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  1. Testing Equipment 67 Products available
  2. Laboratory Equipments 13 Products available
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  4. Measuring Instruments & Equipment 11 Products available
  5. Laboratory Apparatus 8 Products available
  6. Medical Equipment & Supplies 5 Products available
  7. Testing Equipments 4 Products available
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  9. Weighing Scales & Measuring Tapes 3 Products available
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    2 Products available
  11. Others Products 45 Products available

Testing Equipments

Our Complete range of products are Ultrasonic Probe, HORIZONTAL Salt Spray Chambers, VERTICAL Salt Spray Chambers and Shore Durometer.

Ultrasonic Probe

We produce probes (transducers) for general and special-purpose, standard and custom: straight beam, angle beam, dual element, ground in and others.All transducers are designed for using with ultrasonic flaw detectors.Connector type: Lemo (other connectors by request).Contact dual-element transducers are designed for testing welded and brazed joints of the elements of metal structures, pipelines for detection the different kinds of defects (cracks, nonmetallic particles, pores, lack of fusion, scratches, surface cracks, etc.).Straight beam contact transducers are designed to detect internal defects (pores, cracks, delamination and others), also they used for searching local thinning walls in metal structures and walls of the product, including the low-alloyed and austenitic steels products.Ground in transducers are designed to detect internal defects of pipes and for searching local thinning walls of the pipes, including the low-alloyed and austenitic steels products.

  • different kinds transducers for all tasks
  • competetive price
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HORIZONTAL Salt Spray Chambers

Traditional horizontal Salt Spray chambers from 400 to 2.000 litres basic and also enhanced models for Cyclic Accelerated corrosion tests.
Horizontal test chambers with clearcover for salt spray, conden sation test sand cyclic corrosion tests.
Corrosionbox improves comparison with outdoor results
Worldwide, materials used by manufacturing industry are exposed to natural or industrial corrosion in shape of salt fog, humidity, smoke and vehicle exhaust. Laboratory corrosion tests are used extensively for selection of materials and their surface protection. Corrosionbox chambers are what you need to predict corrosion resistance of materials such as paints and coatings.
Salt spray test
A corrosive solution is turned into a vapour mist through a nozzle located in the centre of the chamber. A fog diffusing tower distributes the fog over the entire test zone. The compressed air required for fog production is heated and saturated with moisture in a pressurized humidifier before it reaches the nozzle. One or more heating elements, depending on chamber capacity, ensure uniform temperature in the test chamber.Exhaust solution collected in the bottom of test chamber is drained away through a drain to the floor.Salt spray test can be executed with all chamber models.
Condensation water test

Test chamber bottom is filled with demineralised water. Water is heated and evaporates condensing on the surface of samples.Chamber temperature is 40 C. Continuous condensation test can be executed with all chamber models.

Cyclic corrosion test
A large number of cyclic corrosion tests are made possible by combining salt spray environment with condensation humidity and air drying . Cyclic corrosion testing has become increasingly necessary in recent years. Dry Corrosion is one of the most popular cyclic tests alternating salt spray and air drying.Cyclic tests can be executed with all enhanced model chambers. Depending on cycle-type some options have to be installed during chamber manufacturing.
Chamber Design
Chamber structure is overall 10mm thick Polypropylene. Option in PPS plastics to meet CSA flam test. Test chamber is insulated with a double wall. Access to the test chamber is made via the pivoting cover. Control panel and all necessary control devices are on the right side in ergonomic position. The Salt solution storage tank is on the left side. The electrical board is completely enclosed in a dedicated zone: next to it we find the electro-valves, humidifier and salt solution dosing pump zone. Each part is of easy access for simple and fast maintenance.

Basic model
Absolutely easy to use. The first step for test execution is to load timer with total test time (up to 9999 hours), second is to set test chamber temperature on the controller, then press Salt spray or Condensation push-button. During the whole time of the test, the timer counts down and its display will indicate decreasing time running to test end. To inspect samples, suspend test execution pressing Salt spray or Condensation push-button, then press ventilation push-button to drain test chamber before opening it. To resume test execution simply press Salt spray or Condensation push-button again. When timer reaches zero test execution is finished.

Enhanced model
Free programming, up to 15 different test programs, inputs via keyboard with soft keys and easy to use structure of the Menu. Test status is continuously displayed on the large LCD display with 4 lines of 20 characters each. Control and monitoring of test chamber and humidifier temperature, monitoring of nozzle air pressure and dosing pump RPH. Self-diagnostic including warning messages, alarm messages and safety shut down. Complete test report: chamber and humidifier temperature, nozzle air pressure and dosing pump RPH are periodically measured and stored in the controller memory together with test interruptions or alarms. By simply pressing a key a complete report of the test is printed. RS232-C interface is provided for serial printer connection.

Cyclic test options
Enhanced model control panel allows easy programming of cyclic test combining: Salt spray, Water condensation, Dry off and Ambient condition. To perform cycling the test chamber must be completed with the following optional parts:

Option for Dry Corrosion, Scab Corrosion cycle.An air heater is installed to heat purging air before introducing it in the test chamber and a Titanium panel on the bottom of test chamber turns a flooded bottom into a dry bottom. Only a dry chamber bottom allows fast drying of the samples.

Option for ASTM G85-98 annex 5Prohesion. In addition to parts installed for dry corrosion a bypass is installed on the humidifier to meet standard requirements with respect to fog production.

