Neurological disorder is any disorder of the body nervous system structural or abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord or other nerves. Neurological problem occurs when stress physically or mentally(psychological) the body suddenly changes its energy, genetically, nutrition related causes, physical injuries. StrokeAcquired Brain InjuryParkinsons DiseaseMultiple SclerosisMotor Neurone DiseaseHead InjurySpinal Cord InjuryCerebral PalsyOther Neurological conditions Damage to your central nervous system, including your brain and your spinal cord, means that the messages from your brain are not reaching the affected parts of your body. This can result in loss of movement and sensation, uncoordinated movement, weak and fluffy muscles, spasm and tremor. Neurological Physiotherapy is able to kick-start the message pathways that your brain is struggling to use, to make new pathways through repetitive actions and exercises. Many of our clients who undergo our specialised Physiotherapy can improve some of their symptoms such as, difficulties with loss of balance, loss of hand and arm, or leg and foot function, walking, spasticity and pain.