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Herbal Extract

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of GingerExtract, Bhringraj Extract, methi extract, Coleus Forskohlii Extract and Amla Extract/Powder.


  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts/ Dry Extracts
  • Botinical Name Zingiber Officinalis
  • Common Name/ Other Name Ginger
  • Scientific Name(s) Zingiber Officinalis
  • Active Content/ Ingredients Gingerol
  • Family Zingiberaceae
  • Part Used - Dried Rhizomes
  • Colour and Appearance Yellow
  • Place of origin Southern part of India (karla)
  • Product Code AMBZO01
  • Testing Method HPLC
  • Packing 25 Kg drums wif double polybags inner side
  • Application Skin Care
  • TEMPEffects & Properties Anti-oxidant, Anti-marks, Anti-inflammatory


Digestive cinnamon draw out are gingeole Ginger / Zingiber Officinalis Extract best used in coughing, cool, bronchial asthma and pharyngopathy.

Also beneficial in heart diseases Curing illnesses :

1 . It is used in dyspepsia, diarrhea, intestinal colic, unwanted gas, throwing up and nausea or throwing up.

2 . It is used in coughing, cool, bronchial asthma .

Cinnamon is the rhizome or in other terms, the dense, twisted and bravo subterranean control of the place called Zingiber officinale, which Phas been used as a conventional natural medication by the Indians to cure an disappointed abdomen, feeling sick, heartburn and diarrhoea, this is coz ginger Phas anti-inflammatory results. It was also used heart disease, joint disease and intestinal colic treatment.

Specification:5% , 6% Gingerol (w/w)


In general, Ginger natural herb Phas natural sedative, medication and carminative qualities, which is why it is used as a traditional therapy or as natural home remedies for complications, common flu, agonizing monthly times, throwing up, hacking and coughing and the common cold as well as food harming. It can also halp in reducing the discomfort caused by arthritis and arthritis by decreasing the stage of swelling.

Some studies revealed that powder ginger can help decrease the symptoms of movement illness better than sugar pill does. It was also discovered out that expectant mothers who consume at least one of ginger daily were able to find relief from morning health problems, like throwing up and nausea or vomiting. But, it is highly-advised that expectant mothers should seek advice from their doctors prior to consuming ginger. Also, they should not consume more than one of ginger draw out every day.

A certain study also shown that a component of ginger is able to stop as well as slow down the growth of several types of melanoma metastasis. Ginger natural herb draw out can destroy ovarian and intestinal tract melanoma tissues, thus making it an excellent source of cure for colon and ovarian malignancies. In addition to this, ginger is also able of eliminating minerals and the lack of this type of compound will cause the prostate melanoma tissues to die.

Ginger Side Effect

It is definitely recommended to consume this type of medication under the guidance of a qualified doctor who is knowledgeable in organic medication. An acute cinnamon over dose can cause cinnamon inebriation or cinnamon nerves, which is the result of the over-stimulation of the neurological system. It can also cause an discomfort in the oral cavity. It may also trigger an sensitivity by means of allergy, burping and symptoms of heartburn. To avoid these adverse reactions you may opt to consume cinnamon supplements in pills type.

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Bhringraj Extract

  • Part Used -Whole aerial plant, root and stems
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts/ Dry Extracts
  • Botinical Name Eclipta alba
  • Common Name/ Other Name Bhringraj
  • Scientific Name(s) Eclipta Alba Extract
  • Active Content/Ingredients Bitter-3%
  • Family Compositae
  • Colour and appearance Dark brown coloured thick paste
  • Place of origin Andhra Pradesh in india
  • Product Code AMBBE01
  • Testing Method Gravimetric
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side


Bhringraj is use for hairdressing and cirrhosis in Ayurveda. It is considered to maintain and revitalize locks, teeth, bone fragments, storage, vision, and hearing It works to revitalize renal system and liver organ. It snacks greying and baldness, making the locks deeper, and encourages strong sleep. It also enhances complexion Bhringraj is used substantially by Ayurvedic experts, for the treatment skin illnesses and eye infections.

Habitat:Bhringraj or Following eclipta or Incorrect Plant is a small sneaking place which can sometimes be hard also with white flower leads.

The blossoms look like Daisies and hence the name Incorrect Plant. The place connected to the family of asteraceae. The results in of the place are mostly used in ayurvedic remedies. The place is thought to be a local of Indian and can also be discovered in several areas in Japan such as Chinese suppliers and Thailand. It is also discovered in South America, especially in South america.

Brief:Liver protection:One of the significant therapeutic uses of Bhringraj is in treatment and defending the liver organ from illnesses such as jaundice, liver disease, etc. Latest reports on Bhringraj has proven in important efficiency in liver organ security which correlates with the conventional use of Bhringraj.

Controls diabetes:Diabetic issues management is one of the significant treatment uses of Bhringraj being revealed these days. Creature assessments revealed that foliage draw out administration of Bhringraj for 60 days led to important loss of the sugar levels.

Anti-microbial properties:Research on Bhringraj ingredients revealed that they were effective in managing microbial spots, fungus spots. The ingredients also owned and operated the ability to restrict malaria virus as well.

Anti-inflammatory and pain-killer properties:Tests revealed that the ingredients of Bhringraj owned and operated active anti-inflammatory qualities which are very useful in managing coronary artery disease, joint disease, periodontitis, etc.

Apart from anti-inflammatory qualities, Bhringraj offers medication or painkilling qualities which can be very halpful in illnesses such as joint disease, etc.

Control of cholesterol:Cholestrerol levels management is one of the treatment activities of Bhringraj seen in studies. The ingredients from the place led to management of LDL or high cholesterol levels and increase of HDL or good cholesterol in important amounts.

Neuropharmacological properties:According to Ayurveda, one of the treatment uses of Bhringraj was to cure disruptions in the neurological system. It was recommended for sleeplessness and mental frustration. Research that Bhringraj helps in maintaining and accessing memory. This can be of important value in neuroscience.

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Methi Extract

  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt Ltd.
  • Type Botanical Extracts,
  • Family Bursuraceae
  • Colour and appearance Dark Yellow colour powder, having characteristic odour
  • Place of origin AMBTF01
  • Product Code AMBBM01

Uses:-Fenugreek plant seeds draw out are used as a therapeutic in where they are regarded to heated and inform renal system, spread cool and relieve pain.

Brief:-Native to nations on the southern shoreline of the Mediterranean sea and harvested in Native indian, The red sea and The other agents in African- american.Diabetic issues. Consuming fenugreek, combined with food during a food, seems to reduced glucose levels after the food in individuals with kind 1 or kind two diabetes.High cholestrerol levels. There is inconsistent proof about the potency of using fenugreek for cholesterol-reducing.

High triglycerides (blood fats). Studies suggest fenugreek might reduced triglycerides in individuals with kind two diabetes.

Heartburn. Studies suggest that taking a specific fenugreek product (FenuLife, Frutarom Belgium) before the two biggest meals of the day decreases symptoms of symptoms of heartburn.