Option for ASTM G85-98 annex 4salt/SO2 spray testing. An external SO2 dosing system is supplied and a gas diffusing device is installed in the test chamber
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VERTICAL Salt Spray Chambers

Innovative compact vertical models with front door and Italian design for corrosion testing.
Vertical space saving test Chambers with large glass Front door for salt spray, Condensation tests andCyclic corrosion tests.
  • New compact and functional design
  • Salt Spray Tests
  • Condensation Tests
Corrosionbox improves comparison with outdoor results
Worldwide, materials used by manufacturing industry are exposed to natural or industrialcorrosion in shape of salt fog, humidity, smoke and vehicle exhaust. Laboratorycorrosion tests are used extensively for selection of materials and their surfaceprotection.
Corrosionbox chambers are what you need to predict corrosion resistance of materialssuch as paints and coatings.
Salt spray test
A corrosive solution is turned into a vapour mist through a nozzle located on the back side of the chamber. A fog diffusing structure distributes the fog over the entire test zone. The compressed air required for fog production is heated and saturated with moisture in a pressurized humidifier before it reaches the nozzle. One or more heating elements, depending on chamber capacity, ensure uniform temperature in the test chamber. Exhaust solution collected in the bottom of test chamber is drained away through a drain to the floor.
Salt spray test can be executed with all chamber models.
Condensation water test
Test chamber bottom is filled with demineralised water. Water is heated and evaporates condensing on the surface of samples. Chamber temperature is 40 C. Continuous condensation test can be executed with all chamber models.

Cyclic corrosion test
A large number of cyclic corrosion tests are made possible by combining salt spray environment with condensation humidity and air drying . Cyclic corrosion testing has become increasingly necessary in recent years. Dry Corrosion is one of the most popular cyclic tests alternating salt spray and air drying. Cyclic tests can be executed with all enhanced model chambers. Depending on cycletype some options have to be installed during chamber manufacturing.

Chamber Design
Chamber structure is overall 10mm thick Polypropylene. Option in PPS plastics to meet CSA flame test. Test chamber is insulated with a double wall. Access to the test chamber ismade through a window glass door. Control panel and all necessary control devices are on the rightside in ergonomic position. The Salt solution storage tank is on the left side. The electrical board is completely enclosed in a dedicated zone: next to it we find the electro-valves, humidifier and salt solution dosing pump zone. Each part is of easy access for simple and fast maintenance.
Basic model
Absolutely easy to use. The first step for test execution is to load timer with total test time (up to 9999 hours), second is to set test chamber temperature on the controller, then press Salt spray or Condensation push-button. During the whole time of the test, the timer counts down and its display will indicate decreasing time running to test end. To inspect samples, suspend test execution pressing Salt spray or Condensation push-button, then press ventilation push-button to drain testchamber before opening it.To resume test execution simply press Salt spray or Condensation push-buttonagain. When timer reaches zero test execution is finished
Enhanced modelFree programming, up to 15 different test programs, inputs via keyboard with soft keys and easy to use structure of the Menu. Test status is continuously displayed on the large LCD display with 4 lines of 20 characters each. Control and monitoring of test chamber and humidifier temperature, monitoring of nozzle air pressure and dosing pump RPH. Self-diagnostic including warning messages, alarm messages and safety shut down. Complete test report: chamber and humidifier temperature, nozzle air pressure and dosing pump RPH are periodically measured and stored inthe controller memory together with test interruptions or alarms. By simply pressing a key a complete report of the test is printed. RS232-C interface is provided for serial printer connection.
Cyclic test options
Enhanced model control panel allows easy programming of cyclic test combining: Salt spray, Watercondensation, Dry off and Ambient condition. To perform cycling the test chamber must be completed with the following optional parts:
Option for Dry Corrosion, Scab Corrosion cycle. An air heater is installed to heat purging air before introducing it in the test chamber and a Titanium panel on the bottom of test chamber turns a flooded bottom into a dry bottom. Only a dry chamber bottom allows fast drying of the samples.

Option for ASTM G85-98 annex 5 Prohesion. In addition to parts installed for dry corrosion a bypass is installed on the humidifier to meet standard requirements with respect to fog production.

Option for ASTM G85-98 annex 4 salt/SO2 spray testing. An external SO2 dosing system is supplied and a gas diffusing device is installed in the test chamber
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Shore Durometer

Shore Durometer is one of the modern non-destructive testing instruments for measuring the hardness value of different materials at the workshops and laboratories. This device can be used at the radio instruments industry, mechanical engineering and other areas of modern industry.Shore Durometer NOVOTEST TS-A corresponds to the following standards: ISO-7619 and ISO-868, DIN53505, ASTM D2240 and JIS K7215.Soft plastic, printed circuit boards, glass, elastomers, fibers, soft rubber, leather, resin, wax, neoprin, butyl, silicone, vinyl are typical testing objects of Shore Durometer. The principle of determining the hardness value of materials is based on the calculation the value of materials resistance to the penetration of the indenter with a preset load.

  • Shore Durometer NOVOTEST TS-A is produced in two versions, A and D.
  • Shore Durometer A is designed for testing the following materials: soft rubber, elastomers, silicone, neoprin, vinyl, butyl, nitrile, soft plastics, leather, wax, etc.
  • Shore Durometer D is designed for testing products from rubber, resin, glass, PCB, fibers, plastics, etc.
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