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1 Products availableLED, LCD, Smart TV & Home Theatre
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Magnetic Door Sensor, Twin Beam Sensor, Glass Break Sensor, Carbon Monoxide Sensor and Vibration Sensor.
For windows, Doors, Cupboard and VentilatorsComprises of a magnet and switch, screw provi-sion for easy mounting 15mm operating gap.
Twin Beam Sensor are recommended for security for periphery & boundary wall protection.
By providing shatter and shock protection for your windows. Glass break sensors create on ear-ly defence against forced entry into your home.
Smoke/ Carbon monoxide sensor. When smoke or high level carbon monoxide gas is detected, these devise are designed alert your family for safety.
This sensor detects vibrations that may signal a possible intrusion. Connects to alarm boxes using standard two part wiring.
Activates alarm in the event of a gas leak to en-able emergency response.