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Coleus Forskohlii Extract

  • Part Used -Roots
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts
  • Botinical Name Coleus forskohlii
  • Common Name/ Other Name Indian Coleus
  • Scientific Name(s) forskolin
  • Family Lamiaceae
  • Colour and appearance Reddish to brown coloured hygroscopic powder
  • Place of origin Delhi in India
  • Product Code AMBBM01
  • Testing Method HPLC
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side
  • Application Weight Management


Anti-angina, anti-hypothyroidism, Treatment of eczema, Pasoriasis, Anti-angina, Anti-hypertensive, Weight loss, Boost metabolism, Treatment of Asthma, Menorrhea, Urinary tract infection, Irritable bowel Syndrome, Insomnia, Blood clots.


Coleus is also known as Coleus forskolii, Colforsin, Colforsine. Coleus belongs to mint family and generally used for skin disease, heart & lung disorder. In India it is used as folk medicine and remedy for digestion. Root of coleus contain a pharmacological active substance that is froskolin. Extract of coleus contain 10-20% Froskolin. This herb basically grows in India, Nepal and Thailand.


The species of coleus has been used extensively in many traditional medicine including in treatment of digestive disorders, skin disorders other conditions such as rheumatism and neck shiftiness. It is also used in treatment of heart, blood and circular conditions and cancers. It increase the effect of AMP and reduces the histamine that halp to get relief from allergy.

1. Anti- Hypertensive :Coleus increased the stroke volume and lowers the high blood pressure by relaxing the artery wall of the heart.

2. Asthma :Coleus contains a pharmacological active substance that is called Froskolin. It helps to stabilize the cell that release histamine and relax smooth muscle tissue.

3. Treatment of Cancer:Froskolin has effective therapeutic value for the treatment of cancer. It can cause apoptosis in multiple myeloma cancer cells.

4. Lowers the blood Sugar Level:Coleus contains an active pharmacological substance known as Froskolin. It helps in reduce blood sugar levels. Study shows this is very effective for Diabetic and Pre-Diabetic patients.

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Amla Extract/Powder

  • Part Used -Fruits. Active Principle/Barries
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts/ Dry Extracts
  • Botinical Name Phyllanthus Emblica
  • Common Name/ Other Name Amla, Indian gooseberry,
  • Scientific Name(s) Embelia Longifolia(benth)hemsl
  • Active Content/Ingredients Tannins
  • Family Phyllanthaceae/Euphorbiaceae.
  • Colour and appearance Dark Brown/Dry Extract
  • Place of origin Fruit of Embelica Tree from Himachal Pradesh
  • Product Code AMBPE01
  • Testing Method HPLC/UV Method
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side
  • Application Hair Care , Skin Care
  • Effects & Properties Conditioning, Lightening, Silky feel, Shiny-ness.


Emblica displays powerful anti-oxidant action. It is one of the most essential vegetation in the conventional Ayurvedic healthcare program as well as in other conventional wellness techniques for immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, hepatoprotective, and anticancer activities. However, their is very restricted healthcare proof to back up the use of emblica for any sign.


Amla is generally non as Native indian Gooseberry. It is a deciduous place which Phas its fruits with great therapeutic value. Medical name of this is Phyllanthus emblica. Amla is India's own item and is a significant component of the famous Ayurvedic arrangements.

Chyavanaprash and Triphala. Initially believed to be a wealthy resource of supplement C, the effective concepts of amla has been proven to be low molecular bodyweight hydrolyzable tannins containing a molecular fragment just like supplement c (vitamin C).

Specification:-20%-30% and 40% Tannin


Amla being an Native indian fruits with great therapeutic value is used for the strategy to various illnesses. All areas of the place are used for the therapy. In Ayurvedic medications, Amla is a typical component. The shrub is regarded holy by Hindu religious beliefs and is even worshipped.

Amla has gone through tests pharmacologically (on animals) and medically for the following and discovered to be efficient.

Diabetes:Activation of the pancreatic, allowing release of blood insulin and consequently reducing blood glucose levels in diabetic issues is seen when fruit juice of the berries is taken regularly.So, it is used as a drugs for diabetic issues.

Abdomen Problems:One tbsp of the insert of amla results in combined with sweetie or buttermilk snacks diarrhoea. A drink made from the dry fruit, when combined with fresh freshly squeezed orange fruit juice and misri (sugar candy) helps serious bacillary dysentery. The berries is also non to be a protection as well as a balanced solution for stomach stomach problems and cancers.

Breathing Disorders:Amla shows useful for various respiratory illnesses, especially of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma and respiratory disease.

Eye disorders:The liquid combination of Native indian Gooseberry and sweetie is useful in protecting vision. It is useful for conjunctivitis and glaucoma. A cup of its fruit juice combined with sweetie culls intraocular stress extremely.

Rheumatism:A tsp. of powdered dry Amla combined with 2 tsp of jiggery taken twice every day for a month helps cure rheumatism.

Scurvy:Being a rich source of vitamin C, this berries shows to be one of the best medicines for scurvy. The powdered of dry Amla can be combined with an equivalent quantity of glucose and taken one tsp, three times every day with dairy.

Other benefits: The berries functions as a catalyst for all the body parts of the body and develops wellness by restarting strength, and ending various disease-causing elements

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Ashwagandha Extract

  • Part Used - Root, leaves/tars
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts/ Dry Extracts
  • Botinical Name Withania somnifera/ somnifera
  • Common Name/ Other Name Ajagandha, Amangura, Amukkirag
  • Scientific Name(s) Withania somnifera
  • Active Content/ ingredients Alkaloids, withanolides
  • Family Solanaceae
  • Colour and appearance A pale brown to light brown powder
  • Place of origin Origin and History of Ashwagandha
  • Product Code AMBAS01
  • Testing Method HPLC, TLC
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side
  • Application Skin Care
  • Effects & Properties Anti-wrinkle, Refirming, Conditioning, Anti-Blemish.


In two released medical studies of W.somnifera, the adverse reactions were not considerably different from those knowledgeable by placebo-treated individuals. In the medical test of Cooley at al.Ashwagandha display higher medical advantage than psychiatric therapy in psychological health (anxiety level), focus, exhaustion, public performing, energy, and overall total well being.Also, ashwagandha may act as an abortifacient and has typically been used in this part. Increase resistance to the common cold & attacks, power, sex-related interest. Fights erection problems and allows control blood vessels glucose levels.

May improve the consequences of barbiturates, use in combination with sedative drugs should be prevented. As a neurological program depressan t, or tranquilizer, the natural herb should be used in control


Ashwagandha draw out is in accordance with the main and results in of the Ashwagandha plant (Withania somnifera). The draw out is used mainly together with other ayurvedic herbs and applied as a precautionary adaptogen for overall improvement of health and body systems. The therapeutic benefits of ashwagandha draw out are linked to the great levels of phenolic substances, withanolides, flavonoids, alkaloids, lactones and saponins it contains.

These scientific substances occur at a level 4-5 times higher in the main of the plant than in the results in and fruits and vegetables. As such, all top quality ashwagandha draw out will be produced almost specifically from the main with little or no results in and fruits and vegetables used. Using the main also generally guarantees that the full biochemical variety of the natural herb is maintained in the draw out.

