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Herbal Products
1 Products availableAyurvedic Medicines
1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Slim Bru Coffee, Dyab Bru Instant Ayurvedic Coffee, Mucuna Instant Ayurvedic Coffee, Green Coffee Beans and Garcinia Instant Ayurvedic Coffee.
Slim Bru is a unique and ground-breaking naturally caffeine free ayurvedic coffee that may aid in weight loss when combined with moderate exercise and a sensible diet. It also addresses all metabolic functional disorders linked to obesity or overweight.The active ingredient of Garcinia, Hydroxy citric acid (HCA) was found to inhibit the particular enzyme in the body that converts carbohydrate calories to fat storage. Inulin, a long-chain polysaccharide found in Chicorium intybus also helps lower triglycerides and lipids. It is also a good source of soluble dietary fiber. Cassia fistula pod pulp extract and beet root correct bowel function and eliminate toxins. Its bulking agent Barley malt extract powder is rich source of B vitamins and proteins thus help Minerals improve muscle tone and bones as well as promotes bowel regularity.
Supplement Facts :
Ingredients :
Its primary mechanism of action :
Suggested Use :
Availability : Slim bru is available in delicious natural vanilla and cocoa flavours. It is packed in attractive card box containing a pouch of 50 gram
Contra indication and safety :
About Product
Dyab Bru is specially formulated for the concurrent sufferers of type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease as its phytonutrients may simultaneously improve glucose metabolism and lipid levels. Its active ingredients extracts of green coffee beans (GCB), cinnamon and Boerhaavia difffusa are loaded with beneficial antioxidants and other powerful plant nutrients which promote healthy glucose and fat metabolism. Research studies have shown that these nutrients may help quench free radicals, reduce cholesterol oxidation, provide cardiovascular support and manage blood glucose.
Natural plant chemicals of Dyb bru can help control blood sugar and lipid levels in several ways, thus offering protection against dangerous conditions such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, and diabetes.
The antioxidant herbs of Dyab bru make it an excellent coffee substitute which significantly reduces the degradation of cells in the body by absorbing free oxygen radicals and averting hydroxyl radicals. Use of Dyab bru may induce the body to draw upon fat stores to help meet energy needs.
Supplement Facts :-
Active Ingredients : Cinnamon ext, Green coffee beans Ext. Boerhaavia diffusa ext & Chicorium intybus powder.
Inactive Ingredients : Natural and nature identical flavors.
Availability : It is available in natural cinnamon flavor. It is packed in attractive card box containing a pouch of 50 gram
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Mucuna bru is a matchless nutritional support for brain cells. It balances ‘vata’ and helps body fight ‘vata’ disorders (neurological disorders) such as to 'Kampa' (tremors), 'stambha' (stiffness). ‘vishada’ (depression), symptoms which bear clinical resemblance to Parkinson’s disease(PD) diseases other diseases caused by neurodegeneration.
Its active ingredient Mucuna pruriens seed extracts is a rich plant source of L-dopa (L-dihydroxyphenylalanine), a natural precursor of dopamine in the brain. Due to its antioxidant effect, Mucuna pruriens also scavenge free radicals known for damaging lipids, protein, DNA, and, ultimately, cells.
The other phytochemical, nicotine, available in a small amount of Mucuna pruriens seeds also helps release dopamine in the brain. As a nervine and nutritive tonic, Mucuna Bru is also a good choice for those requiring aphrodisiac action. It is not only safe for those suffering from spermatorrhea, oligospermia, dysmenorrhea, memory loss, diabetes, high B.P., rheumatic and muscular pains but nourishes the body to combat these problems. Mucuna is a rich source of protein, fiber, iron, potassium vitamins C, A, B vitamins.
Chicorium intybus is known as a friend of liver and due to its high content of inulin is considered as Food for Healthy Gut Flora.
Supplement Facts :-
Ingredients : Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens seed) extracts (Standardized to 15 % L-dopa), Chicorium intybus
Actions : Neuroprotective, Aphrodisiac, Analgesic, and anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antidiabetic Hypotensive
Recommended use : Drink four times a day with or without milk or sugar as a nutritional drink, for better result take 1 capsule of Mucuna forte in the evening preferably around 6 pm with Mucuna bru
Method of use : - Take 3/4 tea spoon in 150 ml boiled water stir. Add milk or sugar/sweetener if desired.
