash appears, but when it does, the rash most commonly appears on the face, back of the knees, wrists, hands, or feet. It may also affect other areas as well.
  • Affected areas usually appear very dry, thickened, or scaly. In fair-skinned people, these areas may initially appear reddish and then turn brown. Among darker-skinned people, eczema can affect pigmentation, making the affected area lighter or darker.
  • In infants, the itchy rash can produce an oozing, crusting condition that happens mainly on the face and scalp, but patches may appear anywhere.


  • The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but it's thought to be linked to an overactive response by the body's immune system to an irritant. It is this response that causes the symptoms of eczema.
  • In addition, eczema is commonly found in families with a history of other allergies or asthma. Also, defects in the skin barrier could allow moisture out and germs in.
  • Some people may have "flare-ups" of the itchy rash in response to certain substances or conditions. For some, coming into contact with rough or coarse materials may cause the skin to become itchy. For others, feeling too hot or too cold, exposure to certain household products like soap or detergent, or coming into contact with animal dander may cause an outbreak.
  • Upper respiratory infections or colds may also be triggers. Stress may cause the condition to worsen.


Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin. Depending on the type of dermatitis, areas of skin may become red and itchy with some acute attacks causing crusty scales or blisters that ooze fluid.

Acne vulgaris (Pimples)

Acne, or acne vulgaris, is a skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog up your pores. Some people call it blackheads, blemishes, whiteheads, pimples, or zits. When you have just a few red spots, or pimples, you have a mild form of acne. Severe acne can mean hundreds of pimples that can cover the face, neck, chest, and back. Or it can be bigger, solid, red lumps that are painful (cysts).Acne is very common among teens. It usually gets better after the teen years. Some women who never had acne growing up will have it as an adult, often right before their menstrual periods.


Leucoderma is a cutaneous condition, an acquired condition with localized loss of pigmentation of the skin that may occur after any number of inflammatory skin conditions, burns, intralesional steroid injections, postdermabrasion, etc. It is largely a cosmetic problem, and is neither infectious nor contagious.


Skin diseases are usually due to bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. Sunlight contains harmful ultraviolet rays that can damage the skin. Sunburn increases the chance of developing tanned skin. Skin disorders are also caused due to Hormonal imbalance in the body, hectic lifestyle, weak immune system, stress, disturbed sleep, environmental changes and unhealthy diet.


It is impossible to hide skin blemishes when they affect the face and other exposed parts. Any irritation of skin is easily noticed and such skin disorder not only affects physical health, but also affects the emotional well-being. If not treated at the right time, skin disorders often worsen and can even lead to deeper emotional issues such as low self-esteem, depression and anxiety.

Food Regime

  • Do’s : After showering or bathing, pat dry (rather than rub) so you leave a little moisture on your skin. Then apply a moisturizing cream or lotion to trap moisture in the skin. Use a humidifier to add moisture to indoor air during the winter heating season.
  • Don’ts : Avoid skin contact with irritating chemicals, plants, jewellery and substances that trigger skin allergies. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures, dry air, harsh soaps and bubble baths.


  • Acts as Anti-microbial which clear infection from Bacteria, virus and fungus
  • Removes the unwanted and toxic material from the external skin
  • Improve the skin glow and luster, maintains skin moisture
  • Help to heal the skin lesion and wound quickly
  • Protect the skin cells
  • Quickly reduces the itching and acts as anti-inflammatory


  • Skin disorders like Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Dermatitis of hands and feet.

Directions for use : For external application as a Bathing powder or as a Lepa.