Specification:Alkaloids: 1.5% , 1.7% (w/w)withanolides: 2.5%, 5%, 8% and 10 % (w/w)

Ashwagandha Benefits:

Ashwagandha is an incredibly healthy medicinal herb.The benefits of Ashwagandha are perfect for those battling stress, as it inhibits high levels of cortisol, 'the stress hormone'.It is in fact used in tranquilizers and antidepressants drugs, since it helps relieve physical and mental stress and overcome depression.

Children:Ashwagandha root is a natural herb of the ages. It is the 'ginseng' of Ayurvedic medication, the traditional medicinal practises of Indian and is considered an 'adaptogen', a phrase used to explain herbs that improve physical power and fitness ability, improve resistance to the common cold and attacks and improve sex-related capacity and infertility. Ashwagandha seems to show positive results on the hormonal, cardio, and main anxious systems. It is one natural herb that could help you're body produce it's own hypothyroid hormones

Diabetes:One reason for ashwagandha's popularity as a general energy-promoting, disease-preventing pick-me-up may be its impact on the defense mechanisms. A number of research significant improves in white blood vessels cell matters and other measures of increased resistance in rats or rodents given ashwagandha or certain substances produced from the natural herb. Ashwagandha may also have a light sedative impact on the neurological program and in animal research it has been proven.

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Tulsi Extract,tulsi Extract

  • Part Used Aerial part
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts
  • Botinical Name Ocimum sanctum
  • Common Name/ Other Name Tulsi
  • Scientific Name(s) Ocimum Sanctum
  • Active Content/Ingredients Ursolic acid 1.5% &2.5% , Tannin 10%
  • Family Lamiaceae
  • Colour and appearance Dark brown coloured powder, with bitter taste and Characteristic odours.
  • Place of origin Jalandhar in india
  • Product Code AMBTL01
  • Testing Method Gravimetric
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side


Tulsi is found both wild and cultivated Jalandhar in india. Its temperament is hot and dry in the second degree. Its leaves and seeds are used as medicine. Decoction of the leaves is an effective remedy for fever and cold. Fresh juice of leaves is useful for earache and relives flatulence. Single dose consists of 500 milligrams to 1 gram.

In natural medication, tulsi is generally used to cure the following conditions

In a 2008 research of 35 grownups with general panic, scientists found that taking tulsi in pills type everyday for 60 days to considerably reduced pressure stages and Depression.

Brief:-It acts as a detoxifying, cleansing and purifying agent both from within and without

It is also beneficial in treating respiratory ailments like chronic bronchitis, asthma et cetera.

Benefit:It is loaded with phytonutrients, essential oils, Vitamin A and C

It has antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-carcinogenic properties.

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  • Part Used -Leaf
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Application Antibacterial
  • Type Herbal Extracts
  • Botinical Name Azadirachta
  • Common Name/ Other Name Neem
  • Scientific Name(s) Azadirachta indica
  • Family Meliaceae
  • Colour and appearance Yellowish brown coloured powder wif bitter taste
  • Place of origin Delhi in India
  • Product Code AMBBM01
  • Testing Method Gravimetric
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side

Uses :

It is anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-hyperglycemic and insecticidal in characteristics.

It is useful in hyperdipsia, sporadic and malarial high temperature.

It is used in treatment serious injuries, suffering from diabetes feet and gangrene creating conditions.

It is used in situation of leprosy, epidermis illnesses, stomach problems, losing feeling, exhaustion and acne.

It is used in leucoderma, inflammations, amenorrhoea, lumbago and haemorrhoids.

It is also useful in throwing up, dyspepsia, abdominal viruses and hepatopathy.

Brief:Neem is a tree. The debris, leaves, and seeds are used to make medicine. Less frequently, teh main, plant, and fruits are also used.

Neem foliage is used for leprosy, eye conditions, weakling nasal area, abdominal viruses, abdomen upset, appetite loss, epidermis nausea, illnesses of the heart and veins (cardiovascular disease), high temperature, diabetic issues, gum illness (gingivitis), and liver problems. The foliage is also used for contraception method and to cause abortions.

The debris is used for malaria, abdomen and abdominal nausea, epidermis illnesses, pain, and high temperature.

The plant is used for reducing bile, controlling phlegm, and treating abdominal viruses.

The fruits is used for piles, abdominal viruses, bladder system conditions, weakling nasal area, phlegm, eye conditions, diabetic issues, injuries, and leprosy.

Neem branches are used for cough, asthma, piles, abdominal viruses, low sperm stages, bladder conditions, and diabetic issues. Individuals in the tropics sometimes chew neem branches instead of using tooth brushes, but this can cause illness; neem branches are often infected with fungi within 2 weeks of harvest and should be avoided.

The seeds and seeds oil are used for leprosy and abdominal viruses. They are also used for contraception method and to cause abortions.

The control, main debris, and fruits are used as a pick-me-up and astringent.

Some people apply neem directly to teh epidermis to treat head lice, epidermis illnesses, injuries, and epidermis ulcers; as a insect repellent; and as a epidermis conditioner.

Inside the vaginal area, neem is used for contraception method.

Source of Herbs:Neem is very common shrub in Indian. It is a large time tested heavy shrub growing some 10 to 10.5 gauge high with a thickness of about 2-3 gauge. The simply leaves of this shrub are separated into numerous pamphlets, each similar to a full-grown foliage. The Natures neem shrub has performed in Ayurvedic medications and farming for hundreds of years. It is native to south Japan, where up to twenty million plants line the streets. The shrub occurs naturally in the Deccan peninsula, but it is harvested allover Indian.

Benefit:It significantly decreased the plaque index and bacterial count.

It decreased oxidative stress and reduces blood vessels sugar levels level in human body.

It intervenes the life-cycle of head lice, suppressing their ability to feed and preventing egg from hatching.

It increases fat peroxidation in the liver and blood vessels of tumor-bearing models and associated with significant reduces in the activities of GSH-dependent antioxidant.

It immobilizes and destroys 100% human spermatozoa at high concentration.

Tradional Uses:Gum illness (gingivitis). Applying natures neem leaf draw out gel to the gums and teeth twice everyday for 6 several weeks might decrease oral plaque formation, according to developing analysis. It also might decrease the number of bacteria in the oral cavity that can cause oral plaque.

Neem appears to be safe for most adults, when taken orally area for a few months frame. When natures neem is taken in large doses or for a long period, it might be unsafe. It might damage the kidneys and liver.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Children:Neem is unsafe for kids. Serious adverse reactions in infants and youngsters can happen within hours after getting natures neem oil. These serious adverse reactions include vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, blood vessels conditions, seizures, loss of awareness, coma, brain conditions, and death.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding:Neem oil and natures neem debris are unsafe to use during maternity. They can cause a miscarriage.

Auto-immune diseases such as ms (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Neem might cause the defense mechanisms to become more active, and this could increase the symptoms of auto-immune illnesses. If you have one of these circumstances, its best to prevent using natures neem.