Availability : Mucuna bru is available in delicious flavors. It is packed in attractive card box containing a pouch of 50 gram
Biosap brings you green coffee bean capsules that that helps aid in weight loss, fats and carbs metabolism. Green coffee beans extracts are used by herbalists to maintain normal lipids, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels. It helps body sheds extra pounds and makes you fit and energetic. Green coffee beans (GCB) extract is loaded with beneficial antioxidants and other powerful plant nutrients which promote healthy glucose and fat metabolism. Research studies have shown that these nutrients may help quench free radicals, reduce cholesterol oxidation, provide cardiovascular support and manage blood glucose. A number of human clinical trial and studies conducted on animals have shown that chlorogenic acid, a primary constituent of GCB reduces blood sugar levels by inhibiting the activity of the glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme that catalyzes the production of glucose in the liver as well as by decreasing the intestinal absorption rate of glucose in the small intestine by modulating factors needed for sugar absorption. Another nutrient of GBC, Caffeic acid helps remove glucose from the bloodstream by increasing glucose uptake into cells**.
Supplement Facts
Amount Per Serving
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Garcinia herbal coffee is a unique and ground-breaking naturally caffeine free Ayurvedic coffee containing herbs that may aid in weight loss when combined with moderate exercise and a sensible diet. It also addresses all metabolic functional disorders linked to obesity or overweight.
One of its principal ingredients Garcinia may help reduce body weight by suppressing appetite and inhibiting the conversion of calories into body fat. It stimulates thermogenesis, means it helps the body burn extra calories by biological combustion of food.
The active ingredient of Garcinia, Hydroxy citric acid (HCA), was found to inhibit the particular enzyme in the body that converts carbohydrate calories to fat storage. Inulin, a long-chain polysaccharide found in Chicorium intybus also helps lower triglycerides and lipids. It is also a good source of soluble dietary fiber.
Supplement Facts :
Method of use : - Take 1gm / 3/4 teaspoon in a mug add 150ml boiled water or 100 ml boiled water and 50 ml boiled milk add sweetener if desired.
Suggested Use : Drink Garcinia Herbal Coffee 30 minutes before each meal, breakfast and evening snacks. Those suffering from gastric problems may drink this herbal coffee after meals.
Availability : 50 gm sachet packed in attractive card box
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Shatavari the main ingredient of this Herbal Coffee for women health is known to increase Sattwa, or positivity and healing power. It also enhances the feeling of spiritual love and increases Ojas, the master coordinator between body and consciousness. Due to health promoting the effect of Shatavari (Indian asparagus) it may help mind and body adapt better to stress, build general immunity, control acidity, heal duodenal and peptic ulcers, stomach troubles and may also be useful for PMS-related water retention.
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus ) Indian Asparagus ) is a powerful Rasayana for women, that is it acts as an overall tonic for greater vitality, rejuvenation, and longevity. Indian Asparagus (Shatavari) has been prized in Ayurveda as queen of all herbs for female reproductive and sexual health, and it especially improves quality and quantity of reproductive fluids( Shukra Dhatu). It is also used to nurture mother milk during lactation. Shatavari supports all the metabolic processes (Agnis) to create good quality in all seven categories of bodily tissues (Dhatus), thus has a very valuable and sought after Vayasthpna effect, means it help retard aging process. It balances all the three doshas(Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), especially pitta and vata. In Ayurveda, it is also considered as medhya Rasayana, which means it enhances all the three aspects of intellect (Dhi-comprehension, Dhriti-memory, Smriti-recollection) Shatavari is a very good source of potassium and amino acids and quite low in sodium thus help detoxify kidney and bladder. It is also a rich source of folate, a B-vitamin essential for the proper cellular division because it is necessary for DNA synthesis. This herbal coffee for women health is also a Food for Healthy Gut Flora since as its ingredient Chicorium intybus is a good source of a special kind of carbohydrate called, inulin that we don't digest, but the health-promoting friendly bacteria in our large intestine, such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, do.
Supplement Facts :-
Ingredients : Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) Extracts and Kasnimul( Chicorium intybus)
Indications : Lack of Lactation, Stress, lack of sexual desire, Waning hormones
Actions : Lactation support after pregnancy, Anti-aging, Anti-stress
Method of use : - Take 3/4 teaspoon in 100ml boiled water and 50 ml boiled milk, add sweetener if desired and stir. Recommended use- As a nutritional drink, take 3-4 times a day with or without milk or sugar. For better result take one capsule of Shatavari forte twice daily with Shatavari Coffee.
