HOW EFFECTIVE ARE YOUR LEADERS? PIVOTAL is a leader in executive search and assessment with a global footprint, local expertise, and extensive experience across numerous industries and WE MAKE FROM THE BESTWe will support you in answering these questions confidently, providing you with the acumen and awareness needed to make the right leadership decisions, at the right times. Our specialists in Executive Assessment and Development are able to accommodate and understand the needs and aptitude of each individual, in order to make the most of your potential and use your leadership skills to their greatest effect.The effectiveness of the leadership system in an organization determines the organizations performance, especially in volatile and uncertain business environments.functions. EXECUTIVE & LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESSWhen assessing leaders, the objective is to be able to identify those who can lead now, as well as those who have future leadership potential. This means identifying a leadership partner who works with a robust and customizable assessment methodology, an in-depth understanding of the science of leadership and, most importantly, is recognized for their expertise on leadership matters. At PIVOTAL we have assessed and delivered leadership talent, delivering high impact and sustainable results in organizational growth for more than 10 years, in around the world, and across the widest spectrum of industries and sectors.