Diabetes:There is some proof that natures neem can reduced glucose stages and might cause blood vessels glucose stages to go too low. If you have diabetic issues and use natures neem, monitor you're blood vessels glucose stages carefully. It might be necessary to change the dose of you're diabetic issues medication.

Reduced ability to have kids (infertility):There is some proof that natures neem can damage sperm. It might also decrease fertility in other ways. If you are trying to have kids, prevent using natures neem.

Organ transplant:There is a issue that natures neem might decrease the effectiveness of medications that are used to prevent body rejection. Do not use natures neem if you have had an body implant.

Surgery:coz natures neem might reduced glucose stages, there is a issue that it might interfere with blood vessels glucose stages management during and after surgery treatment. Stop using natures neem at least 2 several weeks before a scheduled surgery treatment.

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Shilajit Extract

  • Part Used -Whole bituminous substance
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Application Immune Support
  • Type Herbal Extracts
  • Botinical Name Ashphaltum
  • Common Name/ Other Name Shilajit
  • Scientific Name(s) Ashphaltum
  • Family Ashphatum
  • Colour and appearance Dark brown coloured powder having characteristic odour
  • Product Code AMBAM01
  • Testing Method Gravimetric
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side


Aphrodisiac, Spermatogenic, Anxiolytic, Anti- Inflammatory, Anti-pyretic, Anti-Obesity, Anti- Diabetic, Cardio protective, Anti-hyperlipidemic, Nervine tonic, Diuretic, Anti-obesity, Appetizer, Rejuvenate Agent.

Brief:Shilajit is very common medicine that is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of various Disease. Shilajit is natural substance that is found in Himalayas mountain that is situated between Nepal and India. Another name that is used for shilajit is Shilajeet, silajit etc. This is used as therapeutic disease to treat various disease of brain, nerves, kidney, bladder, reproductive organ and endocrine glands. It contains fulvic acid, humins and humic acid.


Shilajit is generally used as health tonic and elixir for long life happiness. This drug has important role for enhance memory that is also called (intellect & memory). It makes the body strong & disease free. It provides Nutritional support in weight loss and prevent loss of energy.

1. Oligospermia:: It helps to treat oligospermia by increasing count and maintain health of reproductive system. It is an aphrodisiac agent and becomes a crucial ingredient in all mens supplements.

2. Obesity and overweight:It provides nutrition and also prevent loss of energy during weight loss programme. It acts as metabolic agent and help to convert cholesterol into bile.

3. Atherosclerosis:It convert cholesterol into bile that helps in reduce the cholesterol that is main culprit of atherosclerosis. It acts as anti-inflammatory and reduce inflammation. It also help in reduce shiftiness of blood vessels.

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Tulsi Leaf Extract

  • Part Used leaves, bark, fruit
  • Shelf Life 3 Years
  • Appearance brown to dark brown colour powder
  • Application antimicrobial activity , anticarcinogenic activity
  • Place of Origin Himachal Pradesh, India
  • Product Name Tulsi Extract
  • Model Number AMBTE02
  • Type Tulsi Extract
  • Latin Name Ocimum Sanctum
  • Port Delhi Gujarat, Mumbai
  • Active Ingredient Ursolic Acid, Eugenol
  • Supply Ability 1000 Kilogram/Kilograms per Week
  • Test Method HPLC & UV
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Pure Curcuma Longa Extract

  • Packaging Type Drum, Plastic Container, Vacuum Packed
  • Brand Name Ambe NS Agro Products Pvt Ltd.
  • Botanical Name Curcuma Longa
  • Model Number AMBCL01
  • Port Delhi
  • Common Name Haldi, Turmeric
  • Extraction Type Solvent Extraction
  • Standardised Curcuminoids 90%
  • Part Root
  • Variety Curcumin
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Ashoka Bark Extract

  • Type Botanical Extracts,
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd
  • Application Saraca Indica as Medicinal Herb, Premenstrual Syndrome, Dysmenorrhea and Menstrual Irregularities
  • Botinical Name Saraca indica
  • Common Name/ Other Name Ashoka
  • Scientific Name(s) Saraca asoca
  • Family Fabaceae
  • Part Used -Bark
  • Colour and Appearance Reddish-brown coloured powder
  • Place of origin Eastern India (Calcutta )
  • Product Code AMBAE01
  • Specification Tannin content 15-20%w/w
  • Testing Method By UV
  • Packing 25 Kg HDPE drums with double polybags inner side


Saraca indica or the Ashoka tree is an important plant from a religious and cultural point of view in India. The tree has beautiful red flowers and a dense foliage which makes it seem stately to its devotees. The tree is a symbol of fertility in Indian culture and has been recently shown to provide relief to women during menstruation. The dried bark of the tree constitutes the drug. The bark contains tannins and catechol. The powder of the bark contains silica, sodium, potassiom, phosphate, magnesium, iron, calcium, strontium and aluminium. A crystalline glycosidal substance Phas been isolated from the bark with galactose as the constituent sugar.


The extract from bark has stimulatory activity on the ovarian tissue. It may be producing an estrogen like activity enhancing the repair of the endometrium and preventing bleeding. The extract from flowers has been shown in mice to has anti-skin cancer activity. Pains and Inflammation Common ailments Cancer.


Ashoka tree is a famous medicinal plant which cures ample number of disorders. Each part of the tree is loaded with one or the other health benefits. Listed below are few effective health benefits of Ashoka tree.

Cosmetic:The bark of the tree is used for preparing cosmetics to improve the complexion. In addition it is also beneficial for ladies who face painful or irregular menstrual cycle. It also best recommended remedy to treat vaginal discharge

Stomach Swelling:Intake of bark or leaves of Ashoka helps to get rid of worms and removes swelling in the stomach. Furthermore the stem bark is rich in anti-fungal, pain killing and anti-bacterial properties.

Blood Purifier:Consuming tonics made of bark, flowers and leaves of Ashoka tree treats diarrhea and purifies the blood

Diabetes:Dried flowers of the tree are very helpful for the people who are suffering from diabetes. Prepare powder from dry flower of the tree and take daily to keep sugar level in control.

Piles:In addition the Ashoka herbal supplements cure the bleeding caused by piles. You can also prepare a decoction using the bark of the tree to treat internal piles.

Inflammation:Decoction of the bark relieves from burning sensation and can be used as a wash. It also soothes inflammation externally and internally.

Uterus:The bark of this herbal tree is rich in ketosterol. It treats uterine fibroids and other internal fibroids as well. Hence it is considered as one of the common household remedy for uterine disorders. The mucosa of the uterus could be toned by powdered bark. Boil 2 tsp of bark powder in 2 glass of water till it is reduced to 1/4th. Filter it and take 30ml of this decoction 2 times a day

Fungal Infection:Ashoka tree bark is loaded with chloroform, methanol and other properties that treat bacterial and fungal infections

Complexion:Capsules produced from Ashoka tree are of great benefit for skin and overall complexion. In addition these tablets are consumed as natural supplement to treat irritations or burning sensations in the skin

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Plantae Extracts Pvt. ltd.