Side effects : No side effects reported


Constituents :

  • Musta (Cyperus rotundus) : 20 gm
  • Madanaphala (Catunaregam spinosa) : 20 gm
  • Harithaki (Terminalia chebula) : 20 gm
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) :  20 gm
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) : 20 gm
  • Karanja patra(Pongamia pinnata) : 20 gm
  • Araghwadha patra (Cassia fistula) : 20 gm
  • Indrayava(Wrightia tinctoria) : 20 gm
  • Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) :  20 gm
  • Saptha parna patra (Alstonia scholaris) :  20 gm   
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Freelax Granules


Constipation occurs when bowel movements become difficult or less frequent. The normal length of time between bowel movements ranges widely from person to person. Some people have bowel movements three times a day; others, only one or two times a week. Going longer than three days without a bowel movement is too long. After three days, the stool or feces become harder and more difficult to pass.
You are considered constipated if you have two or more of the following for at least 3 months :

  • Straining during a bowel movement more than 25% of the time
  • Hard stools more than 25% of the time
  • Incomplete evacuation more than 25% of the time
  • Two or fewer bowel movements in a week


Constipation is usually caused by a disorder of bowel function rather than a structural problem. Common causes of constipation include :

  • Inadequate water intake
  • Inadequate fiber in the diet
  • A disruption of regular diet or routine; traveling
  • Inadequate activity or exercise or immobility
  • Eating large amounts of dairy products
  • Stress
  • Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, which is sometimes the result of pain from hemorrhoids
  • Overuse of laxatives (stimulant laxatives such as senna (Senokot)) which, over time, weaken the     bowel muscles
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis
  • Antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum
  • Medicines (especially strong pain medicines, such as narcotics, antidepressants, or iron pills)
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Pregnancy
  • Colon cancer

Consequences :

Straining during bowel movements due to constipation may cause Hemorrhoids , anal fissures, and rectal bleeding. Rectal prolapse, though rare, may occur, a condition where a piece of intestinal lining pushes from the anal opening.

Food Regime :

  • Do’s: The most important aspect of eating to ease constipation is to slowly increase the intake of dietary fiber and to drink lots of water. Fruits like apricots and pineapple, vegetables, legumes, green peas can be eaten.
  • Don’ts : Avoid consuming cheese, instant mashed potatoes, pastries, cakes, fried foods, red meat.

Dosage : 3 to 5 gm with luke warm water at bed time or As directed by the physician

Action of FREELAX

  • Swarnapatra Extract : It is a proven medicine in constipation which increases the peristaltic movement of the intestine and helps to expel out the stool. It acts as a stimulant laxative.
  • Tiphala Extract : It is having a special quality of converting undigested material to digested one and then expel it out from the body without causing any strain to the intestines. It removes old stool which is deposited on the inner walls of the intestine.
  • Trivrut : Helps to clear the bowel quickly
  • The added advantage is these doesn’t damage the intestine by forcing out the stool
  • Doesn’t cause cramping of lower abdomen
  • Improve the digestion
  • Provides strength to the intestine


Side effects: No side effects reported


Indications :          

  • Habitual Constipation
  • Gastric Disorders

Each 1 gm contains :

  • Swarnapatra Extract : 125mg
  • Triphala Extract : 100mg
  • Trivrith : 150mg


Constituents :            

  • Swarnapatra (Cassia angustifolia)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica)
  • Harithaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Trivrith (Operculina turpethum)
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Sidhartha Soap

Skin disorders as pimples and dry skin

The skin is the largest organ of our body which covers the entire body. When the outer protective covering of the body is exposed to the environment it gives out acne, rashes, discolorations, cysts, burns etc. Acne is a disorder of the skin caused by inflammation of the skin glands and hair follicles.

Acne vulgaris (Pimples)

Acne, or acne vulgaris, is a skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog up your pores. Some people call it blackheads, blemishes, whiteheads, pimples, or zits. When you have just a few red spots, or pimples, you have a mild form of acne. Severe acne can mean hundreds of pimples that can cover the face, neck, chest, and back. Or it can be bigger, solid, red lumps that are painful (cysts).Acne is very common among teens. It usually gets better after the teen years. Some women who never had acne growing up will have it as an adult, often right before their menstrual periods.

