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Pest Control Services
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1 Services availableCockroaches are among the most common insect. They have been able to survive many changing environments over million of years. Their presence in nearly every part of the world. There are approximately 3500 species of cockroaches worldwide. Unfortunately, many of the same outstanding biological characteristics that make them so successful also make them one of the most difficult pest to control.
Cockroaches As Health Pest : Cockroaches produce odorous secretion from various parts of their bodies, and these secretion can affect the flavors of foods. Disease-producing organisms, such as bacteria , have been found on cockroaches bodies. Diseases transmitted by cockroaches are poisoning, nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery and other illnesses. The organism causing these diseases are carried on the legs and bodies of cockroaches and are deposited on food and utensils as cockroaches forge. Cockroaches excrement and cast skins also contain a number of allergens to which many people exhibit allergic responses, such as skin rashes, watery eyes and sneezing. For the most part however, cockroaches are associated with severe illness or disease outbreaks.
Inspection, Survey and Treatment : The primary goal of a Cockroach Inspection is to locate as many cockroach hiding places, or harborage, as possible , as a mean to determine necessary and proper insecticide treatments and other management activities. In many accounts, proper inspection includes preparation is a diagram of the indoor and outdoor areas where the program will be conducted. This diagram will include notes on all cockroach sightings, areas where frays was spotted , condition that conducive to cockroach presence, sanitation problem , location of sensitive areas, and treatment considerations. Night time inspection is another good technique that will occasionally be necessary in difficult situations. When the cockroach are normally out and forging night, whether indoor or outdoor, you can gain a much better idea of where they are harboring and traveling.
If Your Facing Problem of Any Pest Call Our Experts for Free Inspection
The word rodent means “to gnaw” Like all rodents, rats and mice possess a single pair of chisel-like incisor teeth that grow continuously throughout their lives. These incisors are kept filed and sharp primarily by the rodents grinding the incisors against one another, & secondarily by the rodents constantly gnawing on various objects. There are three species of commensal rodents that are of most concern to the pest management professional. 1. The House Mouse 2. The Norway Rat 3. The Roof Rat
Good Rodent control begins with good inspections. There are ten signs of rodents the professional can look smell or listen for during a rodent control inspection.
Control and Treatment for Rodents : Rodenticides are poisons that kill rodents .It is of utmost importance that the professional know and understand them and adhere strictly to label directions when using them. They can be divided into two categories :
If Your Facing Problem of Any Pest Call Our Experts for Free Inspection
Our sanitation services are offered in customized forms that are suitable for all types of interiors.We are the best service provider engaged in the domain. Our personnels are highly efficient in making judicious use of space. This helps us to be a leading name in the industry , we lay great emphasis on our well defined as well as strict recruitment procedures that help us to cater to diversified professional requirements of our clients through providing them trained security personnel.
The dragon of Komodo. In weight, they range from 5 ounces (140 g) to more than 250 pounds (113 kg). A number of lizards are shaped like toads with short tails, and others like snakes and worms. Most have well-defined heads and necks, elongated bodies, and tapering tails. Most lizards have four limbs, each ending in five clawed toes. Some have only vestiges (traces) of limbs in their skeletons. A typical lizard has a small, disc-shaped organ called the pineal body on top of its head. Nerve tissue extends from this organ to the brain. Research suggests that the pineal body helps regulate the lizard's biological clock.
Treatment : Controlling lizards is easy for us. First we should doing a spray in his hidden points around the house. Next we should set out some repellent granules or repellent spray and lastly, consider setting out lizard traps if they’re inside the home.
If Your Facing Problem of Any Pest Call Our Experts for Free Inspection
Mosquitoes create a health menace for humans, animals and birds. Diseases like Malaria. Dengue. Filariasis. Yellow Fever. Encephalitis etc. are mosquito borne. The problem due to mosquitoes increases as the human population increases. Opening of new colonies, townships and housing and industrial development bringing new habitat for the mosquitoes.
Treatment : Residual Insecticides Sprays are still generally effective for fly control outdoors, But localized population may have a problem with some of these insecticides. Outdoor application are carried out places where flies breed e.g. garbage dumps, manure pits and other places where there is moist filth. The rate of application can be increased on outdoor areas where breeding is heavy. Chemical Sprays with emulsion of Melathion, DDVP and Chlordane can be used to destroy flying house flies. Pest seal aerosol is refined aerial spray which can be used safely. The toxicants are released in the air with a propellant gas and there is little risk of contamination. Dining areas should be covered before spraying. Pet should be removed from the area before spraying and not allowed to return until the spray is dry. Chemical Management Techniques. The use of chemicals is, at best, a temporary expedient that should be limited to only those situations for which no other alternatives exist. in general. chemical control can be divided into two major operations. The first, larviciding is the most efficient and effective and should be the backbone of any good chemical program. The second, adulticiding is less efficient and as such should be used strictly for supplemental or emergency purposes. The detection of active transmission of mosquito borne disease is an example of such an emergency. Resistance can be a problem in mosquito control. especially when using some of the organophosphate compounds.
If Your Facing Problem of Any Pest Call Our Experts for Free Inspection
Termites are a group of asocial insects.While termites are commonly known, as “white ants, ” they are only distantly related to the ants. Termites divide labor among castes. Termites mostly feed on dead plant material, , generally in the form of wood, leaf litter, soil, or animal dung, and about 10 percent of the estimated 4, 000 species are economically significant as pests that can cause serious structural damage to buildings, crops or plantation forests. Termites are major detritivores, as asocial insects, termites live in colonies that, at maturity, number from several hundred to several million individuals. Subterranean termites are ground-inhabiting, social insects that live in colonies. A colony of subterranean termites may be up to 18-20 feet below the soil surface to protect it from extreme weather conditions. The mature termite colony has three castes: reproductive (king and queen), soldiers, and workers.
Termite Require Specific environment conditions to survive. Which are as follows :
There are few sign of possible termite inspection that you should keep an eye out for :
Termite Feeding Habits :Although termite feed on wood they actually rely microscopic organism called protozoa in their gut to digest the cellulose, the basic component of wood .colony workers who forge for food bring back to the nest where they secrete material from their mouth and an use to feed.
Killing/Blocking Termite :A family of chemicals approved for trenching and injection treatments are the pyrethroids .these insecticides repel termites so they act as a barrier Imidacloprid and CPP are two additional insecticides that control termite but are not repellents termite get the chemical on their bodies and carry it to the colony queen, once the insecticides kill the queen the entire colony dies.
Anti Termite Treatment for Post Construction :We provide warranty as per treatment plan taken by customer and depend upon feasibility of treatment.
Post Construction (1, 3 and 5 Years Warranty) :
Pre Construction (5 and 10 Years Warranty) :If you are planning to build a house or develop your property for building your office, termite control is the first thing you should think of. PEST CONTROL SOLUTIONS professional. We are using advanced techniques for treating the termite infestation problem and standardized method. In Pre Construction we have two options for treating termite infestation.
Traditional Method : In traditional method we are giving treatment in different stages. Which are Mentioned Below :
Pipe Method : Porous Pipe Method is latest method of treating termite infestation problem. Porous pipes is membrane through which pesticide, insecticide, and termiticides can be uniformly is charged into soil/sand and foundation of building. We can installed during Pre construction or renovation.
Advantages of Porous pipe are mentioned below :
If Your Facing Problem of Any Pest Call Our Experts for Free Inspection
Termite Life Cycle
Treatment In Soil