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Herbal Extract

Our product range contains a wide range of GingerExtract, Bhringraj Extract, methi extract, Coleus Forskohlii Extract and Amla Extract/Powder


  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts/ Dry Extracts
  • Botinical Name Zingiber Officinalis
  • Common Name/ Other Name Ginger
  • Scientific Name(s) Zingiber Officinalis
  • Active Content/ Ingredients Gingerol
  • Family Zingiberaceae
  • Part Used - Dried Rhizomes
  • Colour and Appearance Yellow
  • Place of origin Southern part of India (karla)
  • Product Code AMBZO01
  • Testing Method HPLC
  • Packing 25 Kg drums wif double polybags inner side
  • Application Skin Care
  • TEMPEffects & Properties Anti-oxidant, Anti-marks, Anti-inflammatory


Digestive cinnamon draw out are gingeole Ginger / Zingiber Officinalis Extract best used in coughing, cool, bronchial asthma and pharyngopathy.

Also beneficial in heart diseases Curing illnesses :

1 . It is used in dyspepsia, diarrhea, intestinal colic, unwanted gas, throwing up and nausea or throwing up.

2 . It is used in coughing, cool, bronchial asthma .

Cinnamon is the rhizome or in other terms, the dense, twisted and bravo subterranean control of the place called Zingiber officinale, which Phas been used as a conventional natural medication by the Indians to cure an disappointed abdomen, feeling sick, heartburn and diarrhoea, this is coz ginger Phas anti-inflammatory results. It was also used heart disease, joint disease and intestinal colic treatment.

Specification:5% , 6% Gingerol (w/w)


In general, Ginger natural herb Phas natural sedative, medication and carminative qualities, which is why it is used as a traditional therapy or as natural home remedies for complications, common flu, agonizing monthly times, throwing up, hacking and coughing and the common cold as well as food harming. It can also halp in reducing the discomfort caused by arthritis and arthritis by decreasing the stage of swelling.

Some studies revealed that powder ginger can help decrease the symptoms of movement illness better than sugar pill does. It was also discovered out that expectant mothers who consume at least one of ginger daily were able to find relief from morning health problems, like throwing up and nausea or vomiting. But, it is highly-advised that expectant mothers should seek advice from their doctors prior to consuming ginger. Also, they should not consume more than one of ginger draw out every day.

A certain study also shown that a component of ginger is able to stop as well as slow down the growth of several types of melanoma metastasis. Ginger natural herb draw out can destroy ovarian and intestinal tract melanoma tissues, thus making it an excellent source of cure for colon and ovarian malignancies. In addition to this, ginger is also able of eliminating minerals and the lack of this type of compound will cause the prostate melanoma tissues to die.

Ginger Side Effect

It is definitely recommended to consume this type of medication under the guidance of a qualified doctor who is knowledgeable in organic medication. An acute cinnamon over dose can cause cinnamon inebriation or cinnamon nerves, which is the result of the over-stimulation of the neurological system. It can also cause an discomfort in the oral cavity. It may also trigger an sensitivity by means of allergy, burping and symptoms of heartburn. To avoid these adverse reactions you may opt to consume cinnamon supplements in pills type.

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Bhringraj Extract

  • Part Used -Whole aerial plant, root and stems
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts/ Dry Extracts
  • Botinical Name Eclipta alba
  • Common Name/ Other Name Bhringraj
  • Scientific Name(s) Eclipta Alba Extract
  • Active Content/Ingredients Bitter-3%
  • Family Compositae
  • Colour and appearance Dark brown coloured thick paste
  • Place of origin Andhra Pradesh in india
  • Product Code AMBBE01
  • Testing Method Gravimetric
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side


Bhringraj is use for hairdressing and cirrhosis in Ayurveda. It is considered to maintain and revitalize locks, teeth, bone fragments, storage, vision, and hearing It works to revitalize renal system and liver organ. It snacks greying and baldness, making the locks deeper, and encourages strong sleep. It also enhances complexion Bhringraj is used substantially by Ayurvedic experts, for the treatment skin illnesses and eye infections.

Habitat:Bhringraj or Following eclipta or Incorrect Plant is a small sneaking place which can sometimes be hard also with white flower leads.

The blossoms look like Daisies and hence the name Incorrect Plant. The place connected to the family of asteraceae. The results in of the place are mostly used in ayurvedic remedies. The place is thought to be a local of Indian and can also be discovered in several areas in Japan such as Chinese suppliers and Thailand. It is also discovered in South America, especially in South america.

Brief:Liver protection:One of the significant therapeutic uses of Bhringraj is in treatment and defending the liver organ from illnesses such as jaundice, liver disease, etc. Latest reports on Bhringraj has proven in important efficiency in liver organ security which correlates with the conventional use of Bhringraj.

Controls diabetes:Diabetic issues management is one of the significant treatment uses of Bhringraj being revealed these days. Creature assessments revealed that foliage draw out administration of Bhringraj for 60 days led to important loss of the sugar levels.

Anti-microbial properties:Research on Bhringraj ingredients revealed that they were effective in managing microbial spots, fungus spots. The ingredients also owned and operated the ability to restrict malaria virus as well.

Anti-inflammatory and pain-killer properties:Tests revealed that the ingredients of Bhringraj owned and operated active anti-inflammatory qualities which are very useful in managing coronary artery disease, joint disease, periodontitis, etc.

Apart from anti-inflammatory qualities, Bhringraj offers medication or painkilling qualities which can be very halpful in illnesses such as joint disease, etc.

Control of cholesterol:Cholestrerol levels management is one of the treatment activities of Bhringraj seen in studies. The ingredients from the place led to management of LDL or high cholesterol levels and increase of HDL or good cholesterol in important amounts.

Neuropharmacological properties:According to Ayurveda, one of the treatment uses of Bhringraj was to cure disruptions in the neurological system. It was recommended for sleeplessness and mental frustration. Research that Bhringraj helps in maintaining and accessing memory. This can be of important value in neuroscience.

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Methi Extract

  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt Ltd.
  • Type Botanical Extracts,
  • Family Bursuraceae
  • Colour and appearance Dark Yellow colour powder, having characteristic odour
  • Place of origin AMBTF01
  • Product Code AMBBM01

Uses:-Fenugreek plant seeds draw out are used as a therapeutic in where they are regarded to heated and inform renal system, spread cool and relieve pain.

Brief:-Native to nations on the southern shoreline of the Mediterranean sea and harvested in Native indian, The red sea and The other agents in African- american.Diabetic issues. Consuming fenugreek, combined with food during a food, seems to reduced glucose levels after the food in individuals with kind 1 or kind two diabetes.High cholestrerol levels. There is inconsistent proof about the potency of using fenugreek for cholesterol-reducing.

High triglycerides (blood fats). Studies suggest fenugreek might reduced triglycerides in individuals with kind two diabetes.

Heartburn. Studies suggest that taking a specific fenugreek product (FenuLife, Frutarom Belgium) before the two biggest meals of the day decreases symptoms of symptoms of heartburn.

