Pragati is the Manufacturer, distributor and supplier of Industrial brakes and Industrial clutches to the manufacturing and processing industries throughout the world. Our brakes and clutches are completely interchangeable with other manufacturers. Pragati offers clutch brakes combination which is very useful in textile machines, material handling equipments, steel plant machinery, packaging machinery, welding machines, filling machinery, cut to length machinery, indexing machinery, copy lathe, special purpose machines, auto labeling machines, printing machines, bag making machines, bottling plant machinery, machine tools, rubber machinery, automatic carton folding machines, coil winding machines etc� Pragati provides value added engineered solutions for power transmission applications. We have two engineers ready to help you come up with best solution to solve a power transmission application. Various Constructional features are provided by these clutch-brakes which are as follows: These combinations consist of Pfb [normally of brake] as well as Pfc [normally off clutch]. The units operate on dc voltage. No slip rings, hence virtual maintenance-free throughout their life. It is possible to set air gap without dismantling the units. Pcb-e types of combinations are totally incased units with split shafts. Pcb-t types of combinations are tandem [through] shaft design where the clutches and brakes are fitted outside the housing. Pcb-o type of combination is open-type clutch brake units. Clutches and brakes fitted in Pcb-e type of combination is same as supplied in Pcb-o Some general features of this clutch-brake combination Salient features include : easy air-gap adjustment, absolutely noise free, insulation class f [155 degree Celsius], long life, easy-to-fit arrangement, unique rivet less armature for zero backlash, special sealed bearings, broad surface area for better heat dissipation, high operating frequency, non-asbestos frictionlinersect.... If you require a cutom-designed clutsh or brake for OEM product, or a complete sub-assemble.we candesign and built it for you. At-Pragati, we provide solutions. Weeagerly await the challenges of providing you with the best solution for your. difficult applications.