Availability : This herbal coffee is available in delicious flavors. It is packed in attractive card box containing a pouch of 50 gram
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Ashwagandha Celestial Bru is a naturally caffeine-free unique Ayurvedic preparation containing finely processed extract of Ashwagandha and roots of Chicorium intybus, which increases concentration and reduces stress, fatigue, and allied symptoms. Ashwagandha is highly valued for its restorative action in the functioning of the nervous system. It corrects loss of memory arising out of long-term stress, illness, and overwork. It is powerful Rasayana, meaning that it acts as an overall tonic for greater vitality and longevity. It balances the mind (Prana Vata), essential for happiness in the face of mental and emotional stress. It is also well known for its powerful immune-enhancing benefits. It nourishes all the bodily tissues (Dhatus), including the joints and nerves and it helps clear impurities from the various channels of the body. Ashwagandha Celestial Bru is a brain and digestive tonic which improves stamina and physical endurance. It is suitable for daily drink and best choice for all members of the Family
Supplement Facts :
Ingredients : Ashwagandha (Withania somenifera roots) extracts , Kasnimool ( Chicorium intybus )
Indications : Stress, Anxiety, and Depression, Joint problems, Low sexual desire, Weak immunity, viral infections
Actions : Adaptogenic, increases alertness, Anti-inflammatory, Aphrodisiac, Immunostimulant, Balances nervous system, Detoxify Nerves
Availability : This herbal coffee is available in delicious flavors. It is packed in attractive card box containing a pouch of 50 gram
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Arjuna Bru is a unique herbal beverage specially formulated for those who are concerned for the health of their heart and/ or suffering from cardiac problems. It contains standardized extracts of traditionally used cardiotonic and cardioprotective herbs Arjuna bark (Terminalia arjuna), Pushkarmool ( Inula racemosa), and Draksha ( Vitis vinifera, English name Grape seeds) recommended in heart diseases. Arjun bru may help improve cardiac muscle function and subsequently improve pumping activity of the heart.
These phytonutrients have been detected to exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, lipid-lowering and cardiotonic effects as well as promote healthy collagen formation. Arjuna Bru may also help relieve symptomatic complaints of essential hypertension viz. giddiness, insomnia, lassitude, headache and the inability to concentrate.
Supplement Facts :-
Active Ingredients : Terminalia arjuna bark extracts , Vitis vinifera ( Grape Seed) extracts, Inula Racemosa root extracts, Chicorium Intybus
Inactive Ingredients : Natural and nature identical flavors.
Indications : Cardiac problems, Hypertension and hyperlipidemia , Emotional weakness
Actions : Cardiotonic, lowers lipids levels, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory inhibits the oxidation of LDL (low-density lipoprotein), reduces oxidative stress
Suggested Use
Availability : Arjuna bru is available in delicious flavors. It is packed in attractive card box containing a pouch of 50 gram
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Brahmi Memory Enhancer Bru with its unique memory enhancing system not only works with your mind to make you concentrate and learn faster, it also keeps you free stress-induced stomach troubles, like indigestion, wind, and constipation.
Scientific research suggests that Brahmi improves memory, mental functions and reduces learning time. According to Ayurvedic texts, it supports and improves all aspects of mental functioning, including Dhi (Comprehension), Dhriti (memory) and Smriti (Recollection). It also enhances the crucial coordination of these three aspects of mental functioning. Digestive ingredient Chicorium intybus stimulates bile production and along with Brahmi tones digestive tract and liver.By controlling excitability and relieving mental fatigue, Brahmi memory Enhancer Bru gives you a fresh and rejuvenated feeling. Research Reports indicated that Brahmi scavenges free radical from the mind produced by negative emotions such hostility, jealousy and hatred as well as by stress.
Supplement facts :
Ingredients : Brahmi ( Bacopa Monnieri ) extracts, Kasnimool ( Chicorium intybus )
Indications : Memory loss, Psychosomatic diseases, Indigestion
Actions : Improves Memory, Improves Concentration, Increases learning, Antioxidant
Availability : It is available in delicious vanilla and chocolate flavor. It is packed in an attractive card box containing a poly pouch of 50 gm Brahmi Memory Enhancer Bru
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Valerian Bru is an Ayurvedic substitute of coffee exclusively prepared for those who suffer from sleep disorders and non-specific anxiety symptoms. Its major active ingredient is Indian Valerian, a traditionally used relaxant and sleeps inducing herb. Its other minor ingredients extract of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Ashwagandha (Withania somenifera) and Mandukparni (Gotukola) acts synergistically with Valerian in improving quality of sleep and reducing the time to fall asleep (sleep latency) by restoring the body`s own inner intelligence. Valerian Bru is also recommended for people who get nervous or have trouble falling asleep because of thoughts running through their head. Valerian Bru can be safely used for nervous excitement, nervous sleeplessness, nervous palpitations, restlessness, tension, and fatigue.
Supplement Facts : -
Ingredients : Extracts of Tagar (Valeriana wallichi) Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Ashwagandha ( Withania somenifera) and Mandukparni (Centella asiatica , Gotukola), Chicorium intybus
Method of use : Take 3/4 teaspoon in 150 ml boiled water stir. Add milk or sugar/sweetener if desired.
Suggested Use : Mild Insomnia: Drink Valerian bru 60 minutes before going to bed
Insomnia : Drink twice a day at evening tea break and 60 minutes before going to bed
Availability : It is available in delicious vanilla and chocolate flavor. It is packed in an attractive card box containing a poly pouch of 50 gm