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Coleus Forskohlii Extract

  • Part Used -Roots
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts
  • Botinical Name Coleus forskohlii
  • Common Name/ Other Name Indian Coleus
  • Scientific Name(s) forskolin
  • Family Lamiaceae
  • Colour and appearance Reddish to brown coloured hygroscopic powder
  • Place of origin Delhi in India
  • Product Code AMBBM01
  • Testing Method HPLC
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side
  • Application Weight Management


Anti-angina, anti-hypothyroidism, Treatment of eczema, Pasoriasis, Anti-angina, Anti-hypertensive, Weight loss, Boost metabolism, Treatment of Asthma, Menorrhea, Urinary tract infection, Irritable bowel Syndrome, Insomnia, Blood clots.


Coleus is also known as Coleus forskolii, Colforsin, Colforsine. Coleus belongs to mint family and generally used for skin disease, heart & lung disorder. In India it is used as folk medicine and remedy for digestion. Root of coleus contain a pharmacological active substance that is froskolin. Extract of coleus contain 10-20% Froskolin. This herb basically grows in India, Nepal and Thailand.


The species of coleus has been used extensively in many traditional medicine including in treatment of digestive disorders, skin disorders other conditions such as rheumatism and neck shiftiness. It is also used in treatment of heart, blood and circular conditions and cancers. It increase the effect of AMP and reduces the histamine that halp to get relief from allergy.

1. Anti- Hypertensive :Coleus increased the stroke volume and lowers the high blood pressure by relaxing the artery wall of the heart.

2. Asthma :Coleus contains a pharmacological active substance that is called Froskolin. It helps to stabilize the cell that release histamine and relax smooth muscle tissue.

3. Treatment of Cancer:Froskolin has effective therapeutic value for the treatment of cancer. It can cause apoptosis in multiple myeloma cancer cells.

4. Lowers the blood Sugar Level:Coleus contains an active pharmacological substance known as Froskolin. It helps in reduce blood sugar levels. Study shows this is very effective for Diabetic and Pre-Diabetic patients.

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Amla Extract/Powder

  • Part Used -Fruits. Active Principle/Barries
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts/ Dry Extracts
  • Botinical Name Phyllanthus Emblica
  • Common Name/ Other Name Amla, Indian gooseberry,
  • Scientific Name(s) Embelia Longifolia(benth)hemsl
  • Active Content/Ingredients Tannins
  • Family Phyllanthaceae/Euphorbiaceae.
  • Colour and appearance Dark Brown/Dry Extract
  • Place of origin Fruit of Embelica Tree from Himachal Pradesh
  • Product Code AMBPE01
  • Testing Method HPLC/UV Method
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side
  • Application Hair Care , Skin Care
  • Effects & Properties Conditioning, Lightening, Silky feel, Shiny-ness.


Emblica displays powerful anti-oxidant action. It is one of the most essential vegetation in the conventional Ayurvedic healthcare program as well as in other conventional wellness techniques for immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, hepatoprotective, and anticancer activities. However, their is very restricted healthcare proof to back up the use of emblica for any sign.


Amla is generally non as Native indian Gooseberry. It is a deciduous place which Phas its fruits with great therapeutic value. Medical name of this is Phyllanthus emblica. Amla is India's own item and is a significant component of the famous Ayurvedic arrangements.

Chyavanaprash and Triphala. Initially believed to be a wealthy resource of supplement C, the effective concepts of amla has been proven to be low molecular bodyweight hydrolyzable tannins containing a molecular fragment just like supplement c (vitamin C).

Specification:-20%-30% and 40% Tannin


Amla being an Native indian fruits with great therapeutic value is used for the strategy to various illnesses. All areas of the place are used for the therapy. In Ayurvedic medications, Amla is a typical component. The shrub is regarded holy by Hindu religious beliefs and is even worshipped.

Amla has gone through tests pharmacologically (on animals) and medically for the following and discovered to be efficient.

Diabetes:Activation of the pancreatic, allowing release of blood insulin and consequently reducing blood glucose levels in diabetic issues is seen when fruit juice of the berries is taken regularly.So, it is used as a drugs for diabetic issues.

Abdomen Problems:One tbsp of the insert of amla results in combined with sweetie or buttermilk snacks diarrhoea. A drink made from the dry fruit, when combined with fresh freshly squeezed orange fruit juice and misri (sugar candy) helps serious bacillary dysentery. The berries is also non to be a protection as well as a balanced solution for stomach stomach problems and cancers.

Breathing Disorders:Amla shows useful for various respiratory illnesses, especially of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma and respiratory disease.

Eye disorders:The liquid combination of Native indian Gooseberry and sweetie is useful in protecting vision. It is useful for conjunctivitis and glaucoma. A cup of its fruit juice combined with sweetie culls intraocular stress extremely.

Rheumatism:A tsp. of powdered dry Amla combined with 2 tsp of jiggery taken twice every day for a month helps cure rheumatism.

Scurvy:Being a rich source of vitamin C, this berries shows to be one of the best medicines for scurvy. The powdered of dry Amla can be combined with an equivalent quantity of glucose and taken one tsp, three times every day with dairy.

Other benefits: The berries functions as a catalyst for all the body parts of the body and develops wellness by restarting strength, and ending various disease-causing elements

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Ashwagandha Extract

  • Part Used - Root, leaves/tars
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts/ Dry Extracts
  • Botinical Name Withania somnifera/ somnifera
  • Common Name/ Other Name Ajagandha, Amangura, Amukkirag
  • Scientific Name(s) Withania somnifera
  • Active Content/ ingredients Alkaloids, withanolides
  • Family Solanaceae
  • Colour and appearance A pale brown to light brown powder
  • Place of origin Origin and History of Ashwagandha
  • Product Code AMBAS01
  • Testing Method HPLC, TLC
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side
  • Application Skin Care
  • Effects & Properties Anti-wrinkle, Refirming, Conditioning, Anti-Blemish.


In two released medical studies of W.somnifera, the adverse reactions were not considerably different from those knowledgeable by placebo-treated individuals. In the medical test of Cooley at al.Ashwagandha display higher medical advantage than psychiatric therapy in psychological health (anxiety level), focus, exhaustion, public performing, energy, and overall total well being.Also, ashwagandha may act as an abortifacient and has typically been used in this part. Increase resistance to the common cold & attacks, power, sex-related interest. Fights erection problems and allows control blood vessels glucose levels.

May improve the consequences of barbiturates, use in combination with sedative drugs should be prevented. As a neurological program depressan t, or tranquilizer, the natural herb should be used in control


Ashwagandha draw out is in accordance with the main and results in of the Ashwagandha plant (Withania somnifera). The draw out is used mainly together with other ayurvedic herbs and applied as a precautionary adaptogen for overall improvement of health and body systems. The therapeutic benefits of ashwagandha draw out are linked to the great levels of phenolic substances, withanolides, flavonoids, alkaloids, lactones and saponins it contains.

These scientific substances occur at a level 4-5 times higher in the main of the plant than in the results in and fruits and vegetables. As such, all top quality ashwagandha draw out will be produced almost specifically from the main with little or no results in and fruits and vegetables used. Using the main also generally guarantees that the full biochemical variety of the natural herb is maintained in the draw out.

