Welcome to Powertec Systems
POWERTEC SYSTEMS are the Manufactures of Online and Off line UPS Systems, Inverters, (as per TEC specs), Battery Charger, Servo Controlled Stablizers and batteries a mission to offer customers, quality cost effective and time bound solutions meeting their short and long term power requirements also we carry out Annual Maintenance Contract of U.P.S System and batteries of different make. POWERTEC SYSTEMS Online UPS Systems ranging from 1 KVA to 100 KVA POWERTEC has also added line interactive models of capacities ranging From 900va to 10kva. POWERTEC SYSTEMS, is promoted by a group of like minded professionals with rich experience in power line and power conditioning field, thus Offering complete solutions for power problems of customers. These professionals are well qualified and have put in good years of experience in executing large projects. PTS boasts of a well equipped, state of art Manufacturing facility and Development Centre at Bangalore. The driving theme at POWERTEC for all employees, “ Delighting the customers” through continuous innovation of products and Services. POWERTEC strives to give personalized attention to its customers by being responsive and proactive to their suggestions. POWERTEC has always considered “Human Resources” as a key to success and has nurtured it over the years by laying great emphasis on Training and Development.