Our Products
Our offered Product range includes Cylindrical Metal Measure, Bitumen Penetrometer, Standard Penetrometer, Concrete Penetrometer and Liquid Limit Device.
This test covers determination of the density of freshly mixed concrete and gives formulas for calculating the yield, cement content, and air content of the concrete. Yield is defined as the volume of concrete produced from a mixture of known quantities of the component materials.
Bulk density is determined by filling a container of known volume and mass of concrete required to fill the container divided by the volume.
Made from thick walled Mild steel or cast aluminum. Stout and rigid to retain form and Precision machined for true measurements. Complete with handles for easy carriage. It comprises of set of two measures 20 liters & 10 liters.
The apparatus consist of a cast aluminum base with an iron stand on which moves an aluminum arm. A 6" dial is fixed on this arm and a brass chromium plated rod slide through the lower portion of the arm. A needle with weights is fitted to this rod. The dial is graduated from 0-400 in one tenth millimeter sub division. Supplied complete with adjustable needle holder, penetration needle sample container, transfer dish and weight of 50 gms.
Same as above but with automatic digital timer and electrical arrangement.
A depression is made in the sample by a needle of a definite weight, which is measured in tenths of a millimeter and expressed, as penetration number. A standard needle penetrates vertically under surcharge weight of 50 gm into a sample under test temperature at 250C for 5 seconds of duration. This test determines the consistency and thereby the grade of the bitumen.
The apparatus is available in two versions, Hand operated and Electrically operated with automatic timer. The apparatus consist of a cast aluminum base with an iron stand on which moves an aluminum arm. A 6" dial is fixed on this arm and a brass chromium plated rod slide through the lower portion of the arm. A needle with weights is fitted to this rod. The dial is graduated from 0-400 in one tenth millimeter sub division. Supplied complete with adjustable needle holder, penetration needle, sample container, transfer dish and weight of 50 gm.
The Automatic model is supplied with automatic digital timer and electrical arrangement to carry out the test without need of stop watch and with great ease and accuracy, even by a layman.
The following accessories and consumables are not part of the standard supply and are supplied at an extra cost
The above Instrument with some modification can also be used for testing of Grease / soil / food products and other similar materials for penetration test. The brass cone is used in place of needle for penetration. Variety of accessories is available for different application. Price and details on request.
This test is used to determine the elapsed time between batching of a concrete sample and when it is deemed by standard methods to have set. The method involves measuring the penetration resistance of a test sample, which has had coarse particles removed at periodic intervals. It is particularly useful, in determining the effect on setting time of admixtures in the concrete, where these may have been introduced specifically to increase the setting time.
It consists of cylindrical spring housing with a plunger attached to the top of the spring. Penetration needle is attached to the other end of the spring housing. The plunger is graduated in 1 kg divisions, to a maximum capacity of 60kg, which can be read with respect to the top end of the spring housing. A set of six needle points with areas of 645, 323, 161, 65, 32 and 16mm2 are provided. Supplied complete in a wooden carrying case
Consists of a needle having face area 3/10 sq.cm. and graduated at a distance of 25mm. The needles point is an integral part of barrel which houses a calibrated spring. The spring is confined in a sleeve. The resistance offered by the concrete mortar is shown on the direct reading scale with a marker ring which holds its position when released. Scale range is 0-50 kg/cm2 when the penetration resistance reaches a value of 35kg/cm2 the concrete is assumed initially set. Supplied complete in a leather carrying case. AS PER ASTM C-403
With consists of a brass cup held on an adjustable bracket. The bowl can be adjusted for a fall raised & dropped on a rubber of standard hardness by cam action. Complete with one casagrande grooving tool, one ASTM grooving tools and a height gauge block. Hand operated, with counter. As per IS: 2720 (Part-V), IS : 9259, BS : 1377, AS : 89
With consists of a brass cup held on an adjustable bracket. The bowl can be adjusted for a fall raised & dropped on a rubber of standard hardness by cam action. Complete with one casagrande-grooving tool, one ASTM grooving tools and a height gauge block. With counter. Fitted with a motor geared down to give approximately 120 RPM. Suitable for operation on 230 Volts, single phase, 50 cycles, A.C. supply.
The unit consists of a pressure vessel with clamp for sealing cap, rubber sealing gasket, pressure gauge calibrated in percentage moisture content 0-25% X 1% on the wet weight basis, a counter poised balance for weighing sample, a scoop for measuring carbide reagent, a bottle of reagent, one cleaning brush and a set of 4 steel balls (3 OF 12.5MM AND 1 OF 25MM DIA) for thorough mixing. Complete in highly polished wooden carrying case with handle. AS PER IS : 2720(PART II)
Same as above but Deluxe Model with 150mm dia and horizontal pace readout moisture gauge.