Specification:Alkaloids: 1.5% , 1.7% (w/w)withanolides: 2.5%, 5%, 8% and 10 % (w/w)

Ashwagandha Benefits:

Ashwagandha is an incredibly healthy medicinal herb.The benefits of Ashwagandha are perfect for those battling stress, as it inhibits high levels of cortisol, 'the stress hormone'.It is in fact used in tranquilizers and antidepressants drugs, since it helps relieve physical and mental stress and overcome depression.

Children:Ashwagandha root is a natural herb of the ages. It is the 'ginseng' of Ayurvedic medication, the traditional medicinal practises of Indian and is considered an 'adaptogen', a phrase used to explain herbs that improve physical power and fitness ability, improve resistance to the common cold and attacks and improve sex-related capacity and infertility. Ashwagandha seems to show positive results on the hormonal, cardio, and main anxious systems. It is one natural herb that could help you're body produce it's own hypothyroid hormones

Diabetes:One reason for ashwagandha's popularity as a general energy-promoting, disease-preventing pick-me-up may be its impact on the defense mechanisms. A number of research significant improves in white blood vessels cell matters and other measures of increased resistance in rats or rodents given ashwagandha or certain substances produced from the natural herb. Ashwagandha may also have a light sedative impact on the neurological program and in animal research it has been proven.

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Tulsi Extract,tulsi Extract

  • Part Used Aerial part
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt Ltd.
  • Type Herbal Extracts
  • Botinical Name Ocimum sanctum
  • Common Name/ Other Name Tulsi
  • Scientific Name(s) Ocimum Sanctum
  • Active Content/Ingredients Ursolic acid 1.5% &2.5% , Tannin 10%
  • Family Lamiaceae
  • Colour and appearance Dark brown coloured powder, with bitter taste and Characteristic odours.
  • Place of origin Jalandhar in india
  • Product Code AMBTL01
  • Testing Method Gravimetric
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side


Tulsi is found both wild and cultivated Jalandhar in india. Its temperament is hot and dry in the second degree. Its leaves and seeds are used as medicine. Decoction of the leaves is an effective remedy for fever and cold. Fresh juice of leaves is useful for earache and relives flatulence. Single dose consists of 500 milligrams to 1 gram.

In natural medication, tulsi is generally used to cure the following conditions

In a 2008 research of 35 grownups with general panic, scientists found that taking tulsi in pills type everyday for 60 days to considerably reduced pressure stages and Depression.

Brief:-It acts as a detoxifying, cleansing and purifying agent both from within and without

It is also beneficial in treating respiratory ailments like chronic bronchitis, asthma et cetera.

Benefit:It is loaded with phytonutrients, essential oils, Vitamin A and C

It has antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-carcinogenic properties.

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  • Part Used -Leaf
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Application Antibacterial
  • Type Herbal Extracts
  • Botinical Name Azadirachta
  • Common Name/ Other Name Neem
  • Scientific Name(s) Azadirachta indica
  • Family Meliaceae
  • Colour and appearance Yellowish brown coloured powder wif bitter taste
  • Place of origin Delhi in India
  • Product Code AMBBM01
  • Testing Method Gravimetric
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side

Uses :

It is anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-hyperglycemic and insecticidal in characteristics.

It is useful in hyperdipsia, sporadic and malarial high temperature.

It is used in treatment serious injuries, suffering from diabetes feet and gangrene creating conditions.

It is used in situation of leprosy, epidermis illnesses, stomach problems, losing feeling, exhaustion and acne.

It is used in leucoderma, inflammations, amenorrhoea, lumbago and haemorrhoids.

It is also useful in throwing up, dyspepsia, abdominal viruses and hepatopathy.

Brief:Neem is a tree. The debris, leaves, and seeds are used to make medicine. Less frequently, teh main, plant, and fruits are also used.

Neem foliage is used for leprosy, eye conditions, weakling nasal area, abdominal viruses, abdomen upset, appetite loss, epidermis nausea, illnesses of the heart and veins (cardiovascular disease), high temperature, diabetic issues, gum illness (gingivitis), and liver problems. The foliage is also used for contraception method and to cause abortions.

The debris is used for malaria, abdomen and abdominal nausea, epidermis illnesses, pain, and high temperature.

The plant is used for reducing bile, controlling phlegm, and treating abdominal viruses.

The fruits is used for piles, abdominal viruses, bladder system conditions, weakling nasal area, phlegm, eye conditions, diabetic issues, injuries, and leprosy.

Neem branches are used for cough, asthma, piles, abdominal viruses, low sperm stages, bladder conditions, and diabetic issues. Individuals in the tropics sometimes chew neem branches instead of using tooth brushes, but this can cause illness; neem branches are often infected with fungi within 2 weeks of harvest and should be avoided.

The seeds and seeds oil are used for leprosy and abdominal viruses. They are also used for contraception method and to cause abortions.

The control, main debris, and fruits are used as a pick-me-up and astringent.

Some people apply neem directly to teh epidermis to treat head lice, epidermis illnesses, injuries, and epidermis ulcers; as a insect repellent; and as a epidermis conditioner.

Inside the vaginal area, neem is used for contraception method.

Source of Herbs:Neem is very common shrub in Indian. It is a large time tested heavy shrub growing some 10 to 10.5 gauge high with a thickness of about 2-3 gauge. The simply leaves of this shrub are separated into numerous pamphlets, each similar to a full-grown foliage. The Natures neem shrub has performed in Ayurvedic medications and farming for hundreds of years. It is native to south Japan, where up to twenty million plants line the streets. The shrub occurs naturally in the Deccan peninsula, but it is harvested allover Indian.

Benefit:It significantly decreased the plaque index and bacterial count.

It decreased oxidative stress and reduces blood vessels sugar levels level in human body.

It intervenes the life-cycle of head lice, suppressing their ability to feed and preventing egg from hatching.

It increases fat peroxidation in the liver and blood vessels of tumor-bearing models and associated with significant reduces in the activities of GSH-dependent antioxidant.

It immobilizes and destroys 100% human spermatozoa at high concentration.

Tradional Uses:Gum illness (gingivitis). Applying natures neem leaf draw out gel to the gums and teeth twice everyday for 6 several weeks might decrease oral plaque formation, according to developing analysis. It also might decrease the number of bacteria in the oral cavity that can cause oral plaque.

Neem appears to be safe for most adults, when taken orally area for a few months frame. When natures neem is taken in large doses or for a long period, it might be unsafe. It might damage the kidneys and liver.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Children:Neem is unsafe for kids. Serious adverse reactions in infants and youngsters can happen within hours after getting natures neem oil. These serious adverse reactions include vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, blood vessels conditions, seizures, loss of awareness, coma, brain conditions, and death.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding:Neem oil and natures neem debris are unsafe to use during maternity. They can cause a miscarriage.

Auto-immune diseases such as ms (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Neem might cause the defense mechanisms to become more active, and this could increase the symptoms of auto-immune illnesses. If you have one of these circumstances, its best to prevent using natures neem.

