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We offer the best product range of Vertical Laminar Air Flow Cabinet, PSAW-150 Environmental Chamber Humidity Cabinet and UV Chromatography Inspection Cabinet.

Vertical Laminar Air Flow Cabinet

Vertical Laminar Air Flow CabinetAsk for PriceAdd To Cart VERTICAL LAMINAR AIR FLOW CABINET People who are looking for VERTICAL LAMINAR AIR FLOW CABINET)one of the Manufacturers, Suppliers& Exporters of laboratory equipments in which this is one of them for more information below mention is the details:- VERTICAL LAMINAR AIR FLOW CABINET(PSAW-157A) Details same as above BDI-170 with laminar flows down vertically form top to wards the work table. Supplied complete with static finish Mica table top. Transparent front door (5m.m). Static pressure manometer. Built in U.V. Germicidal light & fluorescent light and Cock for gas, air or vacuum line. Working Chamber Size A. 2x2x2 B. 3x2x2 C. 4x2x2 D. 6x2x2
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PSAW-150 Environmental Chamber Humidity Cabinet

  • OPTIONAL 1. Hygrometer (Humidity Indicator.), Digital Temp. Controller-cum-Indicator, Etc
Environmental Chamber Humidity Cabinet (PSAW-150)ENVIRONMENTAL CHAMBER HUMIDITY CABINET (PSAW-150) (temperature Controldigital)General specification as BDI-83 but with added specification for low temp. Control & humidity . The inner working chamber is made out of stainless steel. The temperature can be controlled from 10C to 60C 2C and humidity from 55% to 95% 5% RH Temperature below ambient is controlled by hermetically sealed compressor complete with accessories provided below the unit. Two stainless steel water reservoirs heated by immersion heaters are provided to create humidity. Complete with all accessories. Control panel provided with control switches and indicators. Chamber inside chamber Capacity (WxDxH) (Approx.)455x455x455mm 95ltrs.455x455x710mm 147ltrs.605x605x605mm 225ltrs.605x605x910mm 335ltrs.
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UV Chromatography Inspection Cabinet

DE-HUMIDIFER People who are looking for DE-HUMIDIFER one of the Manufacturers, Suppliers& Exporters of laboratory equipments in which this is one of them for more information below mention is the details:- DE-HUMIDIFER (PSAW-166) (Fitted with time controlled safety device in, case humidity controller fails, for safety of the compressor) These are water condensing type, based on Refrigeration Cycle to avoid use of expensive chemicals required for desiccant type models. The unit is self standing and is mounted on a study angle iron frame. Fitted with castor wheels. It removes excess moisture from the atmosphere and Is fitted with hermetically sealed compressor. Heat exchanger and water condensing coils are made of copper. Water collection tank is provided below the unit is collect condensate water. Humidity is controlled by HUMIDITY CONTROLLER is corporated in the unit, up to 30% 30% RH, depending upon the ambient conditions. To achieve very low humidity, the room should have a independent window type air conditioner to much with the dehumidifier heat load in the room. Suitable to work on 220230volts A.C. Supply. 1. Capacities : 1.5 Tons 2. Capacities : 2 Tons
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