Dry Skin

  • Dry skin is a very common skin condition characterized by a lack of the appropriate amount of water in the most superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis. While dry skin tends to affect males and females equally, older individuals are typically much more prone to dry skin. The skin in elderly individuals tends to have diminished amounts of natural skin oils and lubricants. Areas such as the arms, hands, and particularly lower legs tend to be more affected by dry skin. Dryness of the skin is affected by the amount of water vapor in the surrounding air, the humidity. Dry skin is also known as xeroderma or xerosis.
  • Dry skin may be a mild, temporary condition lasting a few days to weeks. Dry skin may also become a more severe, long-term skin problem for some. Symptoms of dry skin include discomfort from skin tightness and itching. In addition, external factors such as weather can affect the severity of skin dryness. For example, cold or dry air and winter weather can worsen dry skin. Individuals whose occupations require more frequent hand-washing and sanitizing may experience dry skin more often. Dry skin may also be a side effect of some medications or a symptom of an underlying medical disorder.

Consequences :

The short-term consequences of acne are the spots, the redness, the overall feelings of embarrassment and low self-esteem. The common skin disease characterized by pimples on the face, chest, and back. It may lead to whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red lesions (papules, pustules, and cysts) to form. These growths are commonly called pimples or "zits. Severe cases of acne, called cystic or nodular acne, can leave your skin pitted and pockmarked. Because the cysts are so large and the infection so deeply-rooted in the skin.

Food Regime :

  • Do’s : Consume lots of water, have a healthy diet with includes lots of fresh vegetables, rich in fiber content, fresh fruits like apples, berries, , fruit juices like lemon juice.
  • Don’ts : Avoid sugar, candy, fats like cheese, roasted nuts, fried foods, lots of dairy products, beef, alcohol.


  • It has good medicinal values and protects skin from irritations, itching, dryness, Acne and acts as a good antiseptic.
  • The natural herbs in the soap stimulates circulation, helps eliminate toxins imbedded in the skin, and leaves the skin feeling smooth.
  • It moisturizes the skin by penetrating deep into the skin and giving it back its elasticity.
  • It revitalizes, softens and maintains moisture of skin without any greasiness.


Usage : Wash your face twice daily with Siddharta Soap. Work up a lather by rubbing the soap between wet palms. Using your fingertips, massage the lather into your face and throat. Rinse thoroughly with splashes of water. Blot dry with a soft towel. Side effects : No side effects reported


Indications :          

  • Acne and Scars
  • Black Heads and White Heads
  • Oily Skin and Dry Skin
  • Dark Circles          

Each 75gm Soap contains :

  • Siddhartha snana churna Ext : 6.6%
  • Cocum Butter :  0.6%


Constituents :     

  • Musta(Cyperus rotundus)
  • Madanaphala(Randia dumetorum)
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Bibithaki (Terminalia belerica)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Karanja patra (Pongamia pinnata)
  • Araghavadha patra (Cassia fistula)
  • Indrayava ( Wrightia tinctoria)
  • Daruharidra (Berberis aristata)
  • Sapthaparna patra (Alstonia scholaris)
  • Cocum butter(Garcinia indica)
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Proherb Powder

Herbivorous Protein Drink

Action of Proherb :

  • Rejuvenates Body in a Natural Way
  • Improves Resistance to Diseases and Promotes longevity
  • Enhances the Mental and Physical Acumen & Adaptability
  • A Perfect Herbal Energy Booster
  • Antioxident activity

Dosage : Two Table Spoonful Twice Daily with milk OR as directed by the Physician

Side effects : No side effects reported

Proherb Contains : Protein Supplement with Aswagandha and Green Tea ext.

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Proherb -D Protein

Proherb -D - Comforts the Diabetics

Action of Proherb -D

  • Supplements Highest Biological Value Protein
  • It also slows the absorption of carbohydrates, such as Glucose into the Bloodstream
  • Prevents Obesity or weight gain. Thus improving Insulin's effectiveness and contributing to improved Metabolic control
  • Natural Protein for Diabetics

Dosage : Two Table Spoonful Twice Daily with milk OR as directed by the Physician

Side effects : No side effects reported

Proherb Contains : Protein Supplement with Gymnema and Green Tea ext.

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  • Ms. Nazneen Khan (Prakruti Remedies Pvt Ltd)
  • 3rd Floor, Shree Dattaprasad Complex, Near Pikle Nursing Home, Green Street, Karwa, Sivanchetti Gardens, Bangalore, Karnataka - 581301
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