Diabetes:There is some proof that natures neem can reduced glucose stages and might cause blood vessels glucose stages to go too low. If you have diabetic issues and use natures neem, monitor you're blood vessels glucose stages carefully. It might be necessary to change the dose of you're diabetic issues medication.

Reduced ability to have kids (infertility):There is some proof that natures neem can damage sperm. It might also decrease fertility in other ways. If you are trying to have kids, prevent using natures neem.

Organ transplant:There is a issue that natures neem might decrease the effectiveness of medications that are used to prevent body rejection. Do not use natures neem if you have had an body implant.

Surgery:coz natures neem might reduced glucose stages, there is a issue that it might interfere with blood vessels glucose stages management during and after surgery treatment. Stop using natures neem at least 2 several weeks before a scheduled surgery treatment.

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Shilajit Extract

  • Part Used -Whole bituminous substance
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd.
  • Application Immune Support
  • Type Herbal Extracts
  • Botinical Name Ashphaltum
  • Common Name/ Other Name Shilajit
  • Scientific Name(s) Ashphaltum
  • Family Ashphatum
  • Colour and appearance Dark brown coloured powder having characteristic odour
  • Product Code AMBAM01
  • Testing Method Gravimetric
  • Packing 25 Kg drums with double polybags inner side


Aphrodisiac, Spermatogenic, Anxiolytic, Anti- Inflammatory, Anti-pyretic, Anti-Obesity, Anti- Diabetic, Cardio protective, Anti-hyperlipidemic, Nervine tonic, Diuretic, Anti-obesity, Appetizer, Rejuvenate Agent.

Brief:Shilajit is very common medicine that is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of various Disease. Shilajit is natural substance that is found in Himalayas mountain that is situated between Nepal and India. Another name that is used for shilajit is Shilajeet, silajit etc. This is used as therapeutic disease to treat various disease of brain, nerves, kidney, bladder, reproductive organ and endocrine glands. It contains fulvic acid, humins and humic acid.


Shilajit is generally used as health tonic and elixir for long life happiness. This drug has important role for enhance memory that is also called (intellect & memory). It makes the body strong & disease free. It provides Nutritional support in weight loss and prevent loss of energy.

1. Oligospermia:: It helps to treat oligospermia by increasing count and maintain health of reproductive system. It is an aphrodisiac agent and becomes a crucial ingredient in all mens supplements.

2. Obesity and overweight:It provides nutrition and also prevent loss of energy during weight loss programme. It acts as metabolic agent and help to convert cholesterol into bile.

3. Atherosclerosis:It convert cholesterol into bile that helps in reduce the cholesterol that is main culprit of atherosclerosis. It acts as anti-inflammatory and reduce inflammation. It also help in reduce shiftiness of blood vessels.

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Tulsi Leaf Extract

  • Part Used leaves, bark, fruit
  • Shelf Life 3 Years
  • Appearance brown to dark brown colour powder
  • Application antimicrobial activity , anticarcinogenic activity
  • Place of Origin Himachal Pradesh, India
  • Product Name Tulsi Extract
  • Model Number AMBTE02
  • Type Tulsi Extract
  • Latin Name Ocimum Sanctum
  • Port Delhi Gujarat, Mumbai
  • Active Ingredient Ursolic Acid, Eugenol
  • Supply Ability 1000 Kilogram/Kilograms per Week
  • Test Method HPLC & UV
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Pure Curcuma Longa Extract

  • Packaging Type Drum, Plastic Container, Vacuum Packed
  • Brand Name Ambe NS Agro Products Pvt Ltd.
  • Botanical Name Curcuma Longa
  • Model Number AMBCL01
  • Port Delhi
  • Common Name Haldi, Turmeric
  • Extraction Type Solvent Extraction
  • Standardised Curcuminoids 90%
  • Part Root
  • Variety Curcumin
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Ashoka Bark Extract

  • Type Botanical Extracts,
  • Brand Name Ambe Ns Agro Products Pvt.Ltd
  • Application Saraca Indica as Medicinal Herb, Premenstrual Syndrome, Dysmenorrhea and Menstrual Irregularities
  • Botinical Name Saraca indica
  • Common Name/ Other Name Ashoka
  • Scientific Name(s) Saraca asoca
  • Family Fabaceae
  • Part Used -Bark
  • Colour and Appearance Reddish-brown coloured powder
  • Place of origin Eastern India (Calcutta )
  • Product Code AMBAE01
  • Specification Tannin content 15-20%w/w
  • Testing Method By UV
  • Packing 25 Kg HDPE drums with double polybags inner side


Saraca indica or the Ashoka tree is an important plant from a religious and cultural point of view in India. The tree has beautiful red flowers and a dense foliage which makes it seem stately to its devotees. The tree is a symbol of fertility in Indian culture and has been recently shown to provide relief to women during menstruation. The dried bark of the tree constitutes the drug. The bark contains tannins and catechol. The powder of the bark contains silica, sodium, potassiom, phosphate, magnesium, iron, calcium, strontium and aluminium. A crystalline glycosidal substance Phas been isolated from the bark with galactose as the constituent sugar.


The extract from bark has stimulatory activity on the ovarian tissue. It may be producing an estrogen like activity enhancing the repair of the endometrium and preventing bleeding. The extract from flowers has been shown in mice to has anti-skin cancer activity. Pains and Inflammation Common ailments Cancer.


Ashoka tree is a famous medicinal plant which cures ample number of disorders. Each part of the tree is loaded with one or the other health benefits. Listed below are few effective health benefits of Ashoka tree.

Cosmetic:The bark of the tree is used for preparing cosmetics to improve the complexion. In addition it is also beneficial for ladies who face painful or irregular menstrual cycle. It also best recommended remedy to treat vaginal discharge

Stomach Swelling:Intake of bark or leaves of Ashoka helps to get rid of worms and removes swelling in the stomach. Furthermore the stem bark is rich in anti-fungal, pain killing and anti-bacterial properties.

Blood Purifier:Consuming tonics made of bark, flowers and leaves of Ashoka tree treats diarrhea and purifies the blood

Diabetes:Dried flowers of the tree are very helpful for the people who are suffering from diabetes. Prepare powder from dry flower of the tree and take daily to keep sugar level in control.

Piles:In addition the Ashoka herbal supplements cure the bleeding caused by piles. You can also prepare a decoction using the bark of the tree to treat internal piles.

Inflammation:Decoction of the bark relieves from burning sensation and can be used as a wash. It also soothes inflammation externally and internally.

Uterus:The bark of this herbal tree is rich in ketosterol. It treats uterine fibroids and other internal fibroids as well. Hence it is considered as one of the common household remedy for uterine disorders. The mucosa of the uterus could be toned by powdered bark. Boil 2 tsp of bark powder in 2 glass of water till it is reduced to 1/4th. Filter it and take 30ml of this decoction 2 times a day

Fungal Infection:Ashoka tree bark is loaded with chloroform, methanol and other properties that treat bacterial and fungal infections

Complexion:Capsules produced from Ashoka tree are of great benefit for skin and overall complexion. In addition these tablets are consumed as natural supplement to treat irritations or burning sensations in the skin

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